Help in Create Copy Bible Verse Style (Mac or PC) Thanks!

Philana Crouch
Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151
edited November 20 in English Forum

I need some help in creating a Copy Bible Verse Style. I love this feature, but when they paste into Keynote the type is too small and I have to go in and modify each slide. It’s not a big problem if you are only doing a few verses, but it’s a pain when doing a large passage (i.e. narratives). What syntax would I need to do the following.

  • 55 Point Type when pasted into Keynote when using the Copy/Paste to Keynote option in the dialogue box.

Here is an example from one of my slides on how I would like it to appear in Keynote




Any assistance in figuring out the style syntax would be greatly appreciated!


  • Philana Crouch
    Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151
  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,512

    Thanks for the bump. I saw this earlier but didn't have a chance to look at it.

    I could not find out any way to do what you are wanting. I should tell you that I don't have the most up to date version of Keynote, if that were to make a difference. (Here's hoping for new iWorks programs on Monday! [:)])

    The best I can suggest is to use the copy feature and then use the "Paste and Match Style" from within Keynote. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    truth over tribe

  • 55 Point Type when pasted into Keynote when using the Copy/Paste to Keynote option in the dialogue box.

    Concur text from Logos 4 Mac Copy Bible Verses arrives in Keynote arrives with 12 point font.  Personally learned Keynote has copy style and paste style in Format menu.


    Likewise learned that could click on a text in Keynote (box outline appears), then click command + "+" to quickly increase font size for all text in box.

    By the way, for Text Comparison ordering of Bibles chronologically (using Full Title), personally have added year prefix to many of my Bibles.

    Keep Smiling [:)]