Inconsistencies in Logos User Interface

Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

One of the difficulties that I have with Logos are small inconsistencies in the GUI. I hope that this thread helps us collect some of them so that Logos can resolve them. I will post some inconsistencies that I have noticed but hope that others will contribute as well.



  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Depending on which menu I am on, I get the option "Add a note" or "Take a note" or "Add note". This could be unified.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Depending on the Guide or the Search or the Factbook that I run, there are different ways how the results are displayed:

    • All results are shown immediately, even if the list is very long.
    • Sometimes, I get many results (probably over 50) and at the bottom I get the option: "Next >>" to get more results. Sometimes, "Next >>" if preceded with a "1" or a "2", other times it is not.
    • Sometimes, I only get 10 results and then get a "More >>" button to get another 10 results. With many results, I might have to clock "More >>" may times to get all results.
    • Sometimes, I can specify in the Settings how many results I want to see. Other times, I don't have this option.
    • There are also situations when clicking "More >>" gives not 10 more results, but all remaining results, even if there are many.

    It would be great if this could be unified. Maybe we could even have several buttons to show 10, 20, 50 more results as well as all results.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    When I click on the Library, Guides or Tools Menu, I can immediately start typing. However, when selecting the Docs menu, I first have to place the cursor into the Find box. It would be great if the cursor was automatically placed into the Find box.

  • John Fidel
    John Fidel MVP Posts: 3,458

    Good topic. 

    Most guides allow you to collapse all sections with a right mouse click except factbook that requires you to use the panel menu. 

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Armin said:

    When I click on the Library, Guides or Tools Menu, I can immediately start typing. However, when selecting the Docs menu, I first have to place the cursor into the Find box. It would be great if the cursor was automatically placed into the Find box.

    Here are some other related issues in search:

    • Bible, Basic, Media, Morph Search: I can immediately start typing as the cursor is in the textbox.
    • Clause search: I first have to click in the textbox in order to type.

    In the visual filter, I also first have to click on the textbox in order to type.  The same is with Layouts: I first have to click in the textbox so that I can search.

  • SineNomine
    SineNomine Member Posts: 7,012 ✭✭✭

    Most guides allow you to collapse all sections with a right mouse click except factbook that requires you to use the panel menu. 

    Technically, Factbook is not a Guide, even though it looks like one.

    “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

  • FrMoses
    FrMoses Member Posts: 89 ✭✭

    Armin said:

    When I click on the Library, Guides or Tools Menu, I can immediately start typing. However, when selecting the Docs menu, I first have to place the cursor into the Find box. It would be great if the cursor was automatically placed into the Find box.

    Yes! Same with the Copy Bible Verse tool. I think all of the input fields should be active and ready to go when switching to their respective tabs or windows.

    I use Verbum with an 8-Core Mac Pro (2013) and a MacBook Pro (2017)

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    When opening the Personal Book Builder, the Command-F feature does not work. Ideally, I would like to have the find box  open and active as soon as I start the PBB panel. This would be consistent with many other panels.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,198

    Armin said:

    When opening the Personal Book Builder, the Command-F feature does not work. Ideally, I would like to have the find box open and active as soon as I start the PBB panel. This would be consistent with many other panels.

    Is this a Mac thing? On Windows I can't confirm - to the contrary, due to the (lack of) UI in the PB Tool, the find box (Ctrl-F) is the only way to filter for PBs in a larger number of PB projects and I need to use it very often.

    I'd like a filter functionality consistent with other panels (such as the library or the Docs), however the find box is something independent from this.  

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    NB.Mick said:

    Is this a Mac thing? 

    FL would need to comment on this. But it could be possible.

    NB.Mick said:

    I'd like a filter functionality consistent with other panels (such as the library or the Docs), however the find box is something independent from this.  

    Yes, the filter functionality would be the most consistent way of finding a PBB,

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Here are some more inconsistencies:

    To start, I open three Bibles: two times the NIV and one time the ESV. 

    If I press the interlinear button in one of the NIV Bibles, the interlinear pane only shows in the one NIV Bible. It does not show in the other NIV Bible or the ESV. However, if I press the new Factbook button in one of the NIV Bibles, the Factbook gets activated in both NIV Bibles, but not in the ESV. I would have expected a similar behavior like with the interlinear button, i.e., that the Factbook only gets activated in the one NIV Bible where I clicked the button.

    Similarly, if I select the visual filter "BIble text only" in one of the NIVs, this filter also gets applied in the other NIV but not the ESV. I would prefer if this visual filter gets only applied in the one NIV where I selected the filter. This would allow me to have several NIVs open with different visual filters. 

  • Armin said:

    Similarly, if I select the visual filter "BIble text only" in one of the NIVs, this filter also gets applied in the other NIV but not the ESV. I would prefer if this visual filter gets only applied in the one NIV where I selected the filter. This would allow me to have several NIVs open with different visual filters. 

    My demonstration account (order total of $ 0.00) does not have NIV so screen shot shows two Lexham English Bibles (LEB) with different settings:

    Thankful for a coupon covering cost of Logos 8 Fundamentals for demonstration, which included Multiview Resources where Primary resource settings are inherited by secondary resource(s).

    FYI: anticipating Logos 8 Fundamentals being replaced by Logos 9 Fundamentals (perhaps as soon as early Feb 2021 with free Logos 9 release)

    FWIW: LEB & ESV are formal equivalent translations (literal word for word style assumes reader familiarity with Jewish culture) while New Living Translation (NLT) is similar to NIV for dynamic thought translation (with varying cultural interpretation). Thankful for many Bibles having Reverse Interlinear alignments (includes ESV, LEB, NIV, NLT, ...) that allows visual filter highlighting of Greek Morphology. Logos Wiki Extended Tips for Highlighting and Visual Filters includes:

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,877

    Armin said:

    This would allow me to have several NIVs open with different visual filters. 

    I agree strongly

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    In a Passage List, I can insert a heading using right-click. However, this does not work in a Clippings document. It would be great if I could also have headings in Clippings.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    If I do a Basic Search in "All Resources". I can order the books in my downloaded library by "Ranked", "By Resource", or "By Count". However, if I do the same Basic Search in "Everything", I do not get these sorting options for the books in my downloaded library. It would be great if this sorting would be possible in all search results.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    In addition, in the left search panel I get 100 results displayed in one go. In the right search panel, I get only 10 search results displayed.

    The way how I get more search results also is different:

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Logos is very inconsistent when it comes to displaying additional search results. Here is one very unpractical example:

    This search has 372 results but when I click on "More >>" I only get 5 more results. I have to press this button 74 times to get to the end of the list!

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Here are some more inconsistencies when it comes to the display of results in the Passage Guide:

    In the Commentary section, I can specify how many resource results I want to see. However, in the Collection section, I cannot do this.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    This is probably more likely a bug than an inconsistency, however, I still want to show it here. In dark mode on MacOS, Command-F does not always display the find textbox. However, even without the find textbox, I can just type the word I want to look for and Logos finds it in the resource. By pressing enter, I find the next occurance of the word. However, I cannot find the previous occurrence. Here is a screenshot of a tab after pressing Command-F. No find textbox appears.

    However, in a separate panel that contains the same resource, Command-F works:

    It would be great if Command-F worked consistently in all panels.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Here is another inconsistency about the "More >>" link. 

    1) First, "more" is sometimes capitalized, sometimes not.

    2) If I filter my notes to only show highlights, I get 4 resources listed and the "more >>" link. When I click "more>>", I get 30 resources listed, however, no "more >>" link even though I have other resources with highlights. In my case, it is impossible to select any resource with fewer than 147 highlights.

    Here are screenshots:


  • godfredaurel
    godfredaurel Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Mine is about the hebrew/greek text font that are not at all consistent in different panels, just for example the information panel. I hope that Logos will try to improve the consistency of fonts on different panels, because if i choose a given font in the setting to be shown up in my main screen, it's because that font pleases me in my eyes and sometime, let's just admit it, some fonts are more readable than other fonts. Thanks.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Sorry, I just realized that the left screenshot of my previous post is incorrect. So here is a second attempt to describe the inconsistency about the "More >>" link. 

    1) First, "more" is sometimes capitalized, sometimes not.

    2) If I filter my notes to only show highlights, I get 4 resources listed and the "more >>" link. When I click "more>>", I get 30 resources listed, however, no "more >>" link even though I have other resources with highlights. In my case, it is impossible to select any resource with fewer than 147 highlights.

    Here are screenshots:


  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,877

    Aland, Barbara, Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger, and Allen Wikgren. The Greek New Testament. 4th ed. Federal Republic of Germany: United Bible Societies, 1993. for the interlinear option uses "Louw-Nida Entry" rather than simply "Louw-Nida" as used elsewhere.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Maybe this is more a bug than an inconsistency. The Fuzzy Bible Search seems to ignore the search range ("New Testament") that I set. It also displays results from the OT.

    Screen Shot 2021-02-01 At 05.26.59

  • SineNomine
    SineNomine Member Posts: 7,012 ✭✭✭

    “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Whenever there is a timeline flag in Logos, the timeline tool starts, except in the Factbook. Here is a screenshot of a flag in the Factbook:

    Screen Shot 2021-01-26 At 05.15.20

    If I click on the flag, nothing happens. If I click on the text next to the flag, a new entry is displayed in the Factbook.

    However, in other resources, clicking on the flag, gives me the timeline. Here is an example:

    Screen Shot 2021-01-26 At 05.17.39

  • SineNomine
    SineNomine Member Posts: 7,012 ✭✭✭

    “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    If I select text, then highlight it by clicking on one of the color icons in the pop-up, a "highlight" is created in the Notes Tool. When I then select again the same text and click on "Remove Highlighting" in the pop-up, the highlight disappears. However, the Notes Tool still shows the selected text under the filter "Highlights". Unless I go into the Notes Tool, select the "Highlight" and then click "Delete this note" (by the way, it is a highlight, not a note), I cannot delete this already removed highlight. - This is very weird.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Bill said:

    Thanks, Bill, for pointing this out. Yes, it is another inconsistency.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Armin said:

    If I select text, then highlight it by clicking on one of the color icons in the pop-up, a "highlight" is created in the Notes Tool. When I then select again the same text and click on "Remove Highlighting" in the pop-up, the highlight disappears. However, the Notes Tool still shows the selected text under the filter "Highlights". Unless I go into the Notes Tool, select the "Highlight" and then click "Delete this note" (by the way, it is a highlight, not a note), I cannot delete this already removed highlight. - This is very weird.

    I noticed that I have quite a few of these orphaned "highlights", i,.e., they are still in my Notes but neither contain a note nor do they highlight anything. Having filtered my Highlights by "Text Range" (rather than Reference), I still have several thousand highlights. A few of them are orphaned. How can I filter them so that I can delete all orphaned highlights? I don't want to go through all my highlights individually.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    The following is maybe more a bug than an inconsistency. Sometimes, my courses tool displays only the video, sometimes video and text. It is not clear to me when I get what. My preference is to have video and text. This is on a Mac.


  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Here are some more issues with notes:

    When selecting previously highlighted text and right-clicking, I get several options, two of which are:

    "Open notes and highlights"

    "Delete notes and highlights"

    The first one opens the entire notes tool. The second deletes the selected highlight and associated note. Given the similarity of the two options, this is confusing. The first option opens the notes tool, i.e., ALL my notes and highlights. This then seems to indicate that the second option deletes ALL my notes and highlights. However, this is not the case.

    Here is a screenshot:

    Here is another issue:

    In the notes tool, I can delete a note. Although the option states "Delete this note", it not only deletes the note but also the highlight. In other places (see above), the option states "Delete notes and highlights", i.e., clearly states that both are deleted. 

    I really would love more consistency in Logos.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Armin said:

    I still have several thousand highlights. A few of them are orphaned. How can I filter them so that I can delete all orphaned highlights?


  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Armin said:

    Armin said:

    I still have several thousand highlights. A few of them are orphaned. How can I filter them so that I can delete all orphaned highlights?


    yet another bump

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,877

    I haven't tried it but on the selection panel have you tried highlight + no anchor?

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    I haven't tried it but on the selection panel have you tried highlight + no anchor?

    Hi MJ, Many thanks for your suggestion. I assume by "selection panel" you mean the "Filters" in the Notes tool. Yes, I used the Highlights filter, but I am not sure how I can filter by "no anchor". Can you expand?

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,877

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    I see. I now realize that these notes still have an anchor (I actually don't have any unanchored notes). These "orphaned" notes have no Note Icon color and no Highlight Style. So they are invisible in the resource in which they are anchored.

    So far, the only way that I am aware of how I can find them is by scrolling through all my highlights in the Notes Tool and looking for those notes that have no highlight color:

    But doing this with over 15,000 highlights and the time Logos takes to load the notes, this will take me days / weeks.

    Is there any faster way?

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Here is another minor inconsistency:

    The following icons have tool tips: Sync, layouts, account, help. However, the close all icon has no tool tip.

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭

    Armin.....  I appreciate your efforts  in this thread... Good suggestions!  I have noticed some of these inconsistancies as you pointed out and didn't have time or thought I just misread something.... Thanks for pointing these out.

    The more consistent a program is, the less confusion there is.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    xnman said:

    Armin.....  I appreciate your efforts  in this thread... Good suggestions!  I have noticed some of these inconsistancies as you pointed out and didn't have time or thought I just misread something.... Thanks for pointing these out.

    The more consistent a program is, the less confusion there is.

    You are welcome. If these issues get fixed, it was worth it.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,133

    I realise this is an old post:-

    Armin said:

    So far, the only way that I am aware of how I can find them is by scrolling through all my highlights in the Notes Tool and looking for those notes that have no highlight color:

    But doing this with over 15,000 highlights and the time Logos takes to load the notes, this will take me days / weeks.

    You can run a Search for {Highlight *} on a subset of Highlights e.g. Resource + Bible Book. The Search result count will be lower than the count in Notes if there are highlights with no style. Hopefully you will have a small enough range to manually detect the Notes with no style.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Kiyah
    Kiyah Member Posts: 2,838 ✭✭✭✭

    Armin said:

    If I do a Basic Search in "All Resources". I can order the books in my downloaded library by "Ranked", "By Resource", or "By Count". However, if I do the same Basic Search in "Everything", I do not get these sorting options for the books in my downloaded library. It would be great if this sorting would be possible in all search results.

    I would really really love it Faithlife would prioritize fixing this inconsistency. Like for 9.11. This is probably my most frequently encountered (and annoying) interface inconsistency. And I almost always prefer to sort by resource and always want to have that option. I actually view this as a Bug rather than an inconsistency.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,133

    Kiyah said:

    I would really really love it Faithlife would prioritize fixing this inconsistency. Like for 9.11. This is probably my most frequently encountered (and annoying) interface inconsistency. And I almost always prefer to sort by resource and always want to have that option. I actually view this as a Bug rather than an inconsistency.

    You are responding to a 1 year old post when you should start a new thread for the issue if you regard it as a Bug.

    My opinion is that Everything is a very different Search mode, and deliberately presents a few results by Rank and then invites you to search All Resources; which exits Everything and allows you to search/sort by Resource. Everything also presents a few results from a Bible Search of your preferred bible.  It is a mode that I avoid.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • SineNomine
    SineNomine Member Posts: 7,012 ✭✭✭

    Kiyah said:

    Armin said:

    If I do a Basic Search in "All Resources". I can order the books in my downloaded library by "Ranked", "By Resource", or "By Count". However, if I do the same Basic Search in "Everything", I do not get these sorting options for the books in my downloaded library. It would be great if this sorting would be possible in all search results.

    I would really really love it Faithlife would prioritize fixing this inconsistency.

    It is definitely an odd inconsistency. Perhaps there is some obscure reason for it, but it eludes me at the moment.

    “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,877

    It is definitely an odd inconsistency. Perhaps there is some obscure reason for it, but it eludes me at the moment.

    I think that Dave hit upon the explanation (and the reason I don't consider the two as parallel and therefore not an inconsistency). The everything search provides only a sampling of results. If you want the full results, you run a Search which is where the options for the order should appear. A sort on a "randoming sampling" leads to the erroneous assumption that the results are complete and meaningful.

    The all resources search, however, does provide complete results and therefore the sorting is meaningful.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."