Let's Get This Through CP - The Land and the Book by William M. Thompson
I'd love to see this resource get into production soon. I've browsed it on archive.org and it has lots of lovely illustrations (see some low-res screenshots above.) It looks like it could provide some useful background info on Holy Land manners and customs and geography, and will definitely interest those who like older travel writing. Looks like great value if you're into this sort of thing!
It's already near 80% in CP. Let's try and get it into production! Just $18!
Here's the low-down on it:
The Land and the Book is the result of over 40 years of missionary work in the Bible lands by William M. Thomson. To picture the scenes and scenery of the Holy Land, and to portray the manners and customs of the present inhabitants that illustrate the Bible, is the main object of the work. But to do that right, one must have seen and felt them; as this the author has done through many years of adventure, and whatever of life and truthfulness there may be in his illustrations is due to that fact. In these volumes, he takes the reader “through that ‘good land’ of mountain and vale and lake and river: to the shepherd’s tent, the peasant’s hut, the palace of kings, the hermit’s cave, the temple of the gods—to the haunts of the living and the sepulchers of the dead—to muse on what has been and converse with what is, and learn from all what they teach concerning the Oracles of God.” A large part of these pages was actually written in the open country. On seashores or sacred lakes, on hillsides or mountaintops, under the trees or the shadows of great rocks—there Thompson lived, thought, and wrote.
Rich with scriptural landmarks and filled with hundreds of beautiful pen-and-ink illustrations, Thomson’sThe Land and the Book has been a popular classic for over 100 years. Learn more about the people, places, and historical events behind the text you’re studying. Incorporate pictures, illustrations, and graphics into sermons, school papers, or Sunday school lesson plans. Whether you are a student, pastor, scholar, or layperson, the 3-volume Land and the Book is a must-have resource for Bible study or reading.
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A mini-review from Gorgias Press providing further insights on this work:
The Land and the Book is an illustrative description of the Holy Land with direct references to Biblical passages. It is designed for general and popular reading, rather than for the professional, and therefore it has been deemed necessary to avoid dry textual exposition. To make the book more readable, the author has adopted a modified form of dialogue, but without introducing fictional characters. This literary device is used to segue between topics. Written by the author while he lived in the lands described, the book evinces the feeling of sharing the journey with the author, giving impressions of mountain-top views and lake-side reflections. The pictorial illustrations have been prepared with much care and are beautifully executed. They add greatly not only to the interest, but also to the real value of the work. Many of them are original, and others selected from the best existing sources, and several were drawn by the author’s son, W. H. Thomson. The maps have been compiled and drawn with exclusive reference to the present work, and embody the valuable results of geographical explorations in the Holy Land of the period. The indices assist the reader in finding Scripture passages on which the texts and illustrations may have a bearing.
William McClure Thomson (1806-1894) was a Presbyterian clergyman and missionary. Educated at Miami University, Ohio, and Princeton Theological Seminary, he was sent as a missionary to Syria and Palestine on two tours of duty. This present work was the direct result of his reflections during these tours.
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Thanks for drawing my attention to the content. I upped my bid to $18.
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Rosie Perera said:
Thanks for drawing my attention to the content. I upped my bid to $18.
That's great! Thanks, Rosie. [Y]
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From the Introduction:
The land where the Word-Made-Flesh dwelt amongst men must ever continue to be an important part of Revelation; and Palestine may be fairly regarded as the divinely prepared tablet whereon God's messages to men have been graven in ever-living characters. This fact invests even the geography and topography of the Holy Land with special importance. But there are other considerations which impart to it a deeper and more practical interest. From this land we have received that marvellous spriritual and figurative nomenclature of the Bible through which nearly all true religious knowledge has been communicated to men. Here it was devised and first used, and here are found its best illustrations. We learn from history that it required fifteen centuries of time, and an endless array of providential arrangements, co-operating with human and superhuman agents and agencies, to bring this medium of intercourse between God and man to the needed perfection.
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Thanks Daniel. It does seem to be making steady progress towards production, which is great. I also see that Logos promoted it on twitter today too. [Y]
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Add my bid
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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Here's a lovely extract from the preface which gives some idea of what Thomson is trying to achieve with this work:
In many departments of Biblical literature the student in Europe or America, surrounded by ample libraries, is in a better situation to carry on profitable inquiry than the pil-grim in the Holy Land» however long his loiterings or ex-tended his rambles. But it is otherwise in respect to the scenes and the scenery of the Bible, and to the living manners and customs of the East which illustrate that blessed book. Here the actual observer is needed, not the distant and secluded student. To describe these things and such as these, one must have seen and felt them ; and this the author has done through many years of vicissitude and adventure, and whatever of life and truthfulness there may be in his pen-pictures is due to this fact.
Thanks to all who have supported this resource - it's definitely got some momentum, is moving in the right direction, and will hopefully enter production soon. [Y]
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Daniel Yoder said:
This one is getting so close. I'm excited about seeing it go over.
Yep, it's moved some in the last week or so. It looks like its hovering just over 95%. A few more bids will likely do it! [Y]
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This looks like a great resource. Thanks for pointing it out!
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Daniel Yoder said:
With just a few more bids this will go over. Jump in!
[Y] It's so close. Today would be a good day to jump on board as if we can push it over the line, we'd have a full week to try to drive down the price a little. $16 looks possible...
The Mount of Olives, and the road to Bethany:
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A few more bids will do it!
Pool of Siloam
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
9 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. 4 As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no-one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
6 Having said this, he spat on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. 7 “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means Sent). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. (John 9)0 -
To quote an old Internet funny on things found in church bulletins... I just upped my bid, up yours!
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Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell said:
To quote an old Internet funny on things found in church bulletins... I just upped my bid, up yours!
+1[Y] [:D]
The old ones are the best!
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Here's a link to this resource, to save people navigating to the first post:
Looks like a few more bids will really push it over the line:
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