BUG: L10.1 Beta 1 Long footnotes are cut

This bug exists on latest Beta, Logos 10.1 Beta 1 as well as in the current stable version, e.g. Verbum 10.0 SR-1 - as of now, not yet acknowledged by FL - and seriously impacts working with more scholarly resources which tend to have long footnotes. 

Steps to recreate:

  • Open a resource that contains long footnotes (e.g. https://ref.ly/logosres/mrysbdlyssmptn?ref=Page.p+1), the relevant determinator for "long" being: the footnote has more text than fits into the pop-up box showing on screen      
  • Navigate to a long footnote and click it
  • Expected behavior: the pop-up box shows as much of the footnote as will fit and offers a scrollbar to view the rest
  • Buggy behavior: the popup box shows as much of the footnote as will fit, possibly breaking midsentence. No indication of whether all has been shown or the footnote is actually longer exists.  

I am not aware whether the issue was raised during Logos 10 beta tests and a case exists or not.

The bug is fully repeatable for me - and seemingly other users as well - on both Logos and Verbum (I'm running on Windows 10), stable and beta. It is not dependent on any scaling in Logos or the OS, other than the larger the display, the more often it will happen that a footnote simply doesn't fit (note that the positioning of the FN marker on screen will determine the maximimum size of the pop-up). Screenshots are in the thread linked above.

Have joy in the Lord! Smile
