Mac accents

Hi, I use a mac computer, am trying to put accents on my notes but doesn't let me do it, I write in spanish and use a lot accents on letters like á é í ó ú ñ even ü, (I use my mac to do it now) I can write it any where except on logos notes, the way I am doing it at the moment is using Microsoft word copy and paste, is there a way I can type directly?
Normally on a Mac, you can just hold down the letter on the keyboard for a second, and a little window will pop up, allowing you to choose the accent.
This doesn't seem to work in Notes, as the letter just repeats.
"The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected."- G.K. Chesterton
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Hello Agustin,
Welcome to the forums!
It doesn't appear that you can use the easy way of typing accents in the Notes Tool (by holding down on the key and selecting from the resulting pop up menu). But the OPTION keyboard shortcuts do work for typing accents.
For instance,
Type OPT-U and then your letter and you get: ë
Type OPT-N and then your letter and you get: ñ
Type OPT-E and then your letter and you get: á
See more shortcuts here (scroll down to bottom of the article):
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Ben said:
This doesn't seem to work in Notes, as the letter just repeats
I consider this a bug. It affects only the content area and sidebar find box as far as I can tell. Even the main search box in the Notes tool functions as expected.
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Don't work, Check the link and said the same thing, thank you
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The OPTION-key shortcut method works for me in Logos Notes Tool.
What version of Logos do you have? What macOS?
I am running Logos 8.2 on macOS 10.14.3.
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The OPT- plus keys work
However, since Logos is the one app for which you have to do that in a Mac world, I would concur that this is another bug that needs squashing.
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iMac OS Mojave; The new Logos 8
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We are going to need to be a little more specific. There are four versions of Mojave—10.14.0, 10.14.1, 10.14.2, 10.14.3—the first and possibly second caused problems with Logos. We want to rule out that you aren't on one of those. Please check by clicking on "About This Mac" on the Apple Menu.
Are you on Logos 8.2? Please verify by clicking on "Logos" in the menu bar and selecting "About Logos Bible Software."
Does the Option-Key method work for you in other apps, such as Text Edit?
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Mac OS Mojave 10.14.2
It's working with OPT key. But would be good if works like everything else, holding the key down and choose the different accents options. Thank you, I learned something new for me (opt + e and than type the letter)
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Agustin Vargas said:
Hi, I use a mac computer, am trying to put accents on my notes but doesn't let me do it, I write in spanish and use a lot accents on letters like á é í ó ú ñ even ü, (I use my mac to do it now) I can write it any where except on logos notes, the way I am doing it at the moment is using Microsoft word copy and paste, is there a way I can type directly?
I've filed a bug report.