BUG: Search window doesn't recognize versions

One of my most favorite features in Logos is doing word studies in contemporaneous literature of the NT. In order to serve that purpose I have created several collections, for example:
- Greek: Contemporary NT: 200BC - 100AD (Greek)
- Greek: Contemporary NT: 200BC - 100AD (English)
Both collections are identical in terms of authors and title, the only difference being the language. See screenshot of the collections attached.
If I search in the Greek collection for EITHER lemma:κοινός OR lemma:σωτηρία (I mean two separate searches), ONLY THEN can I find the English counter-collection when I click 'Add Versions'.
However, if I combine the two searches with the following query:
- lemma:κοινός WITHIN 3 WORDS lemma:σωτηρία
then the English collection has disappeared from the Add Versions list! See screenshot.
Strangely enough, if I search for the same combined query in another Greek Collection (which I called "All Greek Literature Before the NT"), then the Add Versions feature DOES allow me to choose the English counter-collection.
Any support would be hugely appreciated!
Dell XPS 17 9700, W11, 32GB, 1TB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
L5+L9+L10 Portfolio | Logos Max | Translator's Workplace
I restricted myself to Ancient Manuscripts and used Morph Search.
I found that lang:English is misapplied to some Greek texts, but you really need to have an English-Greek reverse interlinear. I tag them appropriately to avoid confusion.
Then my collections did not appear in Add versions, but I could bring up an individual resource.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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If a lemma was found in "The Apostolic Fathers in English"/"Lake's.... Fathers in English" (both RI's) it can be viewed (Add versions) with various Apostolic Fathers in Greek, except "The Apostolic Fathers Greek-English Interlinear" which doesn't recognise Greek lemmas in the Context menu! The lemma cannot be viewed in Josephus or Philo Greek texts as there is no corresponding reference.
In the search of Greek resources, there was no results in "The Apostolic Fathers Greek-English Interlinear", and I could not view the results in "The Apostolic Fathers in English" for some reason.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Michel Pauw said:
Any support would be hugely appreciated!
I couldn't replicate your issue, not having the necessary resources. But I created a bug report at https://community.logos.com/forums/t/203251.aspx
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I think this is the result of a couple of interacting behaviors.
- A resource will show up in the list if it has a milestone index of a type that matches an appropriate index in one of the resources with search results.
- A collection will only show up in the list if at least one resource in the collection shows up in the list.
- Dave's thread is the result of a bug that prevents resources of type Ancient Manuscript Translation from showing up in the list.
I believe that the more highly constrained search has hits in fewer resources, which means that the list of milestone indexes to match against are narrower. This combined with the bug Dave reported means that certain resources aren't visible when they should be.
I think once Dave's bug is reported, your situation will be improved, but it's still possible that the list will look different for different searches due to the lack of resources that contain a matching milestone for your results.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Mark Barnes (Faithlife) said:
This has been fixed in Logos 9.15.
Except that the collections of ancient manuscripts do not appear when I click in Add versions - only collections for bibles. Only when I enter "Classic" do my 2x ancient manuscript collections appear.
===Windows 11 & Android 13