Problem: IOS 2.0.2 / 4.5a Beta 3 ( PC to ITOUCH still not syncing
Yes. I have been monitoring your problem as well. Tom has the same problem with a large file that does not sync from the desktop. I don't believe that he has multiple files on the desktop, but he is using a Mac so it is slightly different. My problem remains unchanged - it is still a problem exactly as before.
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Danny is correct, I am using a Mac and it isn't creating multiple files. I just ran a test and my notes created on my iPad are showing up on my Mac now!!! So, we're making progress. Here's what I know so far:
Mac -> iPhone / iPad: Nothing syncing
iPad -> Mac: Notes syncing, highlights not
iPad -> iPhone: Nothing syncing
I'm running a test now to see if the iPad app exits after an hour.
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My status:
I let my ITouch run over night. It continues to crash after an extended period of time (an hour?).
Thus, the Itouch still does not receive the highlights from the PC.The notes I make on the ITouch do sync to the PC (as it did before). I am doing further tests, but it looks like these highlights are now syncing to the right file on the PC rather than to duplicated files. If so, this is an improvement.
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I can confirm that the iPad app still exit after an hour
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Confirmed that the mobile media highlights are now appearing in the proper file when synced to the PC.
Still no syncing from PC to mobile media.
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Fresh news. Syncing is now working from the PC to the ITouch for new highlights that are in at least one of my highlight files. It appears that only one file is syncing. But at least it is one.
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I've done a little more digging. I stopped all of the running apps, stopped mail from retrieving, etc. Cleared the iPad Console and launched the Logos app. Collected the log files for the hour - until it exited - and am uploading them below. It looks like it's complaining about having low memory - even though there are no other apps running.
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Another highlight file from the desktop is now syncing to my mobile device.
Notes from the PC still do not show up. Nor does the very large file. LOGOS on IOS still exits after about an hour.
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Kevin Byford said:
Hi Tom,
Sorry about the delay in responding.
There have been some internal updates this week and highlights should now sync properly to your Desktop from those mobile devices capable of creating highlights/notes (which I assume you are using!). Syncing won't happen instantly, but should complete within a few minutes.
Please let me know if this isn't the case or if you experience any further problems. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
I just let todays updates come in to both my Mac and PC. now that those are finished, I tried to see how my set up is working...
my PC, Iphone, and Ipad all sync with each other very quickly, but nothing will sync with my mac nor will my mac sync with anything... it is funny how we all have a similar issue, yet totally different non syncing devices.
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Rev. Kelly Todd said:
I just let todays updates come in to both my Mac and PC. now that those are finished, I tried to see how my set up is working...
my PC, Iphone, and Ipad all sync with each other very quickly, but nothing will sync with my mac nor will my mac sync with anything... it is funny how we all have a similar issue, yet totally different non syncing devices.
A further update, I went over to church, got my 3rd gen itouch, and everything came over from the other idevices, and the pc, and when I made a highlight on the touch, it went to the other devices as well, except that not all of the symbols are coming across such as the x or ! but nothing is going to or from my Mac...
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I now am seeing my notes from some of my PC files. I feel like the blind man who is healed in phases.
I updated my PC with the latest upgrade, but I don't know if that is what is making the difference, or if with each sync more of my files are able to be synced. Some of the highlights had started appearing prior ot the update. I wonder if something has been fixed that allows the sync to proceed further each time it is run - even though the IOS Logos eventually crashes.
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Danny Parker said:
I now am seeing my notes from some of my PC files. I feel like the blind man who is healed in phases.
Danny, at least you are being healed! LOL
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I'm still not seeing any highlights on my iPad 1. Maybe I've too much highlights or the iPad 1 is just slow.
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The bulk of my highlights are in a large file on my PC. These highlights are not showing up. Only the highlights from the smaller ones show - even they did not show at first. But there is still a problem here.
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I have a similar problem, except that it takes a good 5 minutes before any of my notes appear. Seccondly, if I open a note, and try to close it after I read it, the app completely freezes up. This forces me to close it and re-start it again.
Once I have done that, I have to wait another 5 minutes to see my notes finally loade up again. The process repeats itself over and over again.
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Joseph Luna said:
I have a similar problem, except that it takes a good 5 minutes before any of my notes appear.
Do you mean to say that
- it takes 5 minutes for a note to sync from your desktop to your iPad, OR
- once you open the app, it takes 5 minutes to see that you have notes
Joseph Luna said:Seccondly, if I open a note, and try to close it after I read it, the app completely freezes up. This forces me to close it and re-start it again.
What are the specs on your iPad?
- What OS are you running?
- Have you made any modifications to the OS, or is it stock?
- How big is your storage space & how much is available/free?
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It sounds like I need to install Logos on a PC to get the notes / highlighting (small files) onto my iDevices, yes?
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Tom Gindrup said:
It sounds like I need to install Logos on a PC to get the notes / highlighting (small files) onto my iDevices, yes?
I am unsure what you are asking. Didn't you have Logos on a computer already anyway?
[EDIT: I revisited one of your older posts… You are on Mac (as am I) and are asking specifically about the PC version. Personally, I don't think your issue has anything to do with the Mac version and don't believe that installing on the PC will make any difference. It wouldn't hurt, however, if you decided you wanted to try.]
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alabama24 said:
[EDIT: I revisited one of your older posts… You are on Mac (as am I) and are asking specifically about the PC version. Personally, I don't think your issue has anything to do with the Mac version and don't believe that installing on the PC will make any difference. It wouldn't hurt, however, if you decided you wanted to try.]
You beat me to it! Yes, I'm on a Mac. Thanks for the input.
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Rev. Kelly Todd said:
nothing is going to or from my Mac...
Kelly - What version of Logos for Mac are you running?
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alabama24 said:
What version are you running?
4.5a Beta 5 ( (Update Channel: beta) - Scholar's Gold (KF)
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Tom - re-reading Kelly's post makes me wonder about you installing the PC version. I still am skeptical, but if I were you I would be anxious to "do something" as well. I am interested, however, to see if Kelly is on beta channel as well (I think he is).
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alabama24 said:
but if I were you I would be anxious to "do something" as well
I am - even considered dumping all of my highlights and starting over. I'm holding on to what I've got until I hear from Logos whether or not my file(s) would be useful to them in debugging the problem.
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Tom - Do I remember that you are a programmer? One thought, but I would be careful about it, would be to load L4 onto your PC to see if that does the trick. If not, you could turn syncing off on the PC (to keep a copy of your notes) and delete the ones from your Mac to see if you can get syncing to work. I would be very cautious about this… Maybe one of the more techie users can lend some advice. One of my concerns is that if my suggestion doesn't work, that when you turn syncing back on the PC, it might go ahead and erase the notes anyway.
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Yes... you are correct. I code for food.
Not a bad idea. Is there anyone from Logos that could weigh in and let us know if this would work / cause more problems before I dive in?
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Tom Gindrup said:
Is there anyone from Logos that could weigh in and let us know if this would work / cause more problems before I dive in?
I sent a quick note. Hopefully it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.
Tom Gindrup said:I code for food.
Do I remember right, that you work on the iOS side? Do you freelance, or do you have an employer (no need to get specific, just curious). By the way, Logos is hiring! [:D]
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Alabama, it is 4.0b SR-2 (
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I'm a freelance programmer and yes I work (mainly) on iOS. I'd LOVE to work at Logos, but I'm a volunteer youth pastor at our church and would hate to leave my kids - they really are a great bunch! AFAIK working for Logos means relocating to WA or AZ
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Alabama, I also on the beta channel on the PC if that makes any difference.
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Rev. Kelly Todd said:
Alabama, it is 4.0b SR-2 (
Notes/highlighting will no longer sync to 4.0. You must update to 4.5.
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Thank you Alabama. I saw your post last night, and I saw that mac was trying to DL an update. but after several closings of the program and restarting it, it still continues to tell me that it wants to DL something. I have it hard wired to the internet so that it always has access, but it still does not update beyond Mac 4.10.xxxx so my question is how can I force it to get the update and get it installed... short of deleting the program and re-installing it since Mac's are notorious for making uninstalls hard. thanks for your help
alabama24 said:0 -
Sorry if this has already been covered... But is anyone having success with custom images showing up in highlighting on their iOS device? My basic/stock highlighting shows up fine, but no custom images.
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in addition Alabama, I have auto updates enabled.
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Rev. Kelly Todd said:
in addition Alabama, I have auto updates enabled.
Kelly - Have you tried downloading the app manually? You can do so HERE. That link is always the latest stable version. If you have problems in the future, there will generally be a thread tacked to the top of the Mac forum like this one:
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I didn't realize that it was there Alabama. I looked for this last night, but to no avail. I guess I was just looking in all of the wrong places! Will let you know how this works. Thank you,
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Hope it works for you!
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alabama24 said:
Hope it works for you!
Thank you Alabama, yes it did work. I would have tried it earlier had I been able to find it, but your link was the key. Now everything seems to be sinking just fine.
Thank you for all of your help.
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Glad to help, and glad it works! [:)]
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Now that many of the bugs with syncing are taken care of, I thought I would inquire about the large file issue again. Is this still viewed as an outstanding problem that is being worked on. If so, I will go back to sleep and wait on a fix. If not, I need to tear apart my large highlighting file (I am not adding to it). I am assuming that a fix in still in progress, but just looking to confirm this.
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Danny Parker said:
Now that many of the bugs with syncing are taken care of, I thought I would inquire about the large file issue again. Is this still viewed as an outstanding problem that is being worked on. If so, I will go back to sleep and wait on a fix. If not, I need to tear apart my large highlighting file (I am not adding to it). I am assuming that a fix in still in progress, but just looking to confirm this.
Hi Danny,
Syncing of large Note/Highlighting files should be in the next released iOS version. If we release 2.0.3 (which is uncertain at this point) is should be fixed there; if 2.1.0 is the next released version it should be fixed there as well.
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Thanks Kevin for the update! [:)]
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Yes! Thank you
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Thanks for the timely response and the timely fix. I will go back to sleep now. Great job! Great customer service! Just love the new features for mobile devices.
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Several users were having difficulties syncing notes files to thier mobile app? At the time, we thought it might be because of large note files. If you are still having troubles, could you give an update in this new thread?
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