Book Suggestion: Biblia Hebraica Quinta (BHQ): Genesis and Other Fascicles

It would be great if Faithlife would offer the first fascicle of Biblia Hebraica Quinta (BHQ), Genesis, since it has already been published (2016). I'd rather purchase it and its sister-volumes from you than in print.
More generally, I'd suggest that you stay on top of new releases for BHQ to the extent that you can, working with the German Bible Society. Here's how the BHQ fascicles currently breakdown according to the German Bible Society's list on their website and Faithlife's current offerings (arranged by publication date and the book/scroll-order on their website).
There are ten fascicles that Faithlife both sells and has delivered so far:
General Introduction and Megilloth
published (2004)
Jan de Waard (Strasbourg)
published (2004)
Piet B. Dirksen (Leiden)
published (2004)
Yohanan A.P. Goldman (Fribourg)
published (2004)
Rolf Schäfer (Stuttgart)
published (2004)
Magne Sæbø (Oslo)
oublished (2004)
Ezra and Nehemiah
David Marcus (New York)
published (2006)
Carmel McCarthy (Dublin)
published (2007)
Jan de Waard (Strasbourg)
published (2008)
Natalio Fernandez Marcos (Madrid)
published (2011)
There's only one fascicle that Faithlife sells but has not delivered yet:
Twelve Prophets
Anthony Gelston (Durham)
published (2010)
There's also just one fascicle that the German Bible Society has published but that Faithlife does not sell:
Avraham Tal (Tel Aviv)
published (2016)
The publisher lists three more fascicles are listed as "forthcoming":
Innocent Himbaza (Fribourg)
forthcoming 2017
Robert Althann (Rome)
forthcoming 2017
Johan Lust (Leuven)
forthcoming 2018
They list another ten fascicles as still "in preparation":
Peter Schwagmeier (Zurich)
in preparation
Martin Rösel (Rostock)
in preparation
Seppo Sipilae (Helsinki)
in preparation
Stephen Pisano (Rome)
in preparation
Adrian Schenker (Fribourg) and
Carmel McCarthy (Dublin)
in preparation
Arie van der Kooij (Leiden)
in preparation
Richard D. Weis (Lexington)
in preparation
Zipora Talshir (Beer Sheva)
in preparation
Gerard J. Norton (Dublin)
in preparation
Augustinus Gianto (Rome)
in preparation
Faithlife offers the BHQ in a couple other packages as well, which can be a good-to-excellent value with dynamic pricing, as I recall:
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Definitely agree.
But I have my doubts there's available staff. Unless it's an interlinear (ie database aligning) or a another dataset, may be a bridge too far.
What was the last biggie ... Antioch Bible? Pieces, like Quinta and there she be.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Adam Olean said:
There's only one fascicle that Faithlife sells but has not delivered yet:
Twelve Prophets
Anthony Gelston (Durham)
published (2010)The page doesn't seem to have been updated, but the latest resource update seems to have included this.
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Denise said:
Definitely agree.
But I have my doubts there's available staff. Unless it's an interlinear (ie database aligning) or a another dataset, may be a bridge too far.
What was the last biggie ... Antioch Bible? Pieces, like Quinta and there she be.
Hmmm ... Some of the more recent projects that come to mind would be the long in coming Biblia Hebraica Transcripta and WIVU Constituency Trees, which I'm sure were long painful roads for everyone who worked on them (esp. BHt), but I'm grateful for the final products! The Lexham Dead Sea Scrolls Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible was another welcome edition, building on prior resources. And now with the Twelve / Minor Prophets out, maybe they'll allocate some resources to Genesis and the other fascicles of BHQ as they're made available by the publisher, in addition to other projects. That said, I think the only real solution would be to start cloning Rick Brannan and Vincent Setterholm, although I can appreciate the ethical dilemmas that would raise for Bob, Phil, and the rest of Faithlife management and staff.
Anyway, I hope that Faithlife keeps improving and extending their ancient language resources and databases, both new and old (in quantity, quality, functionality, and accuracy). They've definitely made some good strides on a number of fronts.
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James McAdams said:Adam Olean said:
There's only one fascicle that Faithlife sells but has not delivered yet:
Twelve Prophets
Anthony Gelston (Durham)
published (2010)The page doesn't seem to have been updated, but the latest resource update seems to have included this.
[Y] I noticed that too. That was fast (since the last post, that is, not from its time of being "in development")! Maybe they already had it "in the can" and just forgot to release it!
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Update: Here's how the BHQ fascicles currently breakdown according to the German Bible Society's list on their website and Faithlife's current offerings (arranged by publication date and the book/scroll-order on their website).
There are eleven fascicles that Faithlife both sells and has delivered:
General Introduction and Megilloth
published (2004)Ruth
Jan de Waard (Strasbourg)
published (2004)Canticles
Piet B. Dirksen (Leiden)
published (2004)Qoheleth
Yohanan A.P. Goldman (Fribourg)
published (2004)Lamentations
Rolf Schäfer (Stuttgart)
published (2004)Esther
Magne Sæbø (Oslo)
oublished (2004)Ezra and Nehemiah
David Marcus (New York)
published (2006)Deuteronomy
Carmel McCarthy (Dublin)
published (2007)Proverbs
Jan de Waard (Strasbourg)
published (2008)Twelve Prophets
Anthony Gelston (Durham)
published (2010)Judges
Natalio Fernandez Marcos (Madrid)
published (2011)There's just one fascicle that the German Bible Society has published but that Faithlife does not sell:
Avraham Tal (Tel Aviv)
published (2016)The publisher lists three more fascicles as "forthcoming":
Innocent Himbaza (Fribourg)
forthcoming 2017Job
Robert Althann (Rome)
forthcoming 2017Ezekiel
Johan Lust (Leuven)
forthcoming 2018They list another ten fascicles as still "in preparation":
Peter Schwagmeier (Zurich)
in preparationNumbers
Martin Rösel (Rostock)
in preparationJoshua
Seppo Sipilae (Helsinki)
in preparationSamuel
Stephen Pisano (Rome)
in preparationKings
Adrian Schenker (Fribourg) and
Carmel McCarthy (Dublin)
in preparationIsaiah
Arie van der Kooij (Leiden)
in preparationJeremiah
Richard D. Weis (Lexington)
in preparationChronicles
Zipora Talshir (Beer Sheva)
in preparationPsalms
Gerard J. Norton (Dublin)
in preparationDaniel
Augustinus Gianto (Rome)
in preparation0 -
James McAdams said:Adam Olean said:
There's only one fascicle that Faithlife sells but has not delivered yet:
Twelve Prophets
Anthony Gelston (Durham)
published (2010)The page doesn't seem to have been updated, but the latest resource update seems to have included this.
It appears that BHQ Apparatus Criticus is lagging behind BHQ, still awaiting a future update. The "Twelve Prophets" are absent from the apparatus and its table of contents. Also, if you click on a link within BHQ, Power Lookup returns "No resources found that contain this reference".
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Adam Olean said:Denise said:
Definitely agree.
But I have my doubts there's available staff. Unless it's an interlinear (ie database aligning) or a another dataset, may be a bridge too far.
What was the last biggie ... Antioch Bible? Pieces, like Quinta and there she be.
Hmmm ... Some of the more recent projects that come to mind would be the long in coming Biblia Hebraica Transcripta and WIVU Constituency Trees, which I'm sure were long painful roads for everyone who worked on them (esp. BHt), but I'm grateful for the final products! The Lexham Dead Sea Scrolls Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible was another welcome edition, building on prior resources. And now with the Twelve / Minor Prophets out, maybe they'll allocate some resources to Genesis and the other fascicles of BHQ as they're made available by the publisher, in addition to other projects. That said, I think the only real solution would be to start cloning Rick Brannan and Vincent Setterholm, although I can appreciate the ethical dilemmas that would raise for Bob, Phil, and the rest of Faithlife management and staff.
Anyway, I hope that Faithlife keeps improving and extending their ancient language resources and databases, both new and old (in quantity, quality, functionality, and accuracy). They've definitely made some good strides on a number of fronts.
Yes, you're right, especially BHt. The others were Libby-catch-up or another dataset.
I didn't notice the apparatus issue, and should have. And Genesis is disappointing. Sigh.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Seven years and counting for the Logos critical apparatus for BHQ of the Twelve Prophets ... At least they have the text and footnote marks ready as of yesterday, and hopefully will add the apparatus soon. I'd say people holding out for Genesis to be digitized will have to wait two years from now, at the very least.
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Good news: As of June 10, 2017, at least, the Minor Prophets (The Twelve) in BHQ by Gelston now has the critical apparatus. If you've purchased Biblia Hebraica Quinta for your library, type "Update now" in your Logos search bar to speed along the BHQ update if you do not already have it!