BUG: TC doesn't respond adequately to linkset

When Text Comparison is in a linkset with other Bibles, scrolling the other Bibles results in lagging response or no response by TC. Sometimes, the ref box will update as if following along, but the actual text hasn't updated.

Additionally, the ref box occasionally seems to be "one step behind." In other words, if I'm at verse 8, then quickly scroll to verse 10, TC might not update. Subsequently, if I quickly scroll to v15, TC will now update to v10 (the previous location)

FWIW, using the nav arrows in the other resources causes the TC ref box to update correctly, as does selecting some text in the other resource (one way I've found to cause the active reference to be something other than the verse at the top of the screen).

This bug has been attested to by multiple people in the Translator's Workplace FL group.
