Highlight searching doesn't seem to be working properly in Logos 7.8 beta 1
Running a wildcard highlight search in Logos 7.8 beta 1 on Windows 10 doesn't return any results even though there are highlights in the resource
This is true for different resources not just this one
The logfile has:
2017-06-21 15:34:23.3942 1 Info AppCommand (Timed) Executing command: Resource|Id=LLS:PLRCNTINTRP|Placement=a
2017-06-21 15:34:23.3952 1 Info PanelViewModel Applying panel settings for Preferences: Locator=false
2017-06-21 15:34:23.3957 1 Info PanelViewModel Navigating panel to: Id=LLS:PLRCNTINTRP
2017-06-21 15:34:23.3957 1 Info PanelViewModel Applying panel settings for Bookmark: Id=LLS:PLRCNTINTRP
2017-06-21 15:34:23.4072 1 Info PanelViewModel Got panel settings for Bookmark: Id=Document:Sermon:1f1486890ce94d6faf41042040f42be0|Settings={"handout":{"hideAnswers":true}}
2017-06-21 15:34:23.4152 1 Info ResourcePanelViewModel Updating 1 ResourceViewModels for host: LLS:PLRCNTINTRP with configuration: LLS:PLRCNTINTRP
2017-06-21 15:34:23.5133 1 Info PanelViewModel Applying panel settings for Preferences: Contents=true|MultiViewEnabled=true|Position=Offset%3d32364%7cVersion%3d2015-12-24T00%253A02%253A06Z%7cContext%3df%2520his%2520own%2520authority%2520%7cArticleLength%3d37750%7cArticle%3dPT3.2.1%7cResource%3dLLS%253APLRCNTINTRP%7cOffsetInContext%3d10
2017-06-21 15:34:23.5143 1 Info ContextInformationCache Initialization started
2017-06-21 15:34:23.5153 50 Info ContextInformationCache GetArticleInformation took 00:00:00.0009052
2017-06-21 15:34:23.5163 50 Info ContextInformationCache Initialization completed in 00:00:00.0012641
2017-06-21 15:34:23.6964 1 Info PanelViewModel Got panel settings for History: Id=LLS:PLRCNTINTRP|Milestone=DataType%3dpage%7cResource%3dLLS:PLRCNTINTRP%7cStartSegment%3d904616%7cVersion%3d2015-12-24T00:02:06Z|Position=Article%3dPT3.2.1%7cArticleLength%3d37750%7cContext%3df%2520his%2520own%2520authority%2520%7cOffset%3d32364%7cOffsetInContext%3d10%7cResource%3dLLS:PLRCNTINTRP%
2017-06-21 15:34:24.1399 1 Info AppCommand (745ms) Executing command: Resource|Id=LLS:PLRCNTINTRP|Placement=a
2017-06-21 15:34:24.3401 1 Info LogosContentDisplayElement OnGotFocus
2017-06-21 15:34:30.9040 37 Info LibrarySearcher (Timed) Searching ResourceList for: {Highlight *}
2017-06-21 15:34:30.9095 37 Warn QueryTreeConverter Unprocessed extension query term found in tree: {Highlight *}
2017-06-21 15:34:30.9100 37 Info LibrarySearcher (6ms) Searching ResourceList for: {Highlight *}
2017-06-21 15:34:30.9140 1 Warn LogosDisplayElement ContextualizedRanges were not provided. Falling back to Article contextualization.
and the complete log file is attached
Does anyone else see the same thing?
Thanks for the report. I can recreate this problem. We'll get it fixed.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Thanks Andrew
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Graham Criddle said:
Running a wildcard highlight search in Logos 7.8 beta 1 on Windows 10 doesn't return any results even though there are highlights in the resource.
This has been fixed in 7.8 Beta 2 (