Sermon Editor: Indent on block decreased when ENTER is pressed. (WIN 7.11 Beta 3;

Tim Hensler
Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,532 ✭✭✭


  • Select a block (a quote copied from a resource) that has been intended.
  • Press the "ENTER" key (so it will create a blank line below the selected block).
    • The selected block indent decreases, but no new line is created.
  • Press the "ENTER" key again.
    • A new line is created below the selected block
  • If the block is indented multiple levels, you must press the ENTER key once for each indent level, then when the block is no longer indented, pressing the ENTER key will create the new line below the selected block.


  • I expected a new line to be created under the selected block.
  • I did not expect the block's indent to decrease.

Log files attached

  • I launched Logos with a layout that included a sermon file.
  • I followed the first three replication steps above.
  • I closed Logos.
  • I zipped the log files for this post.
