TIP of the day: Best answers of the week

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,038
edited November 2024 in English Forum

How do I change the pronunciations of the Greek Alphabet Tutor?

TCBlack said:

I was not even aware that you can change the pronunciation scheme? How do I do that?

TOOLS >> Pronunciation>> this will allow you to select any of several pronunciation schemes installed.



Flav said:

Upon further investigation, I've noticed that when you change the pronunciation scheme in the pronunciation tool referenced in the post above, the Greek Alphabet Tutor (GAT) will also reflect this change after you close and reopen it. Therefore each time you want to change the pronunciation scheme in the GAT, you need to change the pronunciation scheme from the pronunciation tool first and reopen the GAT Tongue Tied

How do I scroll through the results of a search?

Dave L said:

If I open a library book and then search for a word, in the search strip at the far right I'll see how many times the author uses the word.

How do I scroll through each instance. If I hit enter it usually jumps to the first highlighted instance, but doesn't jump to the next or any other following highlighted words. Is there another keyboard button I should press?

I can't seem to find the solution in my manuals.

Fredc said:

If it is a versified resource such as a bible or commentary then using inline search each instance of your search term will be listed by verse or passage and you simply scroll through. If you have the resource locator bar turned on, then you can change the option to "Search Result" and then use the up or down arrow to go to the next or previous result.

In non-versified resources you will get all of the text, but you can change the locator bar to "Search result" and use in the same way as described above.

Is there a way to search for the number of times the Children of Israel complained against Moses?

Well there are several ways of going about it. One example is to create a collection of your topicals, and then do a search on <ex16.2>. That identified a list in MacaArthur's Topical Bible under Complaining, Instances of, Israelites.

Looking at that list of verses, I took another approach and did a basic search on 

"<ex16.2> NEAR <ex17.3> NEAR <num21.5>"

and found the following:

"Then came the first wilderness murmuring. Six more are reported in Exodus and Numbers; Exodus 16:2; 17:2, 3; Num. 11:33, 34; 14:2; 16:41; 21:5. God had a remedy."

Arno C. Gaebelein, The Book of Exodus: A Complete Analysis of Exodus with Annotations (New York: “Our Hope” Publication Office, 1912), 41.

So here's Gaebelein stating that there are 7 total instances of this type of complaining in Exodus and numbers. Of course there are probably numerous other approaches to doing this. I'm sure others will chime in.

As with everything in Logos, there are "many ways to skin a cat." With that in mind, let me walk you step-by-step through the work flow that I would take to approach this question.

1) It is always a good idea to start any study with a specific case example. You have already provided that with the verse reference of Ex 16:2

2) Next look at the cross references provided by the Bible version being used. With the ESV, we instantly have examples from Ex 15:24 and 17:3.

3) Consult the Bible Sense Lexicon to see if there are other synonymous Hebrew terms that can be searched. Notice the the sense "grumble" is a child term of a larger set "to complain." We find 5 synonymous Hebrew terms through this lexical entry. 

4) I would then run a search for all of the instances where child and parent senses appear in the Bible and set them to an aligned view for quick analysis.

Lastly, I would run Topic Guide Reports and Sermon Starter Guide Reports on the synonymous English words of grumble, complain, and murmur to try to find any other additional verses that may have been missed through this sense search. Notice that there is a really key narrative in Numbers 20 and 21 that was missed by our initial search that the SSG found.

Notice that from our current work flow, we found all 7 of the examples that Gaebelein listed, plus some additional instances. I am not claiming a perfect work flow here, but this is what I normally do when approaching topical studies like this. Hope this helps.

Is it possible to edit the attributes of a label after the text has been tagged?

Right click in the label text in the resource and choose "Open Annotation" on the LHS. The note file will open at the right place and you can click on the RHS (where you see a down arrow when hovering) to edit the label.

Does Logos support services?

Josh said:

Does Logos have this feature? It is so useful... I hope it is available in Logos

The answer to your question is yes. While there are not as many services provided as those offered in the video you posted, there is one major one that I think is the most useful. If you look in your services section in the System Settings, there are two services that are installed by Logos. They are called "Copy Bible Verses" and "Replace with Passage." 

"Replace with Passage" allows you to highlight any Bible reference in a word editing document and have Logos automatically input a fully formatted Bible verse citation by using the keyboard shortcut of "shift-command-e." The format that it uses to input the Bible verse is based on 1) the style that you are currently using in the "Copy Bible Verses Tool" in Logos and 2) the prioritized Bible Version you are currently using in Logos.

I hope to upload some videos to my YouTube channel in the coming days to show how users can take advantage of not only these premade services in Logos on the Mac, but also how they can create some of their own. Stay tuned. =)

How do I find Logos Now resources?

Anthony said:

I couldn't find it mentioned anywhere, but very nice way to view the Logos Now resources (or other subscriptions) quickly. 

Open Library, right-click filter bar and add License.

The way I check this is by typing "license:temporary". That will give me the LNOW resources (and other temporary licenses), which are very few compared to the permanent ones.

How do I search for a topic like "How Old Testament believers were saved"?

Fredc said:

You could use the Factbook Tool and simply enter salvation. You could run a Topic Guide. You could run a search as illustrated below. If you choose to search I would narrow it to a collection (e.g. Bible Dictionaries) rather than all resources.

Integ said:

Welcome to the forums!

Here's what I got when I searched using "old testament believers" NEAR (salvation, saved)

Tip: Use quotes to search for exact phrases.

How do I "read" Compare Bible Versions in the Passage Guide?

TCBlack said:

I have searched both Help in L4 and the tutorial videos online and can find no detailed explanation of how the Compare Versions option works within the Passage Guide. Can someone help?

How it works is a mystery.  I have no idea what the algorithms etc. are.  But I suspect you're asking what it means?

Let's run a PG on Matthew 3:13-17 to find out....

Looking at the picture of the section it provides two essential pictures of the same data: viz.  How close is the wording of various translations?

Since I've clicked settings you can see that my base resource is set to NASB95, which means all of the other Bibles listed are compared to it.   You can change that setting and watch the rest of the graph move around.  Note also that you can change the number of resources from 3-9, I've chosen 5 the default.  I've also set it to 3D because I happen to like it, and that's about it. 

Now then, let's decipher the data....

In the left-most portion you can see the dot separation.  Each dot has a number of variables.  First is how far apart is the word of this translation from the NASB95?  Second is How far is this translation from others?

The right hand river view is essentially a verse by verse view of the same data. Like the dots, the variable line widths measure word choices as they differ from the base version.

So what do I gain from this chart?

The versions that have come up  (I think as a result of my prioritization) rank nicely on a spectrum of Formal to Dynamic Equivalence.

I would basically put these versions on a trajectory chart thus:


FORMAL EQUIVALENCE  <<< _____NASB95_____ESV___________NET__NIV_________________NLT_____>>>Dynamic Equivalence.

My little line chart is just an estimate but consider what I gain from this knowledge.

Look how different the apparent wording is from the ESV and the NASB95, and then how far away the NIV is from the NASB95.  For the most part four of the translations almost "line up" while the NLT is hanging out farther away.

Obviously in terms of word choice then, the ESV is closer than the NIV, while the NLT is perhaps closer to the NASB95 than the NIV (which is surprising!)  The NET which tries to strike a balance in translation theories is, as I would expect it somewhat centered.

In the river I note that the NET appears to be really different (thicker line) at verse 15, but very similar at v14.  The NLT maintains a fairly consistent width strip, which to me means that word choice is consistently different, but not so different that it's in any way alarming.  Finally note how the NIV contours away starting at V15-17.  It just appears that the NIV is closer in similarity at v13 and 14, while it peals away afterward.

Now I'm left with a few questions that help me to focus my study.

  1. What word choices are there in the NIV that makes it so different from the NLT and the NASB95?
  2. Why then did the translators choose those words instead of others? 
  3. Of course I'm going to center my quest at V15 which by appearance of the "bump" in the river view has the greatest variation.  What is it about Matthew 3:15 that is so open to variant interpretational word choices? 

If I'm going to have  a limited time to spend in this passage (don't we all), I'm going to spend a touch more of that precious commodity on the fifteenth verse.  By contrast the very close lines of the 14th verse don't make me want to spend much time there determinign word choice.

Of course all of this is highly subjective.  But it helps me to see at a glance where I might want to focus my next phase of study.


In the aftermath I pulled up a text comparison of v15 and I can see that the difference is in the wording "permit it at this time" (NASB95) and the NIV's "Let it be so now".  Obviously two very different word choices but with minor difference in meaning.  Both of them adequately interpret ἄφες. 

So what have I gained in this particular endeavor?  Not a lot I guess, but it took me much longer to type this than it did for me to visually see something that might have been an interesting variance, see what it really was and judge that it wasn't that vital. 

Sometimes it works the other way, you catch a quick variance and find that there is a relatively large difference that needs to be accounted for. 

In short, it's just one more way of seeing the text which sometimes yields intriguing results.

How do I find a timeline for the events of Revelation?

" rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

Some Logos search ideas:

Basic Search of Heading Text, Large Text, Title in Entire Library (or a Bible Background collection) for:

revelation (outline,timeline)

Search a collection of commentaries about Revelation for:

outline, timeline

 Note: searching Entire Library includes a Topic section.

Francis said:

Another suggestion for finding this kind of information is the Biblical Event Navigator. In the screenshot below, the nodes (the coloured bars on the left of titles) are expandable for greater detail. I have only expanded a few in order to keep it all on one screen, but there is more detail available than what you can see here:

How do I find all the places Jesus is referred to as the "light"?.

John said:

I would like to find all the places Jesus is referred to as the "light". How would I construct this search?

A search for "light WITHIN 0 WORDS <Person Jesus>" will find all places where the word "light" is used and tagged with "Jesus". This is shown in the top-left of the screenshot below. However, it doesn't find the references at the bottom-left - which you would have expected - and this is because the word "light" is not tagged with the person of Jesus as shown in the popup on the right

The lack of tagging noted above may be another instance of the issue discussed at https://community.logos.com/forums/p/106916/751134.aspx#751134 but we would need Faithlife to comment on this

I would have also expected to find "light" in the "Referred to as" section of the Factbook entry for Jesus but, unless I am missing it, it is not there

John said:

<Lemma = lbs/el/φῶς> OR σκοτία  <Person Jesus>

I don't fully understand why but I made it a "bible" search (light and darkness)  and it pulled up those two verses missed previously. I used the term "NEAR" that resulted in "Person Jesus".

Is there any way to adjust the font size of the library window? 

Integ said:

You can change the font size by clicking on the square in the upper left corner and adjusting the font slider on the drop down menu:

How do I attach a quote to a passage?

What is the easiest/best way to attach a quote to a particular passage? For instance, I find a quote from a church father that connects well with a verse in 1 Timothy. I want to attach it to that passage so that if I preach from that passage in the future, the quote will show up in my study.

I have a Notes file called "Notes on 1 Timothy" so I would ensure that this is open, then right-click on the verse I wanted to attach the quote to, ensure "Reference" is selected on the right-hand side of the menu and then click the "Add a Note to "Notes on 1 Timothy" button on the left

Then in the newly created note I would paste the quote (as shown below) and it would then hovering over the icon next to the verse would cause the quote to popup

If you're not familiar with Notes in Logos please see > for some context or post back with further questions.

How do I edit a forum post?

MJ. Smith said:

there are time limits but

How do I search for third declension nouns?

Not sure if this helps, but I built a (pretty large) search string using some automation and the site http://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Ancient_Greek_third_declension_nouns&oldid=13150043

If you cut and paste the contents of the word doc into a morph search, it should pull all of the 3rd declension nouns mentioned on the site--from which a visual filter could be made for highlighting.

5100.Logos Bible 3rd Declension Noun Search.docx

How do I search Logos bibles for references to passages within the bible?

And there is also this type of search where you are searching the cross reference footnotes represented by the superscript letters in Bibles. Notice it is a Basic search:

How do I force a metadata refresh?

For future reference, how do you accomplish this?

Just delete updates.db in the UpdateManager folder. This stores a record of all the metadata updates that have been applied, so when you delete it, Logos re-downloads all the metadata updates.

How do I verify my Logos Now subscription and the Logos servers statuses?

Don Awalt said:

If you go to "About Logos", to the right of your logged-on email address and any licensed package level at the top does it say  "Logos Now"? If it does it sounds like something is messed up - if it was me I would try computer restart, Logos restart, ensure internet is working, ensure the sync circle in the top right does not have a '!' point saying syncing is not working, etc. If all that is ok I would call. And if it does not say Logos Now at the place I referred you to, the licensed has been removed from your account and FL can add it back if you call them.

MJ. Smith said:

Also, don't forget to check the status of the license serve ... at the time of the problem not hours later Smile


Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."