[resolved] Bug L6 (6.3 Beta 1 but also earlier) Find box in PB Tool

I saw this again today, but I know it happened earlier in L6 and I may even have posted this bug before - but can't locate it in the forum.

To find a book in the PB tool one needs to either scroll endlessly or use Ctrl-F find (thankful for that, don't fix this small nuisance by taking the Find away!). Find doesn't work by just identifying locations as in resources, but filters the list much like Inline Search does today (so for consistency one could replace it by a persistent search control that looks like Inline Search...). When one builds the book and focus leaves the tool, the Find box will sometimes disappear - but the list then will stay filtered:


Sorry, I currently have no list of steps to reproduce this consistently.

This is just a nuisance, since hitting Ctrl-F again will show the Find box with the applied filter:

and taking the filter away will allow to see all PBs in the tool again.

Have joy in the Lord! Smile


  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,124

    One way to reproduce:

    These screenshots were taken immediately after another.

    1. Determine the book to build by a Ctrl-F find/filter, here I used "test", but
    2. remove the filter manually while the book builds or afterwards before clicking Finished.

    3. Now click Finished and - on my machine - wait some seconds: Logos will silently reapply the filter and jump to the end of the list of PBs. (The latter is a legacy nuisance which may have been with us from 4.3 - it's especially inconvenient when building a new book, which upon pressing "Finished" is sorted into the alphabetical sequence, but the tool jumps to the end of the list instead of focusing the book just build)

    I can see that the filter is applied by scrolling up through the filtered list: all contain "test"


    4. typing Ctrl-F again shows the Find-box:


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Angela Murashov
    Angela Murashov Member Posts: 1,532 ✭✭✭

    Thank you for providing the reproduction steps! [:)] I can reproduce this on both Mac and Windows and I will create a case to get this fixed. 

  • Angela Murashov
    Angela Murashov Member Posts: 1,532 ✭✭✭

    Thank you for providing the reproduction steps! Smile I can reproduce this on both Mac and Windows and I will create a case to get this fixed. 

    This should be fixed in 6.3 beta 5. 

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,124

    Seems to be so - at least I can't reproduce like I did. Thanks!

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile