Welcome, Mark Barnes!

Phil Gons (Logos)
Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,801
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm excited to announce that Mark Barnes joined the Faithlife team today as Product Manager of Bible Study Tools and will oversee the desktop, web, and mobile applications for Logos and Verbum.

Bob handed the reins to me in early 2015 after we shipped Logos 6 in late 2014, and it's been a joy to lead as the product manager for the last seven years overseeing Logos 6.x, 7, 8, 9, and (preparation for) 10.

As Faithlife grows and expands into new areas (including inclusive access textbooks for higher-education, church curriculum, and more), it's becoming increasingly obvious that I can no longer function as the product manager for our flagship product and effectively lead our overall product strategy forward.

When I stepped back to think about who to pass the reins to for Logos, Mark was the first person to come to mind. He's well known and loved in the forums, having served as an MVP for many years and contributed to this community well through his training videos, commentary collections, product expertise, general guidance, and various technical solutions he's built on the side.

His background and experience in IT, pastoral ministry, and higher-education as both a student and lecturer, his skill as an exegete and expositor, his excellence as a communicator and trainer, his expertise with Logos, and his heart for the global church make him well-suited to lead Logos forward and build on our 30-years of serving Bible students worldwide.

Mark and I share in common our love for the product and active engagement in this community prior to joining Faithlife, which gives us a special appreciation for you all. I have every confidence that Mark will carry the torch well as the new champion for our Logos users.

Please join me in welcoming Mark and congratulating him on his new role.

