BUG Logos 9.12 Beta 3 Context menu incomplete

The context menu is showing only truncated in Logos 9.12 Beta 3, thus the link to information tool and the menu items towards the bottom, such as Report Typo functionality are not available.
This happens on my 15.6" monitor (full HD, 1920*1080 resolution, Win 10 has 125% scaling) at 100% program scaling. Sometimes a scrollbar is painted (but not functional), sometimes not:
note that this issue is not present when I move the display to my second, 24" display (which has the same resolution, but is set to 100% scaling in Windows):
The bug is new in this beta, the stable version (here: Verbum 9.11 SR-1 in German UI on the 15.6" screen) doesn't show it, everything is there and the scrollbar works fine:
Have joy in the Lord!
Have joy in the Lord!