Fundamentalist and Baptist Resources

Matt Turner
Matt Turner Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited December 2024 in English Forum

I'm a graduate of West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, CA. At West Coast is were I was first introduced to Logos, by the college administration. In fact they went as far as to every year I was there (2006-2010) they had Logos come in and do a seminar on how awesome Logos was. West Coast is a super strong open supporter of Logos, did mention that they are an Independent, Fundamental Baptist College? So my question is why are there very few fundamentalist resources available? Like where are the Jack Hyles books or the Lee Roberson? I would even like to see Jerry Falwell's work. I'm starting this post to spark user interest in fundamentalist works and hopefully get the Logos developers to begin converting these great fundamentalist works to Logos. The following is a list (not complete of course) of some of the authors that I'm sure most if not all baptist would love to see. (Please reply with your suggestions of authors and even Specific titles)


1. Paul Chappell

2. John Goetsch

3. Clarence Sexton

4. Jack Hyles

5. Lee Roberson

6. John R. Rice

7. Curtis Hutson

8. Tom Malone

Publication Companies

1. Striving Together Publications -

2. Crown Christian Publications -

3. Sword of the Lord Publishers -

3. Hyles Publications -

Some Specific Titles

1. Understanding the Bible Commentary - by David Sorenson

2. Order in the Church - by Paul Chappell

3. Hyles Church Manual - by Jack Hyles

4. Hyles Sunday School Manual - by Jack Hyles


These lists are not near complete. I could write all night about publications that are fundamentalist that should be featured on Logos. Please respond to this and add more Authors and Titles to the List as i will be doing so in the future!
