Link Set Indictor on Tabs

I'm a real fan of tabs in Logos, and in 8 every tab in a linkset as a linkset indicator. I'd like to turn off that indicator since it just wastes precious space in my layout. I don't see an obvious setting to toggle. Thanks.
I don't think there is an option to do so, curious as to why you would want to do this and not readily see what is linked together?
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There's no way to turn these off manually (except of course leaving the linkset). I do believe the plan had been to hide these as space was needed but that's not happening. We'll have to see whether that's a bug or a change in design plan (in either case your feedback is valuable).
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Because I KNOW what is linked together. It is for me not a helpful visual clue but a waste of space.
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Hi Clint! This option is not currently available with Logos 8. Thanks!
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I agree that this has to be addressed. It is a huge problem visually and takes up way too much space.
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That and the book icons too. At that size, the book covers as icons are just amorphous blobs of color. When I get a lot of tabs open I'd rather see the first few letters of each title. This is a serious usability flaw.
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J. Jackson said:
That and the book icons too.
That was discussed in beta ... for myself ... think retired a decade ago for age, I find the book icon essential ... color is generally sufficient for me to recognize my commentary series which is where I need the visual clue the most as the names don't tell me which commentary series it is. My point is that users have differing opinions on this - and can justify their opinion based on genuine usability issues.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I'm adding my voice to requesting this option be made available, or the display option reverted to previous default. I haven't loaded Logos 8 in maybe a month -unusual for me! When I did today I was shocked by how much larger the link-set icons are. I had everything arranged where all my loaded resources in each of my four columns were pretty much visible "all at once," but this change just makes things unwieldy (I have *lots* of resources loaded). Please "put it back" the way it was, or enact the good suggestions being made here and on other threads.
Removing the links is not an option I want to have to resort to -I don't want every single resource I have visible changing when I scroll one of the columns. The ability to have most linked and jointly scrolling while also having some remain static is a workflow I've become very accustomed to (and fond of!). Not to mention the fact that having to click-click-click-click through the resources I have in each window / column is already annoying -and this is only my first day of having to deal with this!!
Thank you!
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Clint Cozier said:
I'm a real fan of tabs in Logos, and in 8 every tab in a linkset as a linkset indicator. I'd like to turn off that indicator since it just wastes precious space in my layout. I don't see an obvious setting to toggle. Thanks.
Thread => Colour coding tabs caused an idea:
Like idea of colour coded tabs (or underlines) in a Link Set (instead of showing Link letter on tab).
The Link Set colours could be the same as Search OR results.
Tab has line indicator on top for active. Bottom of tab could have underline (or background) color for link set so could quickly see which tab(s) are in a link set.
Keep Smiling
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Clint Cozier said:
I'm a real fan of tabs in Logos, and in 8 every tab in a linkset as a linkset indicator. I'd like to turn off that indicator since it just wastes precious space in my layout. I don't see an obvious setting to toggle. Thanks.
Thread => Colour coding tabs caused an idea:
Like idea of colour coded tabs (or underlines) in a Link Set (instead of showing Link letter on tab).
The Link Set colours could be the same as Search OR results.
Tab has line indicator on top for active. Bottom of tab could have underline (or background) color for link set so could quickly see which tab(s) are in a link set.
Keep Smiling
I love this idea! (Like others have said, I find it irritating that the link-set name is taking up tab space.)
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Tab has line indicator on top for active. Bottom of tab could have underline (or background) color for link set so could quickly see which tab(s) are in a link set.
I'd rather not have the entire tab background colored because of the potential "fruit salad" look. I do, however, like the idea of something more unobtrusive! My preference would be to have something like... a color-coded link icon to the left of the resource icon (WITHOUT adding space). The linkset letter icon would then be set to simply disappear before anything else disappears (I'd probably have this happen between "compact titles" and "short titles"). Alternatively, the link icon could appear only when the linkset letter icon gets hidden. The linkset icons in the resource menu should be colored according to their appearance in the tab.
Here's a mockup of how this could look.
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Reuben Helmuth said:
My preference would be to have something like... a color-coded link icon to the left of the resource icon (WITHOUT adding space).
Color-coded link icon under Resource icon would allow Link indicator to be visible when Tab shrinks to Resource icon.
Edit: underline beneath Resource Icon without increasing vertical space works. Awesome would be underline under Link Set in Information (for choosing Link Sets)
Personally OK with underline link icon overlaying bottom 15% of Resource Icon (so vertical Tab size could be reduced)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Completely agree. These were less obtrusive and took up far less space in Logos 7. I'm sure effort was expended to implement this change, but I'm struggling to see any advantage. I'd strongly vote for a return to the linkset indicators from Logos 7.
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I'll add my hearty "Amen" to this. Wow, at this point, I'm regretting upgrading to Logos 8. I have lots of tabs open but now I can't see them all, nor can I easily scroll. I have to "click, click, click, click" to get it to move. I can't just hold down the mouse button to scroll through the tabs. It is a goof on the part of Logos. Let's go back to the Logos 7 style, PLEASE!
Actually, it is even worse than I thought. There is no way to scroll through the tabs.
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Thomas Pinson said:
There is no way to scroll through the tabs.
I agree that I don't like it, but this sentence isn't true. You can scroll through the tabs with a two finger swipe.
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JT, Thank you! That is a HUGE help. Since the arrows on either side that used to scroll don't work (only clicking), it didn't even occur to me to try the two-finger swipe. That works on a Mac for me. I wonder, does it work on a Windows machine too?
Thanks, again!
But I still hope that Logos fixing the tab and Link Set indicator issue.
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Another vote for removal of the link set icon and slimming down of the tab space. A "hover to reveal" would be great, and if the programmers want to offer an option to have a durable icon, that's okay.
This is the single change so far that most makes me want to revert to 7 and nullifies a lot of the benefits of 8. Had I known this I would not have upgraded.
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I, too, hope this will soon be addressed. The width problem is an issue, and so is the way you scroll tabs using a mouse. It's miserable. The 2-finger scroll is much faster, but I use a keyboard and mouse most of the time with my Mac.
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Can we please have colored tabs that show links or something? Thank you. Shalom!