USERVOICE review: Complete Access for blind users of Screen-reading Software.

Complete Access for blind users of Screen-reading Software.
This request is outside my area of expertise but I would encourage everyone to support requests in favor of accessibility - beyond visual disabilities. And least you think "politically correct", no this is personal I have a niece who uses (and designs) communication boards for fellow cerebral palsy patients. [Yes, she is the one the President met with.] I have an adult (former foster) son with cerebral palsy who is legally blind. So yes, consider spending some of your votes on projects such as this.
People with expertise in this area might help by breaking this into small achievable steps Faithlife can take.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
Related User Voice Suggestions:
35 Votes => black background
27 Votes => Night Mode for PC/Mac
20 Votes => Add Themes to personalize colors/colours and improve readability
8 Votes => Place More Emphasis on Updates Which Reduce Eye Strain and Increase Eye Comfort
7 Votes => Night Theme Absolutely Indispensable
Every Logos user has 10 votes with a maximum of three for one suggestion.
Thankful for Negative Screen on Windows (added win+alt+F12 mode for normal color); Logos Wiki has => Night Mode
Thankful for program scaling and font sizing options, which are helpful for magnification.
Wikipedia has has picture illustrating age related macular degeneration => that shows center of vision being unusable along with peripheral contrast decreased. Subtle colors can be very challenging to distinguish. Smallish scroll indicators can be hard to see and use. Intentional color choice to not distract from primary text can effectively result in a sidebar(s) that are useless. Windows 7 has four high contrast themes for low vision use (with three of them having black background):
Low Vision products => includes Amigo HD with 28 Color Modes plus magnification from 1.4x to 25x.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Windows 7 has four high contrast themes for low vision use (with three of them having black background):
This can, depending on the chosen setting, make the text in resources unreadable, so your mileage may vary with this option. I've talked to a number of customers who have changed their contrast mode and called saying their books were "blank." Often times this is the culprit.
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Tommy Ball said:
Windows 7 has four high contrast themes for low vision use (with three of them having black background):
This can, depending on the chosen setting, make the text in resources unreadable, so your mileage may vary with this option. I've talked to a number of customers who have changed their contrast mode and called saying their books were "blank." Often times this is the culprit.
Concur choosing High Contrast theme in Windows being problematic for Logos and Verbum so some selected color(s) in Windows theme appear while many remain the same => customer frustration because foreground and background color are too similar to "see" text (and other user interface items). Hence dreaming of Logos and Verbum color themes that keep/improve text/icon readability => Add Themes to personalize colors/colours and improve readability
FYI: themes with coordinating colors can keep text visible while color chooser allows combinations that are more challenging to distinguish than chosen shades of grey.
At times dream of designers and developers wearing "glasses" to simulate various visual impairments to appreciate color contrast can be as important as program scaling. Traffic signs use high contrast combinations, especially safety warnings. Black text on yellow is easiest for humans to quickly read with understanding.
Thankful for Negative Screen on Windows that uses matrix multiplication to manipulate colors.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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MJ. Smith said:
Complete Access for blind users of Screen-reading Software.
3 votes cast. Now at 202.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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If Logos added an option to ignore program colors and fonts, it might allow the user-selected Windows theme to prevail and thus resolve the problem of high-contrast themes blanking out the books. This type of option is available in web browsers to improve accessibility and is widely used by people with low vision.
Sarah Blake LaRose, D.Min.
Logos user since 2007