Bible linking with Lexicon / Dictionary gives "not responding" message

Not sure if anyone else is getting this error but I am with two computers. Linking a Bible with any Dictionary / Lexicon and clicking on the English word seems to work ... several times. Then Logos gives the infamous "not responding" message.
I've shut down the computer, shut down Logos and to no avail. It seems sometimes to work really well then suddenly it will freeze with the "not responding" again.
Is this a known bug or is there something I might be doing wrong?
Permit me to edit: I've unchecked the link in my Bible and with the Interlinear on, I've clicked several numbers and again, Logos is freezing with the "not responding" message.
I link the KJV with Vines / BDAG / Complete Word Study Dictionary New Testament. I can link either one of these on a one by one basis with the KJV and it gives me the error or the whole screen will go a faded white colour for a few seconds then come back to normal.
To be fair, I had a Logos Tech come aboard earlier this evening and he hadn't seen it before. He recorded it and is going to escalate it to the program developers or something to that affect.
But if you folks can give me something or show me something that I might be doing wrong, I'll await your replies. Thanks.
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Graham ... where art thou? Do you see anything awry in my log file?
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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LogosError log only records error messages without context over many sessions using Logos. Date and time of "not responding" would be helpful to see if LogosError log has any entries. Also helpful would be English word(s) and Bible location that consistently receive "not responding" messages.
Faithlife support has =>
Suggest opening Logos to a blank layout, followed by opening Bible and linked Lexicon then repeat "not responding". Next close Logos, zip up Logos Log Files, then reply to this thread and attach zip.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Bootjack said:
I link the KJV with Vines / BDAG / Complete Word Study Dictionary New Testament.
Does link set have any more resource(s) ?
Apologies since currently unable to replicate "not responding" error.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thank you for the response. The date & time of the error was when the log file was created. As stated, the Tech from Logos watched it with one lexicon opened and several lexicon's opened. He said he'd not seen it before, so did record what it was doing. But "in the multitude of counselors there is safety" so another reason why I asked you folks if any here has seen it.
Last night, I tried this and it worked flawlessly. This morning, it's gone on the blink again. It doesn't matter which word or whether there is one lexicon or dictionary opened or two or more. The problem still remains.
The only log file that is recording at this present time is just the logos.log file. The LogosError.log file does not record at the present time but is time stamped as of last night. I'll attach that spite and see if there's anything in there that is helpful.
If there's such a thing as having the LogosError.log file creating a present time stamp, let me know. I'll post both Logos.log and LogosError. log.
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Bootjack said:
While trying to replicate "not responding" found KJV Reverse Interlinear has incorrect lemma for Ephesus in Revelation 2:1
Replicated "not responding" using Logos 7.3 Beta 2 on Windows 10 by clicking on "holdeth" in Revelation 2:1
The "not responding" happened after 10:00 am today:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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So I'm not the only one who is seeing this. Of course, I have a witness from Logos who roared onto this computer as of late and though it took a bit at the first, finally the "not responding" reared its not so pretty head. Obviously there is a bug somewhere that Logos needs to attend to, correct?
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Bootjack said:
Obviously there is a bug somewhere that Logos needs to attend to, correct?
Yes, created thread Bug: 7.3 Beta 2 "Not Responding" for Bible linked with Lexicons with reference to this thread plus one more way to replicate "not responding"
Keep Smiling [:)]
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This should be an easy question to answer I'm sure. Is this something Logos would look into right away or is it one of those things that will be on the side burner (or is that the back burner) for some time to come. Of course, after it is "finally" fixed would be a better time to answer the question I suppose! :-)
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Bootjack said:
Is this something Logos would look into right away or is it one of those things that will be on the side burner (or is that the back burner) for some time to come.
Apologies: as a volunteer, have no idea when for Faithlife replication, investigation, and subsequent improvement.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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No need to apologize. At least you gave me a response which is much appreciated. Thank you so much!!!
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Bootjack said:
Not sure if anyone else is getting this error but I am with two computers. Linking a Bible with any Dictionary / Lexicon and clicking on the English word seems to work ... several times. Then Logos gives the infamous "not responding" message.
I've shut down the computer, shut down Logos and to no avail. It seems sometimes to work really well then suddenly it will freeze with the "not responding" again.
Is this a known bug or is there something I might be doing wrong?
Permit me to edit: I've unchecked the link in my Bible and with the Interlinear on, I've clicked several numbers and again, Logos is freezing with the "not responding" message.
I link the KJV with Vines / BDAG / Complete Word Study Dictionary New Testament. I can link either one of these on a one by one basis with the KJV and it gives me the error or the whole screen will go a faded white colour for a few seconds then come back to normal.
I've been unable to reproduce this on my machine, can you tell me if you have any Visual Filters in your documents folder and how many (this can affect Bibles). is it only these resources or do you see it elsewhere. Also is it in any specific passages and lemmas?
This will help in investigating further.
UPDATE: We were able to find out a few more details to reproduce this. We've got a case written up.
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I do not understand much at all about Visual Filters. I have none created. I'm going to go by your update and leave it there, understanding you've found something on your end. A Logos Tech came aboard again yesterday and told me they were presently working on the flaw.
As you can see from another contributor in this thread, that he also has found a snag.
If you do need more info, please let me know. Thank you for looking into this.
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Philana, have you folks given any thought to fixing the "not responding" when linking lexicon / Dictionary? I just noticed I'm still getting the same error message when I attempt to work this way.
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Hey Bootjack! It looks like we do still have a case open on this. I'll go ahead and add your words to it, and I'm sorry for the delay on the fix.
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Thanks Brandyn. Give them a little push to get things moving on that. Always updates coming down the pipes but it seems it takes forever for them to deal with snags like this. :-)
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Do you hear anymore if Logos is working on this problem yet Brandyn? I checked it tonight and I thought for awhile they had indeed fixed it till I began to scroll in one of the Dictionaries and then lo & behold, it gave the infamous "not responding" message again.
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Bootjack said:
Do you hear anymore if Logos is working on this problem yet Brandyn? I checked it tonight and I thought for awhile they had indeed fixed it till I began to scroll in one of the Dictionaries and then lo & behold, it gave the infamous "not responding" message again.
Hi Bootjack,
The case is still open, I don't have any more information.
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Not sure if it will make any difference but keep prodding them. It sure isn't something they're too concerned with unless maybe it's brought to their attention on a continual basis. Otherwise, next year this time it will be still an ongoing case.
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home