OSX 10.8



  • Fernando A Gonzalez
    Fernando A Gonzalez Member Posts: 401 ✭✭

    All I want is for Logos 4.8 to be compatible with OSX 10.9

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    All I want is for Logos 4.8 to be compatible with OSX 10.9

    All I want is for Logos 4.8 Logos 5 to be compatible with OSX 10.9. [:)]

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Mitchell
    Mitchell Member Posts: 454 ✭✭

    Hey, saw this link on Twitter and it seemed relevant to this discussion.

    How to get Mountain Lion to work in VMware: either don't instal the VMware Tools, or follow these instructions.


  • R. Mansfield
    R. Mansfield Member Posts: 629 ✭✭✭

    That's for running Mountain Lion as a virtual machine in VMWare. There's not a solution yet for running VMWare from within Mountain Lion, which is my issue.

    Interestingly, I've now run across a third program that won't run in Mountain Lion--the Mac version of WORDsearch.

  • Timothy Beining
    Timothy Beining Member Posts: 186 ✭✭

    Interestingly, I've now run across a third program that won't run in Mountain Lion--the Mac version of WORDsearch.

    But then again WORDsearch doesn't run very good on Windows anymore either. It has become a real piece of junk in the past 3 or 4 years.


  • Fernando A Gonzalez
    Fernando A Gonzalez Member Posts: 401 ✭✭

    alabama24 said:

    All I want is for Logos 4.8 Logos 5 to be compatible with OSX 10.9. Smile

    All I want is for Logos 4.8 Logos 5 to be compatible with OSX 10.9 OSX 11. [;)]

  • Bob Deacon
    Bob Deacon Member Posts: 648 ✭✭

    The Mac version of Wordsearch has NEVER worked for me. I have called numerous times but I did notice that Wordsearch 10 DOES NOT have a Mac version unless I missed it on their web page.

    Bob Deacon

    Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)

    Windows 11 inside edition 

    Samsung S23

  • Mark Allison
    Mark Allison Member Posts: 767 ✭✭✭

    WordSearch works great on Mountain Lion, you just need to install X11, which has been removed in the latest release. You can download it here: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki/X112.3.0

  • R. Mansfield
    R. Mansfield Member Posts: 629 ✭✭✭

    The Mac version of Wordsearch has NEVER worked for me. I have called numerous times but I did notice that Wordsearch 10 DOES NOT have a Mac version unless I missed it on their web page.

    It's coming. 

    WordSearch works great on Mountain Lion, you just need to install X11, which has been removed in the latest release. You can download it here: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki/X112.3.0

    Ah--that worked. Thanks, Mark. That now just leaves Logos and VMWare not running in Mountain Lion. Hopefully the fix for them will be just as easy.

  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    WordSearch works great on Mountain Lion, you just need to install X11, which has been removed in the latest release. You can download it here: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki/X112.3.0

    A true native mac version might be out there sooner than later since there is now an iPad version. I don't own an iPad yet so no chance to get my word search volumes in an Apple environment.



    PS: x11 works but it is basically windows running in mac…. didn't care for it at all.

  • Jeffrey S. Robison
    Jeffrey S. Robison Member Posts: 228 ✭✭

    Just wanted to throw my 2 pennies into the fray. I am a registered Apple Developer. I regularly test softwares that are in alpha, beta, and RC status. If you are dev with proper access to the releases and not just downloading because you "need" the latest and greatest, then you know better than to complain about compatibility on the first, second, or.... whatever-th day of dev preview software. The proper place for those discussions are over on the Apple Dev forums. The title of the threads here should simply be informational, they should read, "L4 not compatible with 10.8 yet."

    L4 does not run on my Mountain Lion box either... yet. This is a problem that someone brilliant at Logos or someone brilliant at Apple will fix shortly. 10.8 is not "open beta" software. It is a dev preview for Apple Developers to get their products ready for the release. If you are not a dev, or do not understand the dev process, and continue to install dev releases on your main (production) machine(s), you should expect much frustration and heartache.

    An analogy that I use sometimes with clients and friends in regard to technology is this:

    You know what happens to people who like to live on the cutting edge? 

    You bleed a lot.

    I wish the L4 and Apple devs Godspeed with Mountain Lion. Blessings to all and I hope you don't have to many problems rolling back Mountain Lion if you have to. 

    I also will let you know if I make any progress on my dev box.

  • R. Mansfield
    R. Mansfield Member Posts: 629 ✭✭✭

    Just wanted to throw my 2 pennies into the fray. I am a registered Apple Developer. I regularly test softwares that are in alpha, beta, and RC status. If you are dev with proper access to the releases and not just downloading because you "need" the latest and greatest, then you know better than to complain about compatibility on the first, second, or.... whatever-th day of dev preview software. The proper place for those discussions are over on the Apple Dev forums. The title of the threads here should simply be informational, they should read, "L4 not compatible with 10.8 yet."

    No offense, but I think comments like the above are just used to shut down conversation. The message that the beta belongs only to developers and that this isn't the proper place to discuss it is nonsense. 

    Perhaps developers don't like the fact that they pay $99 a year for access to betas and then Apple turns around and gives it away for free to those in the AppleSeed program. But let me repeat it again: the current OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion beta is intended for testing by more than just developers. Apple allowed others of us--who are not developers--to have it, too. I know the risks of beta software--especially beta operating systems--going in. The risk incurred is my own, and it will be my responsibility if there's a problem. But don't sit there and tell me that I'm not the person to be running Mountain Lion when Apple invited me to run it.

    I have not "complained" that Logos 4.5.x doesn't run in Mountain Lion; I merely reported my experience that it doesn't run. There were no complaints. The proper place for such discussions is not merely the developer forums, which I don't have access to. I do have access to the AppleSeed forums, but honestly, I don't know if anyone in those forums would care about Bible software. There's much more interest here, and the Logos devs obviously read these forums. 

    Moreover, if I did not have access to the beta to test such things out for myself, this is the place where I might look out of curiosity. Thus, I believe the conversation is perfectly appropriate here. 

    Access to the beta and discussion about it are not the exclusive domain of one particular group. Let's quit all this nonsense of saying, "That's not for you; it's for us, so you shouldn't be talking about it here."

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭

    Access to the beta and discussion about it are not the exclusive domain of one particular group. Let's quit all this nonsense of saying, "That's not for you; it's for us, so you shouldn't be talking about it here."

    Actually, I believe that both the Appleseed and the Developers disclosure agreement forbid the public discussion of pre-release software outside of the Apple forums. I do know that when Lion was introduced in the Appleseed program that those within the Appleseed program were expressly forbidden from indicating their inclusion in the program.

    I would double check the latest confidentiality agreement...

  • R. Mansfield
    R. Mansfield Member Posts: 629 ✭✭✭

    Jonathan said:

    Actually, I believe that both the Appleseed and the Developers disclosure agreement forbid the public discussion of pre-release software outside of the Apple forums. I do know that when Lion was introduced in the Appleseed program that those within the Appleseed program were expressly forbidden from indicating their inclusion in the program.

    I would double check the latest confidentiality agreement...

    More attempts to squelch discussion? Wow. This stuff really amazes me.

    I've discussed nothing about Mountain Lion that's not public knowledge at this point, and I didn't start this thread. 

    There's no "First Rule of Fight Club" kind of clause in the AppleSeed agreement stating I am not allowed to say that I'm in it.

    If you want, you can read the agreement for yourself. I did not have to be signed in to access this PDF, so it's freely available:  https://appleseed.apple.com/agreements/GlobalCSCA110111.pdf

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭

     Wow. This stuff really amazes me.

    I, up until you mentioned Appleseed, was completely unaware of the program. When I ran a google search on "appleseed pre-release" the first article I read stated that the "first rule of Appleseed" was not to talk about appleseed. I didn't mean to upset you, was simply relaying what I read elsewhere.

  • R. Mansfield
    R. Mansfield Member Posts: 629 ✭✭✭

    Jonathan said:

    I, up until you mentioned Appleseed, was completely unaware of the program. When I ran a google search on "appleseed pre-release" the first article I read stated that the "first rule of Appleseed" was not to talk about appleseed. I didn't mean to upset you, was simply relaying what I read elsewhere.

    Brother, I assure you that I'm not upset. I continue to be amazed, though, at the defensiveness some Logos users have at any perceived criticism of the program (and again, I'll remind everyone that I've not criticized Logos in this thread, but have stated that the fact that it doesn't run in ML is neither good, nor bad, and no reflection against the developers) to the point that (as I've witnessed over and over on more threads than this one) these users often try to cut off any such perceived negative discussion entirely by any means possible. I'm not accusing you of being one of these folks, Jonathan, but folks like this who are out there really ought to lighten up. 

    As to the so-called "first rule of AppleSeed" issues, if I'm correct, you're referring to the Ars technica article about the AppleSeed program. That statement about not talking about the program is exaggerated as anyone can see by reading the actual confidentiality agreement.  

    If there was a new feature in Mountain Lion that had not been widely discussed, or a major vulnerability in the OS, I would not be allowed to discuss it outside the Appleseed forums. I am certainly allowed to discuss the OS in general as even Apple now has a portion of its website dedicated to it.

    Really, I've said very little here other than mentioning three (now actually two) programs that weren't running in it, which again, is helpful to know by all who would have interest in knowing.

  • Jeffrey S. Robison
    Jeffrey S. Robison Member Posts: 228 ✭✭

    Jonathan said:

    Actually, I believe that both the Appleseed and the Developers disclosure agreement forbid the public discussion of pre-release software outside of the Apple forums. I do know that when Lion was introduced in the Appleseed program that those within the Appleseed program were expressly forbidden from indicating their inclusion in the program.

    I would double check the latest confidentiality agreement...

    I believe that you are correct. That is why I choose to discuss the logs and issues that I am aware of in the Apple Dev forums.

    I apologize if any of you think that I am trying to "shut down" any conversation. If you were to read the Dev agreement, you would see why the L4 devs rarely if ever have much to say about the "pre-release" software.

    The only point that I was trying to make is this:

    If you use pre-release software in any stage, expect bugs, glitches, crashes, and even the catastrophic failure of the app. Expect to have to reinstall and reinstall.

    When that happens, I smile and understand that it is all part of the process.

    Apple Developers are permitted to add people to the team for "our" apps for the testing of apps. But not for Apple's prerelease software. Don't expect much help from any Apple Devs in this forum on this subject. That is not saying, [quote]"That's not for you; it's for us, so you shouldn't be talking about it here."

    It is saying, "This is theirs. We cannot talk about it here." We have an agreement with Apple. But you can discuss it all that you would like. 
    I mean no offense to anyone, I love my Logos Software. I pastor a small church. I use the money I make as a "hired gun" to pay for my gadgets, tools, and tech toys. Were it not for the programs like Apple's Developers Program, I probably would not be able to afford the wonderful resources that L4 provides. I only jumped in because I feel for those who have "broken" their install of Logos. I know how tough it is to do without after you have become accustomed to using it. I would encourage those who would be "Logos crippled" by the use of pre-release software to stick with stable releases. If you like to play with the new stuff as much as I do, get a spare machine that is not critical and have a blast. That way you can keep on using the tools that you need without interruption. That is what I do.
    I truly and sincerely apologize if I offended anyone or created any kind of us/them thoughts. That was not my intention. As my brothers and sisters in Christ, please forgive me. I hope that those with unusable installs are able to rectify that quickly with no loss of data.
  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    RevT said:

    Interestingly, I've now run across a third program that won't run in Mountain Lion--the Mac version of WORDsearch.

    But then again WORDsearch doesn't run very good on Windows anymore either. It has become a real piece of junk in the past 3 or 4 years.


    the Mac version of WordSearch is not a Mac version at all but a Windows version wrapped in a Virtual environment running on top of OS X. The Windows version runs quite well on my machine so I 'm sure what you'r having problems with Tim. I also have little or no problem with the Logos windows version either. Both are rock solid apps.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association


  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    Brother, I assure you that I'm not upset. I continue to be amazed, though, at the defensiveness some Logos users have at any perceived criticism of the program

    Just like the Mac v. Windows holy war. If you ever criticize one you are a lacky and fanboy of the other. Same with Android v. iOS. I've been called a fanboy of both and a hater of both because I've pointed out weaknesses in both.

    I love Logos software but see a lot of rooms for improvement. But Rick you are correct that if you criticize Logos on these forums you will be met with a barrage of people saying that you are unfair and pointing out why Logos doesn't deserve the criticism you have leveled. Interestingly I have seen in the last few months people who used to criticize me for criticizing have now criticized Logos. There is an interesting current of urnest among even some of the of most faithful Logos apologists in recent months.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association


  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,783

    you are correct that if you criticize Logos on these forums you will be met with a barrage of people saying that you are unfair and pointing out why Logos doesn't deserve the criticism you have leveled.

    I agree. Honestly, some of the rebuttals to any critique reminds me of the IRCbots that just churn automated responses. I have wondered more than once if people just copy and paste. One can't help but remember better times on the old USENET style newsgroups that Logos used to run.

    The truth of the matter is that the transition from Snow Leopard to Lion was less than easy when it came to Logos.  After Lion had been out for a while, I raised this as a point of frustration on these forums and was met by a range of reasons why I shouldn't be dismayed. Based on this experience I do think any concerns about moving to Mountain Lion are valid and should be considered.

    Regardless, I don't have a dog in this fight because I don't rely on Logos anymore for critical activities.  I think extensive testing would benefit the interests of those that do though.


  • Timothy Beining
    Timothy Beining Member Posts: 186 ✭✭

    the Mac version of WordSearch is not a Mac version at all but a Windows version wrapped in a Virtual environment running on top of OS X. The Windows version runs quite well on my machine so I 'm sure what you'r having problems with Tim. I also have little or no problem with the Logos windows version either. Both are rock solid apps.


    Kevin, I am very much aware that WORDsearch for Mac is not a native Mac program. 

    WORDsearch is about as solid as sand and getting closer to as solid as water with each new release.

    Also there is an old saying that goes something like "One man's junk is another man's treasure." I am glad to be rid of the WORDsearch junk and I am glad you find it to be a treasure. Makes us both happy that way.

    Just my humble opinion.[;)]

  • Fr. Charles R. Matheny
    Fr. Charles R. Matheny Member Posts: 757 ✭✭

    Well stated Kevin, very nicely done with honesty and integrity -well done indeed.

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    Well stated Kevin, very nicely done with honesty and integrity -well done indeed.

    Thank you, Father.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association


  • Steve Jones
    Steve Jones Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    You have summarized well what I've been feeling for the last 18 + months. 

  • R. Mansfield
    R. Mansfield Member Posts: 629 ✭✭✭

    Just for sake of updating the situation, I can report that I downloaded Logos 4.51.2048 and the same immediate crash upon startup occurs when trying to run it.

  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,458

    What worries me is that our 'built for the Mac from the ground up program' is obviously well out of step with every other mac program we own.

    Crashing on a new edition of OSX when there are hardware incompatibilities or software features now not support is to be expected - but when everything else runs smoothly we are left wondering just how un-mac-like the software we use is.

    It is evidently way off beam as far as a user interface is concerned. Menus, gestures, page turns are cases in point.

    But somehow we expect the basic program to be fairly Mac compliant and these are the times when we can see the underlying problems rear their ugly head.

    It wouldn't be so bad if we were promised a tweak here and there to make Logos compatible - but the best, it seems we can expect is a compatible version 'somewhere close to the launch date' and that implies that a considerable amount of work needs to be done.

    Let's hope that the work that is done to make the program run moves us closer to the Mac track.

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,583

    Let's hope that the work that is done to make the program run moves us closer to the Mac track.

    That gets my vote [Y] Would also be nice if a ton of broken features were made to work correctly.

  • fgh
    fgh Member Posts: 8,948 ✭✭✭

    the best, it seems we can expect is a compatible version 'somewhere close to the launch date' and that implies that a considerable amount of work needs to be done.

    I suspect it simply implies that:

    1. When Bradley answered, they'd only just gotten 10.8, so he probably didn't have much of a clue yet if it's going to take 10 minutes or 4 months to fix whatever issue[s ] there is, so promising anything earlier than launch date would have been fairly stupid.
    2. For the same reason he probably didn't have much of a clue yet whether the needed change was in Logos' code or Apple's code or both. Their own coding they can at least try to estimate a timeframe for, but if it turns out to be a bug in 10.8, how on earth is he going to guess when Apple will fix that?
    3. It might be a wiser use of their time to wait a bit and see what else Apple is going to do with the code, before they do something they may then have to redo after a later Apple update.
    4. They have hundreds of bugs, dozens of 'issues' and several missing features that are far more urgent than making adaptations for the extremely few users that insist on downloading 10.8 months before its official release.


    Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2

  • fgh
    fgh Member Posts: 8,948 ✭✭✭

    Would also be nice if a ton of broken features were made to work correctly.

    [Y]  It would indeed be nice if, 17 months after purchase, I could finally start using this program...

    Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2

  • R. Mansfield
    R. Mansfield Member Posts: 629 ✭✭✭

    Let's hope that the work that is done to make the program run moves us closer to the Mac track.

    That gets my vote Yes Would also be nice if a ton of broken features were made to work correctly.

    I know that hardly anyone will agree with me on this, which is fine.

    But since the foundation code of Logos 4.x is on Windows, and since the Mac version is always playing catch up to some degree with the Windows version, and since as described a few posts up, the interface in Logos 4.x/Mac has a number of non-standard Mac features anyway, I wish there was simply an option to run Logos 4.x/Windows in X11 for those who wanted to run it that way. That would certainly solve feature-parity issues. 

    Again, I realize hardly anyone is going to agree with that sentiment, but for my purposes in using Logos 4.x, X11 would be a solution that would eliminate a lot of the other worries. 

  • But since the foundation code of Logos 4.x is on Windows, and since the Mac version is always playing catch up to some degree with the Windows version, and since as described a few posts up, the interface in Logos 4.x/Mac has a number of non-standard Mac features anyway, I wish there was simply an option to run Logos 4.x/Windows in X11 for those who wanted to run it that way. That would certainly solve feature-parity issues. 

    Again, I realize hardly anyone is going to agree with that sentiment, but for my purposes in using Logos 4.x, X11 would be a solution that would eliminate a lot of the other worries. 

    Technically X11 is not a viable option for Logos 4.

    X11 is a unix windowing standard, which Apple removed from Mountain Lion => http://www.macrumors.com/2012/02/17/apple-removes-x11-in-os-x-mountain-lion-shifts-support-to-open-source-xquartz/ with user option to download and install open source XQuartz project (X11 Server).  By the way, an X11 server runs on the client computer while an X11 client runs on an unix server.

    Wiki Logos 4 Mac => Need Logos 4 PC feature? includes virtualization and Boot Camp information for running Microsoft Windows on a Mac (does need appropriate Microsoft Windows license).  Another Mac option is using Microsoft's Remote Desktop client => http://www.microsoft.com/mac/remote-desktop-client to remotely control a Windows computer, which could be running Logos 4.

    Observation: Logos 4 on Windows has menu interaction for Files, Guides, and Layouts, which is a bit different than many Windows applications.  Looking forward to Files being revamped in Logos 4 on Mac and PC.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • R. Mansfield
    R. Mansfield Member Posts: 629 ✭✭✭

    Two questions:

    (1) When you say, "Technically X11 is not a viable option for Logos 4," do you mean that it's not an option for technical reasons within the program itself or because Apple is no longer including it in Mountain Lion?

    If it's the latter issue, that's not a problem. I was able to get WORDsearch working again in Mountain Lion after manually installing X11, which is now running fine:


    Having said even that, though, I don't actually expect it to ever happen since Logos has invested so much time, money, and effort into the Mono port of the Windows version. I'm just saying it would have been an okay solution for my purposes. Consider it mere wishful thinking.

    As for the rest, I'm well aware of other alternatives for running Windows on a Mac. I normally use VMWare, but it's not working at the moment in Mountain Lion.

    (2) What's your actual name? I never know how to address you and feel odd calling you "Keep Smiling."

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    What's your actual name? I never know how to address you and feel odd calling you "Keep Smiling."

    Some forum users (MVP's included) prefer not to use their given names. In hindsight, I would not have chosen alabama24 for the Logos forums, but it is a moniker I use elsewhere and was too lazy to come up with another one. 

    I abbreviate Keep Smiling as KS4J, as do many others. [:)]

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • (1) When you say, "Technically X11 is not a viable option for Logos 4," do you mean that it's not an option for technical reasons within the program itself or because Apple is no longer including it in Mountain Lion?

    Logos 4 on Windows uses Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), which only works on Microsoft Windows.

    Mono project lacks funding to port WPF => http://www.mono-project.com/WPF

    Xamarin does not support WPF (nor silverlight) => http://support.xamarin.com/customer/portal/topics/66421-general-faq/articles

    By the way, looking at XQuartz wiki => http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki version 2.7.1 is recommended for OS X 10.8

    I was able to get WORDsearch working again in Mountain Lion after manually installing X11, which is now running fine:

    Looking at a Word Search web site, noted WINE and X11 can be used on a Mac.

    As for the rest, I'm well aware of other alternatives for running Windows on a Mac. I normally use VMWare, but it's not working at the moment in Mountain Lion.

    Found a VirtualBox forum discussion about OS X 10.8 => https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=48013

    Wonder if booting OS X 10.8 into 32 bit mode affects your VMWare usability ?

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Mitchell
    Mitchell Member Posts: 454 ✭✭

    Two questions:

    (1) When you say, "Technically X11 is not a viable option for Logos 4," do you mean that it's not an option for technical reasons within the program itself or because Apple is no longer including it in Mountain Lion?

    If it's the latter issue, that's not a problem. I was able to get WORDsearch working again in Mountain Lion after manually installing X11, which is now running fine:

    Having said even that, though, I don't actually expect it to ever happen since Logos has invested so much time, money, and effort into the Mono port of the Windows version. I'm just saying it would have been an okay solution for my purposes. Consider it mere wishful thinking.

    As for the rest, I'm well aware of other alternatives for running Windows on a Mac. I normally use VMWare, but it's not working at the moment in Mountain Lion.

    I think you're misunderstanding what X11 is. When you ran WORDsearch through X11 you weren't running the Windows version, you were running the Unix/Linux version.OSX is based on a *nix core (Darwin on top of FreeBSD, specifically), so once X11 is installed there's no virtualization/emulation needed to run *nix apps, it's all essentially native. Windows is a completely different animal.


  • R. Mansfield
    R. Mansfield Member Posts: 629 ✭✭✭

    I think you're misunderstanding what X11 is. When you ran WORDsearch through X11 you weren't running the Windows version, you were running the Unix/Linux version.OSX is based on a *nix core (Darwin on top of FreeBSD, specifically), so once X11 is installed there's no virtualization/emulation needed to run *nix apps, it's all essentially native. Windows is a completely different animal.

    Ummm....no. I'm not misunderstanding what X11 is at all (for the record, I know full well what X11 is and have used it on multiple platforms for years).  But there may be a misunderstanding on your part. There is no "Unix/Linux version" of WORDsearch. There's only a Windows version that is also ported to the Mac via X11 and WINE. There is a disclaimer stating as much on the WORDsearch page: "WORDsearch 8 for Mac is a Windows program running on the Mac through WINE and X.11" (Section "You should know...", para. 1). 

    My original comment about the idea of  an X11 port of the Windows version of Logos was little more than an aside comment. I don't expect it to ever happen knowing the tremendous effort and investment Logos has put in to keeping Logos on the Mac parallel with the Windows version. I was merely saying that would have been an okay solution for me had Logos decided to go that route instead. I don't expect them to ever do that, and I understand the reasons why they wouldn't do that.

    And no doubt, Logos is a much more sophisticated program than WORDsearch. The fact that WORDsearch can be ported to the Mac via X11 doesn't necessarily mean that Logos could (with the same amount of effort). In the end, it doesn't matter--again it was practically an aside comment on my part as a very tiny portion of this conversation.

  • Mitchell
    Mitchell Member Posts: 454 ✭✭

    Ok, that makes sense now. It was ported via WINE, not X11, that's what was confusing me. In that case, you're definitely right that Logos couldn't use the same technique, WINE chokes on WPF (among other things).

    On another note, I definitely agree with your sentiments about Mono and Logos not behaving as a "good citizen" on the Mac. There's a lot more they can fix within that framework now, but I don't expect it will ever be completely up to speed with the latest development practices for the platform. Hopefully we'll be proven wrong, but I've never seen a ported program fool me into thinking it was completely native.

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    fgh said:

    Would also be nice if a ton of broken features were made to work correctly.

    Yes  It would indeed be nice if, 17 months after purchase, I could finally start using this program...

    fgh are you really not using it? why not?

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association
