Getting Started with Logos - Wiki Page - Improvements ?

Desire to improve Getting Started with Logos wiki page. Concur with Ron Corbett's page goal: "What follows is a compilation of links designed to direct new users into the most meaningful experience in the shortest amount of time."
Follow-up to forum where Mark Barnes suggested created a new Wiki page to Ron Corbett, who created
Spent time editing page (saved work in progress) - added some comments and navigation items along with page contents, sections, and Tips - kept original page information (lower part of page). Know more needs to be done - believe this Getting Started page has potential to become initial bullet on main WIki page.
Keep Smiling
Hey Smiling,
Now you've got me smiling too[:D]
I love what you have done. It has a great look and seems clear to follow.
Suggestion: The Search area is blank up top. there is currently a link you added at the top for SEARCH (that whole section is great / the whole change you made is great). that SEARCH link points to a space that needs a few links. There is a link to 5 faster search videos a little lower down on the page with an encouragement to invest some time learning how to do better searches - this helps alot. I'll try to make an adjustment there (unless you or someone else gets there first) - let me know what you think.
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I did some work there. But ... who is authorized to make significant additions / changes to the HOME page?
Also, does anyone know where the video is that describes more advanced use of the Cited By tool? I looked at the video on the Logos Support page and it is very elementary . I know I watched something more detailed than that somewhere but can't yet find it. Any ideas anyone?
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Ron Corbett said:
I did some work there. But ... who is authorized to make significant additions / changes to the HOME page?
added your page to wiki Home. Since you edited the home page i figured you knew how to do it.
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steve clark said:Ron Corbett said:
I did some work there. But ... who is authorized to make significant additions / changes to the HOME page?
added your page to wiki Home. Since you edited the home page i figured you knew how to do it.
Please review significant changes on wiki Home - with Blog pointing to Wiki for online Logos 4 manual, moved some Wiki specific information to right side (most users do not edit Wiki) along with moving many links and eliminating couple sections.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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steve clark said:
wiki Table of Contents link is half way down the page????
The page is lopsided with a list of all the videos - suggest putting those in the Getting Started page, move TOC back; put everything under Logos 4 heading.
Logos 4- See Table of Contents or Visual Table of Contents
- Getting Started with Logos
- Introduction to Logos 4 and Logos 4 Mac
- Logos 4 Release Notes - Logos 4.2a combined PC & Mac
- Mac and PC User Interface Differences
- General Information about the Learn to Use Biblical Greek and Hebrew videos
- FAQ, also see How do I ... for Q&A organized per topics as layed out per Menubar.
- Hints and Tips
- Tips from the Forum
- Logos 4 Video Tutorials - links to Official Logos Videos plus many more user videos
- Using the Forums - online discussions about Logos Bible Software
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
The page is lopsided with a list of all the videos - suggest putting those in the Getting Started page, move TOC back; put everything under Logos 4 heading.
KS4J has made the edit...i will leave it to him.
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steve clark said:Dave Hooton said:
The page is lopsided with a list of all the videos - suggest putting those in the Getting Started page, move TOC back; put everything under Logos 4 heading.
KS4J has made the edit...i will leave it to him.
Like Dave's suggestions - please review significant changes on wiki Home - added Excellent Unofficial Logos 4 Training Videos section on Getting Started with Logos wiki page (have some of Ron's original content to rearrange - work in progress).
Edit: Getting Started with Logos wiki page ready for collaborative improvement (personally done editing with my ideas).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Nice work everyone. I have a question (actually a suggestion disguised as a question):
1] I would like to see the videos have a little more prominence. Can we have a seperate VIDEOS link with a link underneath that connects to the Excellent User Videos page ?
* I had a question about the CITED BY tool, but someone already did a great job adding helpful material to that section [:)] Superb!!!
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Ron Corbett said:
1] I would like to see the videos have a little more prominence. Can we have a seperate VIDEOS link with a link underneath that connects to the Excellent User Videos page ?
Wondering if Getting Started with Logos wiki page update added more video prominence ?
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Ron Corbett said:
Nice work everyone. I have a question (actually a suggestion disguised as a question):
You have already demonstrated that you can edit/create wiki pages, why ask indirect questions, just fix it [:D]
Then if you have doubts, get brave and start a post asking others who use the wiki if they like it...[:O]
EDIT: there is no shame in asking: how to do you do this or that in wiki language to get that or this done...[;)]
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steve clark said:
You have already demonstrated that you can edit/create wiki pages, why ask indirect questions, just fix it
Truthfully, I made the suggestion first and then went over to the page where the bright idea struck me: "Maybe you can do it" .. it was way easier than I thought .. and the rest is WIKI-istory.
Thanks for the encouragement
Steve and "Smiling"
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Good work everybody.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Ron Corbett said:
Thanks for the encouragement
Steve and "Smiling"
LOL...glad i could help. i knew you could do it! Glad you are still smiling after my help...LOL.
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Ron Corbett said:steve clark said:
You have already demonstrated that you can edit/create wiki pages, why ask indirect questions, just fix it
Truthfully, I made the suggestion first and then went over to the page where the bright idea struck me: "Maybe you can do it" .. it was way easier than I thought .. and the rest is WIKI-istory.
Thanks for the encouragement
Steve and "Smiling"
Thankful for original Getting Started page content that could be embellished; already noticed couple forum replies using page links.
Please look at Getting Started with Logos wiki page code; editing a Wiki page is easy (content and layout take bit more thought). Thankful for Preview button so can type in some Wiki code(s), then click Preview to see how it looks.
Keep Smiling [:)]