Highlight all NT referenced verses in OT.

Mike Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi, really new to Logos. I imagine what I’m asking for has to have been asked many times but I’m not finding anything. 

is there a way to highlight a verse in the OT that has a direct or indirect quotation from the NT? 




  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 32,992

    Hi Mike - and welcome to Logos and these forums

    The Intertext section at https://wiki.logos.com/New_Search_HELP#Searchable_Labels gives you some pointers about finding where the NT uses the OT

    And you can convert the search to a Visual Filter - https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016747431-Create-a-Visual-Filter - to give you a permanent highlight in the text

    Does this help?


    EDIT: Mike, I’ve just reread your post and see you were asking about where the OT quotes the NT - my answer was for the other way around. Did you mean the direction you stated? If so, I’d like to understand further what you are looking for.

  • Mike
    Mike Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    That helps! 

    On the other question, no I was just unclear. I’d like to see in the OT some sort of indicator that the OT verse has been referenced by a NT author. 

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,998

    Mike said:

    I’d like to see in the OT some sort of indicator that the OT verse has been referenced by a NT author. 

    The first link in Graham's reply will provide search examples under Intertext e.g.  intertext:target:Mt-Rev —> finds passages in the OT that are used in the NT. This includes Citation, Quotation, Allusion, and Echo to the OT, which are a mixture of direct and indirect reference.

    If you did not like Echo, you could use intertext:(target:Mt-Rev NOT Relationship:Echo)

    Another example is intertext:(target:Mt-Rev AND Relationship:(Citation OR Quotation ))


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Allen Browne
    Allen Browne Member Posts: 1,893 ✭✭✭

    Mike said:

    Hi, really new to Logos. I imagine what I’m asking for has to have been asked many times but I’m not finding anything.

    is there a way to highlight a verse in the OT that has a direct or indirect quotation from the NT?

    Hi Mike. Welcome to Logos. There is a learning curve at the start, but it's so worth it.

    While you're finding your way, this might help. It's a list of OT quotes in the NT that I compiled from the footnotes in the NIV years ago, sorted in OT order. So if I'm teaching a Psalm, for example, I can look up this list to see where it's quoted.

    You can add it to your Logos Library as a personal book, and open it like any other. You'll find he Personal Book Builder under Tools. Then:

    1. Fill in the fields to suit what you want.
    2. Add the file (the Word document)
    3. Build the book.

    Hope that helps you discover something new, and have this as part of your library.


  • Andreas Roemer
    Andreas Roemer Member Posts: 1,152 ✭✭

    Hope that helps you discover something new, and have this as part of your library.

    Thanks, that also helps me at work.

    A very helpful thread with very useful tips and information.

    Thanks from my side.

    Das Gerücht ist nicht immer falsch; manchmal wählt es sogar den Sieger aus.[Tacitus]

  • John
    John Member Posts: 681 ✭✭✭

    You may already know this, but some translations will already identify old testament quotations in the new testament by putting them in ALL CAPS. The NASB and LSB I'm pretty sure do this in Logos.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,998

    John said:

    You may already know this, but some translations will already identify old testament quotations in the new testament by putting them in ALL CAPS. The NASB and LSB I'm pretty sure do this in Logos.


    Please use the Quote button when responding as this copies the text of the original post. The intended recipient (Mike) will then know to reply, especially if new to the forums.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Mike
    Mike Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Okay, I'm following and i'm getting how the searches work. I see the highlighted text and many I straight up recognize. But! How do I find the other end of the connections? For example, Gen 1:27 is highlighted, but which NT verse references it?

    And a follow on question, can I add to the search, or refine it in some way, and have it not only highlight an OT passage that is referenced in the NT, but also only look at verses that have a connection to say, the temple, or to a person and give the reference to the NT verse as well? I messed with the wiki as listed above, but I'm doing something wrong.

    This is all so new, but I keep getting surprised by what's possible. 

  • Mike
    Mike Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Mike said:

    I’d like to see in the OT some sort of indicator that the OT verse has been referenced by a NT author. 

    The first link in Graham's reply will provide search examples under Intertext e.g.  intertext:target:Mt-Rev —> finds passages in the OT that are used in the NT. This includes Citation, Quotation, Allusion, and Echo to the OT, which are a mixture of direct and indirect reference.

    If you did not like Echo, you could use intertext:(target:Mt-Rev NOT Relationship:Echo)

    Another example is intertext:(target:Mt-Rev AND Relationship:(Citation OR Quotation ))

    I read your other comment on using the quote button, but I had hit quick reply. Hopefully you see this and my other questions posted just above it.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 32,992

    Mike said:

    And a follow on question, can I add to the search, or refine it in some way, and have it not only highlight an OT passage that is referenced in the NT, but also only look at verses that have a connection to say, the temple, or to a person and give the reference to the NT verse as well? I messed with the wiki as listed above, but I'm doing something wrong.

    Mike - for this type of thing I suggest having a look at the Bible Browser Tool - https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016187991-Bible-Browser 

  • Mike
    Mike Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 32,992

    Hi Mike

    Apologies - but I meant to point you to the New Testament Use of the Old Testament

    There is a video showing this in operation at https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/13475799172493-Interactive-Media-Training-Videos 


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,998

    Mike said:

    Okay, I'm following and i'm getting how the searches work. I see the highlighted text and many I straight up recognize. But! How do I find the other end of the connections? For example, Gen 1:27 is highlighted, but which NT verse references it?

    You can use the Information tool (from Tools menu). You need to display Other References, so use the Add button if necessary.

    Click (or Hover) Gen 1:27 to see the info.:


    You have to do a fair bit of scrolling to get to results for the New Testament!

    Alternatively, you can run a Search for intertext:source:Gen1.27 and drag the tab to the shortcuts bar for use another time (just change the reference).


    Windows 11 & Android 13