Workflow URLs: crashes and resurrections

Randy W. Sims
Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

In Logos desktop, if you use Copy Location to get a url or l4, and then use that url Logos desktop will crash. Logos web app will open the url.

Also, if you use a url for a Workflow after it has been deleted, it will be resurrected. Which might be a cool hidden feature except there is no way to start over from scratch.

An obvious followup of the above. If you had the workflow open in the web app when you last used it and open it up after deleting on the desktop, it will resurrect the workflow.

There is no ability to have more than one workflow on the same reference. Which is likely as intended but worth pointing out (if it hasn't already been).

BTW, I really really would love friendly urls for those links so I can easily open a workflow from a url with a nice ref like jn3.16 instead of bible.64.3.16. Please extend URL support.
