Personal Books on more than 1 computer???

On creating personal books this is the situation I have.
I have Logos 4 installed on my Mac and I created my personal books ".docx files" in MSWord for Mac. I did a build on each file and they worked fine on my Mac where I originally created them.
I have Logos 4 installed on my office PC also. But when trying to view my personal books this following error comes up: "You don't have a license to view this resource, but you could ...
Resource Id: PBBf4ae6a90a11e452184c67541970f8291"
When doing a search, this error is no where to be found???
I tried to search this out on the forum but found some things people said to try ... example, upload files to dropbox and then rebuild the personal books on the other computer. It's not working. What do I need to do?
So now the files are in the Personal Books section but they do not build. There are now three of the same personal book files listed but they will not work on the 2nd computer.
Another question is, how do I delete these double and some triple files?
Thanks for any help.
Hello James,
welcome to the forums!
James Willoughby said:What do I need to do?
Basically you need to transfer the docx-file, since it is not (yet) synchronized by Logos, only the books metadata.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Ok I am not sure what I need to do? I thought I did transfer them. Transfer where and how? Thank you so much. And how do I delete these doubled up files?
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James Willoughby said:
Ok I am not sure what I need to do? I thought I did transfer them. Transfer where and how? Thank you so much. And how do I delete these doubled up files?
I think there must be something on the wiki, but as you already located the dropbox threads, you'll know that the problem is that Logos saves the path to the book according to the OS it sits on, which looks different. Most easy for starters would be to transfer it via USB stick onto the other machine. Then you go into the PB tool and Edit the book, delete the existing entry to the docx-file and add the docx file you transfered. Build the book -> voila.
Note that you'll have to do this again if you want to change the content of the book.
Deleting: right click and delete should work. Otherwise hide them and restart Logos.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Hi James - and welcome to the forums.
The way Personal Books work at the moment is that the metadata associated with the books (author, title, etc) is synchronised between computers but the actual contents are not. So to have PBs accessible on multiple computers they need to be compiled on each one.
Try following the approach below:
- Take one of the .docx files from your Mac to your PC.
- Modify the "Body Files" detail so that it correctly points to this document on the PC
- Press the "Build Book" button
If that doesn't work, please let us know.
In terms of deleting PBs:
- to delete a PB entry from the "Personal Books" tool, right-click on the entry and select the Delete option
- to remove a compiled PB from your library, you need to use the "Hide Resources" approach -
Hope this helps
Edit: Mick entered his post while I was typing mine - apologies for the duplication
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Looks like it worked, thanks so much
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Thanks again , to both of you.
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You're welcome, James
Glad you now have it working
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Other option is copying compiled pbb files from one Logos 4 installation, then scan in other Logos 4 installation(s).
- Build Personal Book (PB) in one Logos 4 installation
- Sync to Logos servers
- Copy compiled lbspbb file(s) from Resources folder to USB or Dropbox or ...
- Switch to different Logos 4 installation
- Sync with Logos servers
- Use command: scan <path> where <path> has folder containing lbspbb file(s) on USB or Dropbox or ...
- Restart Logos 4
- Resource discovery should copy lbspbb file(s) with scan <path> to Resources folder then index PB's
Copy and scanning lbspbb file(s) avoids having to change path to docx for building on different platforms, then build.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Ok, now I go into my laptop [the original Mac computer] that I created the initial personal books and I cannot view them. What am I doing wrong? I can see them on my second compter [office desktop which is a windows drive PC].
On my PC - Windows OS
I deleted the personal book files as suggested, added the same docx files on my PC, did a build on them and they worked.
On my hone laptop - Mac OS
When I went home, I tried to view my personal books on my Mac and up comes an error. I cannot see them. When I try and build them again. Error.
What is the problem? What am I missing?
Thanks for any help,
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James Willoughby said:
On my hone laptop - Mac OS
When I went home, I tried to view my personal books on my Mac and up comes an error. I cannot see them. When I try and build them again. Error.
What is the problem? What am I missing?
Curious about Logos 4 Mac version and error ?
Sounds similar to thread => BUG: 4.5 Beta 5 Personal Book Build Error on Mac
Personally have learned building on PC, then copying lbspbb file, followed by scan on Mac works (complete set of steps posted earlier in this thread).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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The idea behind and advantage of Logos is a cloud capability. We compose notes and they are carried to our other platforms via the "cloud". Why do we have to use "sneaker and thumbdrive LAN" with our personal books? That is pretty backwards.
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Jeff O'Neal said:
The idea behind and advantage of Logos is a cloud capability. We compose notes and they are carried to our other platforms via the "cloud". Why do we have to use "sneaker and thumbdrive LAN" with our personal books? That is pretty backwards.
Thread => Personal Book, on second computer says I don't have unlicense includes a reply from a Logos developer on 15 Mar 2012:
Bradley Grainger (Logos) said:Syncing of compiled Personal Books is planned for a future release.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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OK, then, on Mac I have figured out how to do this: I have figured out how to get my time-intensive compiled PBB books backed up (Mac 10.8.2) and copied over and recognized in Logos on my second mac following this procedure...they did not make it easy at Logos:
copy lbspbb files from Resource folder on one mac to the other mac, ... These files are in the mac hidden folder Library under application support/Logos 4/ Data/ Resource Manager/ Resources and end with "lbspbb" -search to only show this type to get personal books to copy into other machine to the same folder. (The hidden Library folder in 10.8 is shown by opening finder and clicking on "go" and then holding the "opt" key to show the hidden system folder.)
I then had trouble making the new computer see the files. Tech support level two told me how to force it to rebuild the default storage location index by closing Logos and then going to this folder: Library under application support/Logos 4/ Data/4ai5atbt.90.u/Resource Manager/
Here there is a file called "ResourceManager.db" which they had me delete. This forced the Logos program to rebuild its default resource database and my new .bspbb personal books all showed up when I next opened Logos! )
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Here is your answer...I just did it! I have figured out how to get my time-intensive compiled PBB books backed up (Mac 10.8.2) and copied over and recognized in Logos on my second mac following this procedure...they did not make it easy at Logos:
copy lbspbb files from Resource folder on one mac to the other mac, ... These files are in the mac hidden folder Library under application support/Logos 4/ Data/ Resource Manager/ Resources and end with "lbspbb" -search to only show this type to get personal books to copy into other machine to the same folder. (The hidden Library folder in 10.8 is shown by opening finder and clicking on "go" and then holding the "opt" key to show the hidden system folder.)
I then had trouble making the new computer see the files. Tech support level two told me how to force it to rebuild the default storage location index by closing Logos and then going to this folder: Library under application support/Logos 4/ Data/4ai5atbt.90.u/Resource Manager/
Here there is a file called "ResourceManager.db" which they had me delete. This forced the Logos program to rebuild its default resource database and my new .bspbb personal books all showed up when I next opened Logos! )
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Here is an easier way on Mac, would be same concepts on Windows: ie no need to rebuild books to get onto a different computer!
I have figured out how to get my time-intensive compiled PBB books backed up (Mac 10.8.2) and copied over and recognized in Logos on my second mac following this procedure...they did not make it easy at Logos:copy lbspbb files from Resource folder on one mac to the other mac, ... These files are in the mac hidden folder Library under application support/Logos 4/ Data/ Resource Manager/ Resources and end with "lbspbb" -search to only show this type to get personal books to copy into other machine to the same folder. (The hidden Library folder in 10.8 is shown by opening finder and clicking on "go" and then holding the "opt" key to show the hidden system folder.)
I then had trouble making the new computer see the files. Tech support level two told me how to force it to rebuild the default storage location index by closing Logos and then going to this folder: Library under application support/Logos 4/ Data/4ai5atbt.90.u/Resource Manager/
Here there is a file called "ResourceManager.db" which they had me delete. This forced the Logos program to rebuild its default resource database and my new .bspbb personal books all showed up when I next opened Logos! )
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Other option is copying compiled pbb files from one Logos 4 installation, then scan in other Logos 4 installation(s).
- Build Personal Book (PB) in one Logos 4 installation
- Sync to Logos servers
- Copy compiled lbspbb file(s) from Resources folder to USB or Dropbox or ...
- Switch to different Logos 4 installation
- Sync with Logos servers
- Use command: scan <path> where <path> has folder containing lbspbb file(s) on USB or Dropbox or ...
- Restart Logos 4
- Resource discovery should copy lbspbb file(s) with scan <path> to Resources folder then index PB's
Copy and scanning lbspbb file(s) avoids having to change path to docx for building on different platforms, then build.
Keep Smiling
Does it still work to scan in PBB's from computer A to computer B?
I once was saved by doing this, but now am lost.
Logos recognizes the command and path as valid, and then nothing happens.
Then, nothing continues to happen.
I apologize if there is a more recent thread on this topic--seems like there is but I haven't yet found it.
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Did you remember to restart?
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Gao Lu said:
Does it still work to scan in PBB's from computer A to computer B?
Yes. FYI: can check metadata sync between computers using Tools => Personal Books
Gao Lu said:Logos recognizes the command and path as valid, and then nothing happens.
After scan command and path is entered, need to restart Logos (or Verbum)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Wish I had thought of that. Restarting did the trick!
That is what friends are for. Thanks very much!
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[:$]I once was blind, but now I see.[:$]