BUG: Failure of Copy function
BUG: The copy function on the section title bar menu of the Ancient Literature section of the Passage Guide does not work.
Yes this is AFTER the paste [:(]
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
MJ. Smith said:
BUG: The copy function on the section title bar menu of the Ancient Literature section of the Passage Guide does not work.
Thank you for reporting this bug. Looks like the Copy function doesn't work for some of the other sections as well [:(]
I will create a case to get that fixed.
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Angela Murashov said:MJ. Smith said:
BUG: The copy function on the section title bar menu of the Ancient Literature section of the Passage Guide does not work.
Thank you for reporting this bug. Looks like the Copy function doesn't work for some of the other sections as well
I will create a case to get that fixed.
This is fixed in 6.7 on the stable channel.