First Class Conditional Statements
Looking for input on the most efficient way to search for first class conditional statements? Thanks.
tjebme said:
Looking for input on the most efficient way to search for first class conditional statements?
Try "{Section <GrammaticalConstructions = 1st Condition>}"
The documentation provides some context on this and other similar searches
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Thank you. That looks like it points me in the right direction. However, it provides a lot more hits than I was expecting (Decker, Wallace and Boyer note roughly 300 instances of the first class condition in the N.T.). Just to quote Decker for instance: "There are approximately 300 first-class conditions in the NT" (Reading Koine Greek: An Introduction and Integrated Workbook)
Appreciate the documentation link.
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tjebme said:
Thank you. That looks like it points me in the right direction. However, it provides a lot more hits than I was expecting (Decker, Wallace and Boyer note roughly 300 instances of the first class condition in the N.T.). Just to quote Decker for instance: "There are approximately 300 first-class conditions in the NT" (Reading Koine Greek: An Introduction and Integrated Workbook)
Sorry - you get better results if you use a Greek New Testament such as NA28
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Thank you, Graham!
One other question. If I'm interpreting the documentation correctly, I can find the first class condition tag in the information window or the context menu. Using Matt 4:3 as an example, I see the tag in the information window (screen shot #1), but the tag is not displayed in the context menu (screen shot #2). Shouldn't the tag also show in the context menu?
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Expand Colwell's Rule by clicking on the little arrow >
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Excellent! Thanks!
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Thank you, Graham!