Bug 8.7 B1: Corresponding Selection not working

The Corresponding Selection VF doesn't always display the selected text.
- Open ESV to 1 Samuel
- Open NKJV to 1 Samuel and check the filter in the VF menu
- Select v.1-2 in ESV --> no selection in NKJV
- Select v.3-7 in ESV --> no selection in NKJV
- Select v.3-8 in ESV --> v.8 is selected in NKJV
Selections appeared to be OK from v.8 onward.
After a while, though, nothing is being selected, and I have to re-open NKJV to reproduce the behaviour above. The text Selection Menu was On, but behaviour is the same when Off.
Windows 11 & Android 13
Hi Dave,
We've got a case for this bug. I'll add your thread to the case.
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Corresponding selection from English to NA28 still does not work in version 8.8 beta on Windows 10.
It works from NA28 to English Bibles, however.
It works from English Bibles to UBS5, but not to NA28.
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I'm not able to reproduce this on either macOS or Windows. Are there any particular passages you are observing this on?
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I'm not able to reproduce this, can you make sure all of your resources are up to date?
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A computer restart fixed it – I should have just tried that first :-)
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Dave Hooton said:
The Corresponding Selection VF doesn't always display the selected text.
This appears to be fixed in v8.8
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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In Logos 8.10, selecting NASB 1995 text highlights the text in the UBS5 Greek New Testament. But highlighting words and phrases in the UBS5 does not highlight the corresponding selection in the NASB. I have the same problem going from the NA28 to the NASB or the UBS5. It appears that this problem has not yet been completely resolved.
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This Corresponding Selection bug continues in Logos 8.13 Beta 3 on Windows 10.
I believe the problem started when the Selection menu was added. Since then, I have never been able to count on the Corresponding Selection to work.
The Corresponding Selection visual feature has been a bit flaky since it was called Sympathetic Highlighting. It may be coincidental or perhaps I only noticed it then. But since around the time of the addition of the Selection menu, Corresponding Selection only works about 25% of the time. Sometimes it will work from Greek to English, but not from English to Greek. Sometimes it works with one version of the Greek New Testament, but not another. I have found no pattern that is reliable. Often a word alone does not work. I can sometimes get it to work if I select a phrase rather than a word. Then it will work for a while if I select a single word. Even then, one word will work fine but selecting a different word will not work. It does not work any better with the Hebrew Bible.
This is very frustrating because I use this as a teaching tool with my Greek students in nearly every class. It is a huge time saver in my own Bible study and clarifies many things when used with multiple Bible translations.
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Harry Hahne said:
This Corresponding Selection bug continues in Logos 8.13 Beta 3 on Windows 10.
I believe the problem started when the Selection menu was added. Since then, I have never been able to count on the Corresponding Selection to work.
The Corresponding Selection visual feature has been a bit flaky since it was called Sympathetic Highlighting. It may be coincidental or perhaps I only noticed it then. But since around the time of the addition of the Selection menu, Corresponding Selection only works about 25% of the time. Sometimes it will work from Greek to English, but not from English to Greek. Sometimes it works with one version of the Greek New Testament, but not another. I have found no pattern that is reliable. Often a word alone does not work. I can sometimes get it to work if I select a phrase rather than a word. Then it will work for a while if I select a single word. Even then, one word will work fine but selecting a different word will not work. It does not work any better with the Hebrew Bible.
This is very frustrating because I use this as a teaching tool with my Greek students in nearly every class. It is a huge time saver in my own Bible study and clarifies many things when used with multiple Bible translations.
I too am unable to reproduce this bug. Can you provide a screen recording so I can see exactly where you are seeing it fail and what resources.
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Philana R. Crouch said:
Can you provide a screen recording so I can see exactly where you are seeing it fail and what resources.
Here is a recording of the Corresponding Selection failure with NASB1995 and UBS5. Both resources have Corresponding Selection turned on. You will notice in the video that it worked sometimes, but failed other times.
I also have attach the log files for this session that I recorded.
I hope that between the recording and the log, you can find why Corresponding Selection works sometimes and not other times.