Shem Qadosh Version

Please consider offering the "Shem Qadosh Version" of the Bible on Logos. It is based on the WEB (and ASV) but uses the transliterations of Hebrew place and people names and retains the Hebrew for YHWH and Yeshua. I really think this version has a lot to offer. A PDF file is available free for download.
Compared selected readings of "Shem Qadosh Version" with Lexham English Bible (included in Base Packages), Complete Jewish Bible, and Names of God (eBook was available in Vyrso)
Visual Filters can be used to insert Hebrew: e.g. Lexham English Bible (using lemma in reverse interlinear). Noticed difference between Complete Jewish Bible and Shem Qadosh Version in Colossians 2:16 (new moon is the beginning of a Jewish month).
Complete Jewish Bible has many features similar to Shem Qadosh Version
Visual Filter for Complete Jewish Bible can insert Hebrew:
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