[ACK] BUG: 6.1 RC1: Double-click cover in Cover View opens book but doesn't bring focus there
If you open the Library in Cover View and double-click on a book cover, the book does open, but the focus returns to the Library. Expect the focus to go to the book you've just opened. It works fine to open books from other views in the library (by clicking once on their title or cover icon, which is all that's required in those views), but since Cover View requires a double-click, it seems that the second click is returning the focus to the library instead of leaving it on the newly opened book as expected.
Screencast to demonstrate the problem: http://www.screencast.com/t/IQ8hCN1vu
Sorry this seems to have slipped through the cracks
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Thanks for catching that, MJ.
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I have created a case for the incorrect double-click behavior when in Cover View, although single-clicking on the title seems to behave correctly for me.
Mac Developer
Faithlife0 -
I have noticed the same behavior in details view for either some resources or some of the time! Also, this is generally with the Library open as a floating window (my preferred method).
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Martin Potter said:
I have created a case for the incorrect double-click behavior when in Cover View
This should be fixed in 6.3 Beta 3.