BUG: Newly applied highlighting takes up to 10-15 seconds to appear, 100% CPU

Applying new highlighting to a selected word or phrase (any highlighting, including using a user-defined palette) takes up to 10-15 seconds to actually appear (sometimes longer). From the time that I press a shortcut key to apply said highlighting till it actually appears the CPUs (all 4 cores) pretty much max out. Not sure what causes such CPU activity to add a small bit of highlighting, but it does make marking up while I read a touch difficult... :-)
Stuart Robertson said:
Applying new highlighting to a selected word or phrase (any highlighting, including using a user-defined palette) takes up to 10-15 seconds to actually appear (sometimes longer).
I cannot reproduce this bug. I tried this with 3-4 different resources and several different hi lighting styles from various palettes. In every case, the highlight appeared almost instantaneously.
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The issue -- 10-15 seconds with CPU (all 4 cores) at 100% -- shows itself regardless of whether I use a user-defined visual style or a built-in one. Enabling/disabling visual styles via the 3-circles button thing is quite fast. It's just when I add new highlighting or erase some (using Cmd+Shift+K or the Erase button) that this issue occurs.
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Anyone know how to turn on debug logging (or something of the sort) to generate a suitable log file?
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Stuart Robertson said:
Anyone know how to turn on debug logging (or something of the sort) to generate a suitable log file?
See the first link in my signature for instructions. The second link will describe Logos Log Scribe which automates most of the operation.
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Stuart Robertson said:
The issue -- 10-15 seconds with CPU (all 4 cores) at 100% -- shows itself regardless of whether I use a user-defined visual style or a built-in one. Enabling/disabling visual styles via the 3-circles button thing is quite fast. It's just when I add new highlighting or erase some (using Cmd+Shift+K or the Erase button) that this issue occurs.
Suspect screen shot(s) would be helpful - wonder about amount of highlighting plus visual filters ? Also wonder how many verse(s) are being highlighted ?
In a bible resource without visual filters and highlighting, applying couple highlights to phrases is very fast - likewise selecting text and removing is fast.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I will try to record a screencast later this evening and upload it - the behaviour is consistent, both with user-defined and built-in visual styles. No visual filters applied and very little highlighting applied. When I apply a highlight it is usually to a single word, perhaps a 2-3 word phrase at a time. Each application of a highlight takes 10-15 seconds to appear and maxs out the CPU. Logos remains responsive during this time - I can even disable/re-enable the palette that contains the visual style that I've applied, etc before the newly applied highlighting actually appears on screen. It's almost like the highlighting "requests" are being queued in some background thread that consumes a great deal of CPU before it actually applies the highlighting.
I will capture logs - do I need to enable anything specific to get "detailed tracing"? -- and upload them as well.
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Stuart Robertson said:
do I need to enable anything specific to get "detailed tracing"?
Suspect not - screencast with logs should provide enough information to replicate delay issue.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Logs attached. Video is too big to upload (I get "Error occurred uploading... blah blah"). How can I share the video with Logos? Is there an FTP dropbox, etc. that I can use to upload the screencast?
0211.LogosLogs Stuart Robertson 20101214-074513.gz
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Screencast is 9.8MB (mp4)
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Users will sometimes post screencasts made with Jing. http://www.techsmith.com/jing/ That would be a good way to get it to us.
Mobile Development Team Lead
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I've uploaded the screencast to YouTube (as an unlisted video)... URL is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWhVwXzRBIs
I must be desperate for a fix given the amount of time this video process has taken... [:)] Here's hoping Logos can find the problem.
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Does turning off sympathetic highlighting in the ESV that you're marking up make a difference?
Mobile Development Team Lead
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Sadly, no. You got my really excited, though, for a moment there... [:(]
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When the CPU is spinning while it's highlighting, can you sample the "Logos Bible Software 4" process in Activity Monitor?
Open Activity Monitor from Appliactions > Utilities.
Select Logos Bible Software 4 process
Switch to L4Mac and apply some highlighting.
Click "Sample Process" icon.
Save the results and upload them here.
You may want to do this 2 or 3 times and upload the saved samples just so we can get an idea of were some of the time is being spent.
Mobile Development Team Lead
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Samples are attached: 3808.Logos Samples - 15 Seconds to Highlight.zip
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Dare I say that I am stunned at the number of threads running within Logos... in a previous company where I worked the statement was made "starting a new thread requires executive-level approval"... Synchronizing such a large collection of threads and background tasks is quite a challenge and can lead to many undesirable performance characteristics and strange runtime issues. Just my 2c worth (as a Java programmer with 15 years of experience ... from assembly, C, C++, C#, Java, etc).
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The tone of my last post doesn't read so well... I'm not stunned in a condescending sense but rather, reading through the stack traces, stunned at the size and complexity of Logos for Mac internally - the surface is easy to use but belies the internal complexity and scale. So, please don't take my last comment badly. I use Logos for Mac daily and am grateful for all that the Logos devs have done to bring us this far. Thanks also for chasing down this "15 seconds to highlight" issue.
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So, are the custom highlighting styles you've created attached to some visual filters as well?
Mobile Development Team Lead
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I do have some highlighting styles that I've created (to represent parts of speech in different colors, etc) that I use with visual filters (mostly morph-based visual filters). Having said that, though, none of the highlighting styles that I apply by hand (that is, select some text and apply a highlight by selecting it from the palette or pressing a shortcut key) are used by visual filters. That is, [Visual filters] <---- [Highlight styles from user-defined palette A], [Manual highlighting] <---- [Highlight styles from user-defined palette B], etc.
Have the logs and activity monitor samples been of any use?
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Stuart Robertson said:
The tone of my last post doesn't read so well... I'm not stunned in a condescending sense but rather, reading through the stack traces, stunned at the size and complexity of Logos for Mac internally - the surface is easy to use but belies the internal complexity and scale. So, please don't take my last comment badly. I use Logos for Mac daily and am grateful for all that the Logos devs have done to bring us this far. Thanks also for chasing down this "15 seconds to highlight" issue.
The Mono runtime starts a bunch of threads in a ThreadPool for background use by default. We don't actually spawn that many threads in the app code programmatically.
Mobile Development Team Lead
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This issue has been fixed in the latest build - 4.2a Beta 3 ( and newly applied highlighting appears instantly. Thank you.
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Sorry... spoke too soon. Highlighting applied to Merriam & Websters dictionary appears instantly, but highlighting applied to the ESV still takes 15 seconds to appear (and maxes out CPU). :-(
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We figured out the source of the slowness, but haven't had time to fix it yet. It's this way on Windows too.Mobile Development Team Lead
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Can you post your VisualMarkup.db so that we can take a look at it? You may need to compress it before uploading.
Mobile Development Team Lead
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Tom Philpot said:
Can you post your VisualMarkup.db so that we can take a look at it? You may need to compress it before uploading.
Nevermind. I'm able to recreate the issue.
Mobile Development Team Lead
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This is one of those fixes that I will be truly grateful for... :-) Thank you for your continued focus on Logos for Mac - it is already the most advanced Bible software that I've ever used - both on Windows and on the Mac, and I'm grateful for it each and every day I use it.
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Tom was able to recreate this bug on 29-Dec... approx 45 days ago, yet this bug is still not fixed and is making it basically impossible to apply highlighting as I read. I am basically at the point of ditching all efforts of trying to use Logos for my devotions, since the tool gets in the way so much, making simple things like capturing a note (slow, unreliable), applying a highlight to a keyword (still 10-15 seconds + CPU at 100%, rapidly running battery down, etc) .. it makes "simple things" like these so painful that I just end up frustrated and want to close Logos and instead go back to printed resources.
I know these are not high-priority bugs for Logos, but such "little bugs" are, at least for me, damaging the user experience so badly that I am almost ready to give up on Logos. Add to that the keyboard and focus-related issues, long time taken to show search results, pressing Cmd+Shift+S and having focus go nowhere, etc. and the result is a lot of little irritations that add up poor usability.
I'm at my wits end with Logos for Mac -- it's sooo promising and yet sooo annoying to actually work with for any period of time. Yes, reading alone works and the text looks great. Searching does work, word-studies are good. But search results/word studies/exegetical studies are so small I can hardly read them...
Logos for Mac is so promising and yet lacking in basic areas that Logos doesn't seem to be paying much attention to, at least not from my limited vantage point.
New features are nice, printing is nice, but I would far rather have working highlighting, proper keyboard handling, proper focus handling, etc. Basically get the foundations working and then add, rather than keep adding new features while basic parts of the app are still broken (and remain broken).
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Reading my post, above, and reflecting on my tone in it... please accept my apologies for "whining" or sounding ungrateful. I am, indeed, grateful for Logos (both to the LORD as well as to Logos and its staff). But I'm simultaneously frustrated as I use Logos, which I do daily, due to the issues I've mentioned above and elsewhere.
I'd like to ask, though, if Logos has an internal bug tracking system where bugs are recorded, weighted, etc to ensure that bugs don't just slip under the carpet, so to speak...? And if there is a bug tracking system (I'm assuming the answer is 'yes'), then how much priority is given to fixing bugs vs adding new features?
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Any word from Logos as to when this bug might be resolved?
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Stuart Robertson said:
Any word from Logos as to when this bug might be resolved?
We as a general rule don't comment on when a particular bug will be fixed. The exception is after a dev has fixed it we might say "in the next release" in a forum post. As far as I know, this is still an outstanding bug that has been assigned, but hasn't been fixed.
Mobile Development Team Lead
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I'm not asking for a date, but simply wish to point out that this bug is still preventing any meaningful markup of Bibles... :-( Any focus that this bug can be given, especially since the cause is known, will be appreciated.
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Any word from Logos? It's awefully quiet here on the Logos beta forum lately...
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ANY chance someone from Logos will comment on this? It is (still) driving me crazy, making Logos basically useless as a tool to mark up the Bible with. It's been 3 months since the bug was reproduced by Logos, with LOTS of new features and other bug fixes since, but no fix for this seemingly easy-to-fix bug... Please will someone from Logos at least say "Aye, we hear you and feel your pain..."?
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Stuart Robertson said:
ANY chance someone from Logos will comment on this? It is (still) driving me crazy, making Logos basically useless as a tool to mark up the Bible with. It's been 3 months since the bug was reproduced by Logos, with LOTS of new features and other bug fixes since, but no fix for this seemingly easy-to-fix bug... Please will someone from Logos at least say "Aye, we hear you and feel your pain..."?
I'm checking on the status of this case.
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Love to hear what you can find, Melissa.
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4.3 beta 2 just came and went without any mention of this bug (which is still a BIG, BIG problem). Any word from Logos on when this will be looked at?
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Bumping this issue again - I know now that there are many "serious" issues with the 4.3 beta series that this might not get fixed for a while, but it really, really, really is killing the Logos joy for me... Any word from Logos will be appreciated.
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Stuart Robertson said:
Bumping this issue again - I know now that there are many "serious" issues with the 4.3 beta series that this might not get fixed for a while, but it really, really, really is killing the Logos joy for me... Any word from Logos will be appreciated.
This should be fixed in the next beta. Let us know if the behavior continues after Beta 3 is released and installed.
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Thanks Melissa - looking forward to seeing this bug dead...
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Melissa Snyder said:
This should be fixed in the next beta. Let us know if the behavior continues after Beta 3 is released and installed.
Does that apply to the PC side as well?
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Ron Keyston Jr said:Melissa Snyder said:
This should be fixed in the next beta. Let us know if the behavior continues after Beta 3 is released and installed.
Does that apply to the PC side as well?
David Mitchell
Development Lead
Faithlife0 -
Melissa Snyder said:Stuart Robertson said:
Bumping this issue again - I know now that there are many "serious" issues with the 4.3 beta series that this might not get fixed for a while, but it really, really, really is killing the Logos joy for me... Any word from Logos will be appreciated.
This should be fixed in the next beta. Let us know if the behavior continues after Beta 3 is released and installed.
All this talk about "beta 3". I take it that it's not just a myth? [:P]
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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David Mitchell said:Ron Keyston Jr said:Melissa Snyder said:
This should be fixed in the next beta. Let us know if the behavior continues after Beta 3 is released and installed.
Does that apply to the PC side as well?
[Y] Thanks David
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Todd Phillips said:
All this talk about "beta 3". I take it that it's not just a myth?
Myth = No; Logos 4.3 Beta 3 ( recently released for Mac (bit earlier today).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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This was improved in previous betas. Sadly, however, since 4.5 beta 2 this bug is back with a vengeance. Selecting some text in an ESV bible pane and applying basic highlighting (such as a color or bold text) takes upwards of 15 seconds to appear, and maxes out one core of the CPU entirely. Removing highlighting does the same... one CPU core flat out for 10-15 seconds before the screen is finally updated and the highlighting disappears.
The ability to annotate and highlight texts (especially the Bible) is fundamental and crucial (to me, at least).
Please can someone at Logos look into this (again) as highlighting is now basically useless, being as slow as it is now.
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Stuart Robertson said:
Please can someone at Logos look into this (again) as highlighting is now basically useless, being as slow as it is now.
Developers are currently working on optimization for this in the 4.5 beta.
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Thanks for the quick reply, Melissa. Looking forward to the fix.
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I just tried 4.5 beta 3 (for which release notes indicate a fix for this problem) but there is no difference - applying a single highlight to a single word with a single ESV panel open (no other linked panels, etc) takes 11.5 seconds and maxes out 1 CPU core at nearly 100% while "applying" the highlight. Removing the single highlight takes ~ 9.5 seconds.
This is on a late 2010 17" Macbook Pro, i7, 8GB RAM with 5GB RAM free and nothing else running. Logos 4.5 beta 3, OS X 10.7.2.
This is not a hardware or OS problem...
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Stuart Robertson said:
I just tried 4.5 beta 3 (for which release notes indicate a fix for this problem) but there is no difference - applying a single highlight to a single word with a single ESV panel open (no other linked panels, etc) takes 11.5 seconds and maxes out 1 CPU core at nearly 100% while "applying" the highlight. Removing the single highlight takes ~ 9.5 seconds.
Could you enable logging, reproduce the behavior, and provide a log?
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How do I enable logging...? I've scanned the forums (briefly) but cannot find how to enable logging on Mac.