Bug: Notes anchor (suggestions) doesn't let you add headwords

Jewish Encyclopedia has Hebrew, transliterated, and English headwords. (I've also tried headwords from other resources such as the Concise Oxford English Dictionary.)
Although you can add a headword as a new note, you apparently can't add a headword as an anchor to an existing note.
The anchor dropdown doesn't appear to include headwords.
- The first suggestion (Bat) adds an anchor to a Thing, which brings up the Factbook
- The second suggestion (bat) adds an anchor to a sense, which brings up the Bible Sense Lexicon
- The third suggestion (bāt) brings up a cryptic reference in the Lookup panel.
(Perhaps the suggestions could include their datatype, so it's apparent which type of anchor you are adding?)
If you try to paste a headword into the Reference box, then click the Add button (without making a selection from the dropdown list), it does nothing; no anchor is added at all.
I originally asked if it was possible to add headword anchors to existing notes, but didn't get any answers.
Thank you.
Logos 8.0 SR-1 ( on macOS 10.14.1 (18B75)
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
This looks related to what I posted about here:
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In general, Headwords are not datatypes, so they won't be recognized as References/links. Lemmas (Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic headwords) are recognized as References. But English (or other language) headwords are not easily constrained to single words, unless you want a similar dictionary lookup.
So you need to use Selected text for what you regard as 'Headwords' (they could be Headings), unless Faithlife can assist with words/topics that are part of the LCV data.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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J. Erik said:
This looks related to what I posted about here:
In the sense that specific English words are capable of being interpreted in different ways by Logos e.g. Romans is a Writing, an Ethnic Group (Person) or a Topic. The first two were suggested, and it would be good if the Topic was suggested, as that would be a Headword.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
In general, Headwords are not datatypes, so they won't be recognized as References/links.
I don't understand the nuance or internal representation, but I did this short test to discover how Notes handled context menu headwords.
1. Select the ESSENES headword from ABD. Notice that the context menu defaults to ESSENES (Selection).
2. Change the context menu from ESSENES (Selection) to Essenes (Headword). This changes the highlighted selection from the single word to (most of?) the article.
3. Choose Add Note (from the context menu).
4a. Examine the note facet to see it listed as an (English) headword.
4b. Examine other resources to see that a note icon now appears in other resources with that headword).
Dave Hooton said:So you need to use Selected text for what you regard as 'Headwords' (they could be Headings)
The note tool seems to consider it as an English headword, and one resource certainly seems to only be indexed as English headwords, rather than headings.
It appears that the notes tool headword functionality is half-way there, since the context menu can pass the correct details to the (add) note tool.
What would limit an existing note being able to add the same manner of anchor to it (assuming headwords get added to the list of suggestions)?
I guess the question really is whether or not it's technically (or feasibly) possible to add headwords to the "Add Anchor" reference dropdown list.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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PetahChristian said:
It appears that the notes tool headword functionality is half-way there, since the context menu can pass the correct details to the (add) note tool.
What would limit an existing note being able to add the same manner of anchor to it (assuming headwords get added to the list of suggestions)?
We need Faithlife to respond.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
We need Faithlife to respond.
Going to bump the thread to try to get someone from FL to respond. Would prefer to avoid asking someone directly for a response.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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PetahChristian said:
It appears that the notes tool headword functionality is half-way there, since the context menu can pass the correct details to the (add) note tool.
What would limit an existing note being able to add the same manner of anchor to it (assuming headwords get added to the list of suggestions)?
The code to do that hasn't been written yet.
We'll consider this a suggestion for future improvements to notes.
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The workaround for now is to find a resource with that headword, and add the note from the context menu.
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The code to do that hasn't been written yet.
We'll consider this a suggestion for future improvements to notes.
Thank you, Bradley.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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PetahChristian said:
The anchor dropdown doesn't appear to include headwords.
I would imagine part of the problem here is that AFAIK Logos doesn't maintain a master list of headwords, but headwords are kept in individual per-resource indexes (chiefly *.mstidx files). There is a master list of LCV topics, which is probably what you're seeing. But with the current architecture I don't think it would be easy to present a list of possible headwords to you.
Perhaps this is a good time to make my annual request for faster and more accurate index for lookups (headwords and milestones).
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark Barnes said:
I would imagine part of the problem here is that AFAIK Logos doesn't maintain a master list of headwords, but headwords are kept in individual per-resource indexes (chiefly *.mstidx files).
That actually sounds favorable, since (in this case) we'd only need the list of headwords from the active resource.
I can't think of a case where I'd want to create an anchor for any old headword, without having searched for it first and opened a resource to read what its entry had to say.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!