Smiling with custom pop-ups in the Lexham Discourse Greek NT

Thanks to forums MVP Keep Smiling for Jesus, I'm now getting more out of my studies using the Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament (LDGNT).
In a post at, Keep Smiling for Jesus offered a great solution that I have used as the basis for the attached Personal Book (PB) Word document that displays custom questions in pop-ups while I am studying from the LDGNT.
I have attached my first draft so others can:
- Check my work and reply to this post with corrections and suggestions for improvement
- Benefit from the solution Keep Smiling for Jesus has provided
Thank you for your feedback. I hope this is a help to others also.
Tim these are great questions! Would this doc work for the HDNT since it has the same glossary (as far as I know)? What would I have to change in this to make it work with the HDNT?
Since these resources were released I've been approaching the text asking similar questions, but this PB would serve as an excellent reminder!
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"This PB is the first of a series. I plan to build similar PBs for:
• Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible (LDHB bundle:"
Hensler, T. LDGNT Glossary Questions, (Hensler).Glad to hear you're intending on making one for the Hebrew as well! Thanks so much for this, hopefully this will provoke many observations of the text.
Grace and Peace to you from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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Hi Liam and James,
I'm glad to hear of your interest in this project and I hope it will be as helpful to you (and others) as it is to me.
Here is the next version of the PB Word document. I have updated some of the information in the introduction and LDGNT sections and have added the HDNT section. I'm working on the LDHB now (as time permits - my day job gets in the way). It should be done in a week or so with the HDOT section to follow.
Please reply to this post if you have any corrections or suggestions that will improve it.
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Attached is the complete version of "My Discourse Grammar Study Questions." It includes questions for all discourse devices in all four Lexham Discourse Bibles (LDGNT, HDNT, LDHB, HDOT). Information about how to use it is in the PB Word document.
Please reply to this post if you have any corrections or suggestions that would make this a better tool for studying God's word.
76202.My Discourse Grammar Study Questions.docx
P.S. I have also added a link to this post in the Personal Books section of the Logos Bible Software Wiki (under "Other Resources"). This is a great place to find other helpful Personal Book files.
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Tim Hensler said:
includes questions for all discourse devices in all four Lexham Discourse Bibles (LDGNT, HDNT, LDHB, HDOT).
Glad you finished these so that now it can "get in the way of our day jobs". [8-|]
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max