Czech Bibles

Bohuslav Wojnar
Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭
edited December 2024 in English Forum

Well, I said I will not suggest any new things, after I ordered NICOT/NICNT commentaries, but... I just have to do it, I have to put here the request of the Czech modern translations. Logos, go international! English is nice language (I really like it) but it is not the only one. (Yes, I know you have a few other languages). This year is a year of Bible in our country. We have got 3 new translations, after all the years of Nazism, Communism etc. It is a very special time for our nation. Recently almost all newspapers wrote about the Bible. It is amazing. We got Bible, 21st Century Translation, good for giving away to unchurched people, in a few weeks we will have the Czech Study Translation, an excellent literal translation with tens of thousands of translation notes. By the end of the year we are going to have the Jerusalem Bible, the Catholic translation you know probably about.

The only thing that would make it even better, it would be to have those Bibles in Logos [:)]

P.S. BibleWorks have had them even before they were competed. That is the reason most pastors just have no other option, they use BW. Let's give them the other option.




  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    Can you tell us who has the rights to these translations so we can look into getting a license?


    -- Bob

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Thank you Bob for asking. Yes, I know
    both new translation teams. The most widely used translation so far is The
    Ecumenical Bible. It was translated by a large committee of Bible scholars and
    is accepted by all denominations, also by Catholics. It is with or without the
    Deuterocanonical books. The last revision of the translation is from 2001. I spoke
    with their manager and he said they would be very happy to get their Bible into
    Logos. Here is his contact: Mr. Milan Hlouch  phone +420 284
    693 918 and their web site (only in Czech however)is

    Bible, 21st Century Translation is a
    new translation in a regular language of unchurched people. It's popularity is really growing very much since it was published a few month ago. All media have been speaking about it. Their web site is here (it is in English)

    The Czech Study Translation is the one pastors are really anticipating and eager to have. It is going to be published as a whole Bible in a few weeks from now. Their NT has been in use for about 10 years already. It is excellent. I spoke with their manager also and they are interested in publishing their Bible in Logos. He said their priority are Bible Works and some other Czech programs, but it is understandible. Bible Works has their NT already. Here is their web site (it is in English)  If you have just one Bible in Logos, I think this one should be it. It is best suited for study in Logos with all those translation notes. The best would be to have all of them [:)]

    I believe that would bring many Czech pastors, Bible school students and many other people to a decision to buy Logos. It would be great. Thank you so much for all you are doing with Logos. I really appreciate it. You have the best and that's why we need to have it in Czech, which is probably the most atheistic nation in Europe.

    God bless you and thank you



  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    I am sorry. Somehow I got wrong format for the previous post. I copied some text into the post and it made that change. I apologize for it. I hope you can read it.

    God bless you


  • George Somsel
    George Somsel Member Posts: 10,153 ✭✭✭

    I believe that would bring many Czech pastors, Bible school students and many other people to a decision to buy Logos. It would be great. Thank you so much for all you are doing with Logos. I really appreciate it. You have the best and that's why we need to have it in Czech, which is probably the most atheistic nation in Europe.

    Yes, I was looking at some statistics on the internet (I think it was a government website, but it was quite some time ago) and was amazed at the number in the Czech Republic who list themselves as atheists.  I was interested since one side of my family came from there in 1903. 


    יְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן

  • Steven Baxley
    Steven Baxley Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    I would very much like to join my voice to Bohuslav's.  I worked in the Czech Republic for 16 years as a minister, and one of the things I really missed in Logos was the ability to use some of the other Czech Bibles (beyond the Kralicka, which is in Logos).

    I purchased a Logos base package for one of the members of the church I left behind, since he was the only one who would have found the English resources to be of use (the other members have limited English abilities).  It would be wonderful if he could have all the Czech Bible translations that Bohuslav mentioned purchased as add-ons in his package.

    Even though I'm no longer active IN the Czech Republic, I still study with people over there (Skype is wonderful! [:)]), and would welcome having these translations in my library as well, for our regular Bible studies.

    Steven Baxley, minister, North Beach church of Christ, Fort Worth, Texas



  • Mark
    Mark Member Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭

    Well now, I would have to therefore put in a plug for the Polish Bible as I am in a similar situation, having been in Poland 12 years.

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    MarkSwaim said:

    Well now, I would have to therefore put in a plug for the Polish Bible as I am in a similar situation, having been in Poland 12 years.


    I would be very happy to see some Polish translations in Logos. I preach in Polish sometimes (our city is right on the border with Poland) and I use Warsaw Translation or Biblia Tysiaclecia (Catholic translation). Yes, it would be great.

    Have a great day


  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Well, what is the progress with the Czech Bibles? I heardf last week from the president of the Board of Trustees of the Czech Bible Society, that they are really interested with publishing the Ecumenical Bible in Logos. Sounds promising. Also the director of the Czech Study Translation project said they would be very happy to have CST Bible in Logos. Can I help you Logos to make it happen?


  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Another 2 month and I haven't heard from Logos about the Czech Bibles. Is there any progress. Is there any negotiations? Is there anything I can do for making it happen? I believe it would be a great gift to our secular nation if our pastors can have their Bible in the best Bible software. I hope the principle from the Luk 18:5 and Luk 11:8 will work in this case also [8-|]

    P.S. By the way, why RefTagger is not working on these forums? I would expect it on the Logos forum to work. Just an idea.


  • Vaclav Janca
    Vaclav Janca Member Posts: 33 ✭✭

    I too would love to see the Czech Study Translation in Logos - it is an EXCELLENT translation very true to its title. Very good for study and with rich apparatus. I will speak with the director of the team and ask how far they are in database preparations.

    Zdravim Tesin! Poslete mi sms, at se zkontaktujeme 773519335.

    Vaclav Janca

  • Vaclav Janca
    Vaclav Janca Member Posts: 33 ✭✭

    Pastore Wojnare, CSP se pripravuje pro Bibleworks a Logos, ptal jsem se, chteji to mit letos (i kdyz cas bezi, budou svatky, tak mozna v lednu). Samozrejme nemuzu mluvit nebo slibovat za ne. Ale delaji na tom.

    Vaclav Janca (mam Scholar Gold, co vy? jak to vyuzivate?)

    (This reply is written in Czech - info about preparations of the Czech Study Translation databases being prepared.)

  • Steven Baxley
    Steven Baxley Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    Úžasný!  Už se těším také na ČSP v Logosu. [:)]

    Bob, great news that the Czech Study Translation is being prepared for Logos!

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Pastore Wojnare, CSP se pripravuje pro Bibleworks a Logos, ptal jsem se, chteji to mit letos (i kdyz cas bezi, budou svatky, tak mozna v lednu). Samozrejme nemuzu mluvit nebo slibovat za ne. Ale delaji na tom.

    Vaclav Janca (mam Scholar Gold, co vy? jak to vyuzivate?)

    (This reply is written in Czech - info about preparations of the Czech Study Translation databases being prepared.)

    Wow, I just not noticed there are new posts in this Czech Bibles thread (this forum software is not easy on me). Hey guys, that's great news. I spoke and wrote with people from both Czech Bible Society for the Ecumenical Bible and pastor Fridrich, who is a chairman of the board assured me they are really interested in having EB in Logos. People from Czech Study Translation, my number one priority for Logos, said they will work on that. Since then I did not hear from them. It is great to hear they work on that. Czech Study Translation is best suited for Logos. It is our Czech NET Bible, may be better :-). I spoke with many pastors and all of them would consider buying Logos only if there is a Czech modern Translations in it.

    Zdravím Tě bratře Václave. Je skvělé vidět češtinu na Logosu! Logos používám od roku 1996. Mám Platinum plus mnoho individuálních sérii (NICOT/NICNT). Papírové knihy a hlavně komentáře už téměř vůbec nekupuji. Logos 4 je náročný na hardware, ale je skvělý. Jen ty české Bible. Všechny [:)] Pokud máš přímý kontakt na "Decision Makers" v ČSP, velmi je povzbuď k práci na uvedení tohoto skvělého překladu do Logosu. Díky za mobil. Ozvu se.

    Přeju požehnaný den.



  • Mark Brand
    Mark Brand Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Hi Bohuslav!

    I add my "Amen" to your request for a Czech Bible...! When I was a missionary to France back in the 90's I was limited to the OnlineBible for some time because it was the only software package that had a French translation. Even now I believe Logos has only the older Louis Segond version and not any of the newer translations while the OnlineBible has multiple French language options. Now that I am back in the States it is no longer such an issue, but I really, really understand your frustration.

    Greetings to Felicie, by the way!


  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    MarkBrand said:

    Hi Bohuslav!

    I add my "Amen" to your request for a Czech Bible...! When I was a missionary to France back in the 90's I was limited to the OnlineBible for some time because it was the only software package that had a French translation. Even now I believe Logos has only the older Louis Segond version and not any of the newer translations while the OnlineBible has multiple French language options. Now that I am back in the States it is no longer such an issue, but I really, really understand your frustration.

    Greetings to Felicie, by the way!


    Hi Mark. It is great to meet you here on Logos forums. As you see I try to get Logos converted to some more languages. This year has been very special for us. We got 3 new translations (as you can see above). It has truly been a "Year of the Bible". We believe it will bring a new dynamics into the spiritual atmosphere of our country. Just one thing is missing and that is to have that Bibles in Logos (some of them are already in some freeware Bibles and Bible Works).

    How is you Logos doing? Have you upgraded to Logos 4 already? Do you like it?

    Please greet Teresa and Family. We miss you here in Europe. God bless you.


  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    You would not believe guys, but our newspapers write a lot these days about Bible being a best-seller of the year and of the Christmas here in the Czech Republic, the most atheistic country of Europe. As I said, 2009 has truly been "The Year of the Bible" here. The catholic "Jerusalem Bible" has just been released in the Czech language few days ago. It is the 3rd new translation in just one year. And you know what will come now:  we need all of them in Logos, please. That would be a great start of the new year, "the year of the electronic Bible" [:)]

    Merry Christmas Logos [;)]


  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Czech Study Translation has just been published in the free DAVAR 3 Bible Software with all the notes and cross references. So the text is tagged and prepared already to get it to Logos. When we are going to see it happen? I like DAVAR but Logos would be so much better.


  • Vaclav Janca
    Vaclav Janca Member Posts: 33 ✭✭

    Tohle jsem dostal od Michala Klesnila:

    "...tak se pracuje na BW
    a Logosu. Nejdál je export do BW, tam už by to měla být opravdu otázka

    Ale měl trochu zastaralé informace, sám o Davaru nevěděl, že už je hotový, takže to možná znamená i že by to mohlo být dřív ;-)

    This is in Czech - update about Czech Study Translation preparations.

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Tak to zní povzbudivě. Důležité je, že se na tom pracuje. Díky Bohu. Přeji hezký den.

    Sounds promising. Looks they are working on at least one translation, the Czech Study Translation. Great.


  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Still waiting... Will we see the Czech Study Translation soon? And what about other translations?


  • Steven Baxley
    Steven Baxley Member Posts: 151 ✭✭
  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the info. I do not go to Facebook too often.


  • Vaclav Janca
    Vaclav Janca Member Posts: 33 ✭✭

    Good news, we are in contact with  Logos' Electronic Publishing Services, now working on getting the Czech Study Translation files in the correct format. It is interesting to be involved in this process as one can appreciate its complexities. With a text that contains translators' notes, cross references, grammatical indices, lexical indices, special marks for text not found in older manuscripts, paralels, marks for multi-word translation of a single-word original, marks for the definite article in greek etc. :-) it's a challenge to get it right. But we're getting there!

    Halelujah! Už se těším.

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Good news, we are in contact with  Logos' Electronic Publishing Services, now working on getting the Czech Study Translation files in the correct format. It is interesting to be involved in this process as one can appreciate its complexities. With a text that contains translators' notes, cross references, grammatical indices, lexical indices, special marks for text not found in older manuscripts, paralels, marks for multi-word translation of a single-word original, marks for the definite article in greek etc. :-) it's a challenge to get it right. But we're getting there!

    Halelujah! Už se těším.

    Václave, tak to je skvělá zpráva.Díky.

    It's wonderful news Vaclav. Thank you for sharing. Do you know any time frame for the official release of the Czech Study Translation? Greetings to all guys who are working on that excellent project. I hope pastors will understand the benefit of using Logos over the freeware Bibles [:)]


  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Václave zdravím. Je něco nového ve věci vydání ČSP v Logosu? Máš nějakou časovou představu?


  • Vaclav Janca
    Vaclav Janca Member Posts: 33 ✭✭

    Teď se dělají vysvětlivky - aby fungovaly indexy před slovem. Velká otázka bude, jak dobře se jim podaří správně navázat odkazy (ještě s nimi budeme mluvit o rozdílném číslování veršů, aby to nebylo jako v jejich současné Kralické, kde např. v Žalmech odkazy fungují podle anglických verzí, nikoli podle českých) apod. Takže mouchy, vychytávky, ale Logos se činí a NF ČSP taky.

    Až budu vědět nějaký termín, tak mou trumpetku nikdo nezastaví :-)


  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Díky Václave za tuto zprávu. Věřím, že to stojí za to, aby se to udělalo dobře. ČSP v Logosu bude bezkonkurenční. Velmi se těším na to. Je super, že s tím pomáháš. Ať Tě Pán požehná.


  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey you guys. It was fun reading your conversation together with the (imperfect) help of Google Translate. I accidentally had it set on translate into French for the first sentence, and it recognized Czech as the source language, so I found myself reading in French (which I read quite well): "Loué le Seigneur! Je ne peux pas attendre." Pretty good, it should have been "Louez le Seigneur," but otherwise correct. And then went on to translate the rest into English, with less success the longer your texts were. But I still got the gist of it. :-)  I hope the Czech Study Bible will be finished soon for your sake, and good that they are taking care to get it right!

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Hey you guys. It was fun reading your conversation together with the (imperfect) help of Google Translate. I accidentally had it set on translate into French for the first sentence, and it recognized Czech as the source language, so I found myself reading in French (which I read quite well): "Loué le Seigneur! Je ne peux pas attendre." Pretty good, it should have been "Louez le Seigneur," but otherwise correct. And then went on to translate the rest into English, with less success the longer your texts were. But I still got the gist of it. :-)  I hope the Czech Study Bible will be finished soon for your sake, and good that they are taking care to get it right!

    Good job Rosie. [Y]  Sorry we communicated in Czech without giving any hint what we talk about. Actually Vaclav informed that they are working on some final things on the Czech Study Translation to make it really using full potential. It has myriads of notes and tags. Also they need to make sure the cross references always get you to the right place, since verse numbering sometimes is different in the Czech Bibles from the English most common ones.

    I found myself using that translation more and more even in the Church for it's being very faithful to the original text and for all it's translation notes (similar effort as NET Bible in English). Looking forward to seeing it in Logos eventually. It will be great.


  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I found myself using that translation more and more even in the Church for it's being very faithful to the original text and for all it's translation notes (similar effort as NET Bible in English). Looking forward to seeing it in Logos eventually.

    At first I read too quickly and I thought you meant you look forward to seeing Google Translate's translation functionality in Logos eventually. [:)] I would love to see that! Only better translation. I could select some brief quote of Greek or Latin or Hebrew or German text mentioned in a theological work (where there's no footnote telling me the translation), right-click on it, and select Translate, and it will show it to me in fairly decent English. Now that would be amazing! I'm hoping that since Google copied Logos's idea of "Search (while typing)" they'd be willing to avoid a lawsuit by licensing their technology for Google Translate back to Logos in return... [;)]

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    I found myself using that translation more and more even in the Church for it's being very faithful to the original text and for all it's translation notes (similar effort as NET Bible in English). Looking forward to seeing it in Logos eventually.

    At first I read too quickly and I thought you meant you look forward to seeing Google Translate's translation functionality in Logos eventually. Smile I would love to see that! Only better translation. I could select some brief quote of Greek or Latin or Hebrew or German text mentioned in a theological work (where there's no footnote telling me the translation), right-click on it, and select Translate, and it will show it to me in fairly decent English. Now that would be amazing! I'm hoping that since Google copied Logos's idea of "Search (while typing)" they'd be willing to avoid a lawsuit by licensing their technology for Google Translate back to Logos in return... Wink

    Interesting idea. Actually I have been really surpriced how good the Google translation works. You just "discovered" it for me. Thanks.

    P.S. Of course, I was speaking about the Czech Study Translation Bible which is very unique endeavor.



  • Steven Baxley
    Steven Baxley Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    Trying to wait patiently ... hoping to see the Czech Study Translation soon!  [:)]

  • Vaclav Janca
    Vaclav Janca Member Posts: 33 ✭✭

    Just to tease you even more, here is a quote from a recent email from the technical team at Logos: "We're nearly finished..."

    [:P] Václav

    Ok, I'll tell you more. The text contained some fragments of tags which were in the draft versions of the translation and somehow got overlooked, so they are even in the printed version. The Logos folks caught those bugs, inquired about them and deleted them. I also asked about the verse numbering schemes and the good news is that the translation follows the versification of the BHS/NA27, which Logos uses - so there should not be a problem there.

    The cross references in the footnotes are sometimes not machine readable - that happens to other works too, I occasionally notice that a commentary might say something like "Jesus quotes from Is x:xx and in verse y He says...." The machine would see this as verse y in Isaiah, not in the Gospel. This can be spotted only by a human corrector. So expect things like this once in a while.

    The Logos team is paying great attention to detail, I'm very glad they are. Maybe in the future, we can tackle the not so well done Kralicka version.

    Btw., the work on the translation is not finished - there are plans to add Strong's codes in the future! Yeehaa. I plan on a personal visit with the lead translator and check out his proprietary software that the team uses. It's great to be able to hang out with such figures of the Czech Christian world.

  • Steven Baxley
    Steven Baxley Member Posts: 151 ✭✭
  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Vaclav, it's great to hear about all that progress. Yes, I believe Logos version of ČSP will be the best one on the market. You are right also about the Bible Kralická. We should see all the Czech translations in Logos eventually.

    As for the Strong's numbers, IMHO the Reverse Interlinear would be better option. I am not able to say how it would be done but Reverse Interlinear Logos is using for many English translations would be so much better and fully integrating ČSP with all the tools we have in Logos. Having ČSP with the Reverse Interlinear underlaying text would be just unprecedented and it would put Logos ČSP into totally new league.

    Just dreaming... [:)]


  • Steven Baxley
    Steven Baxley Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    Reverse Interlinear with the Czech Study Translation (ČSP) would be incredible.

  • Steven Baxley
    Steven Baxley Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    Anything new on the status of this resource?  I know I'm impatient [:)], but I'd like to have it not only for my purposes, but for my Czech wife as well.  I also have a brother in Christ in the Czech Republic who would love to be able to add it to his Logos library.

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Anything new on the status of this resource?  I know I'm impatient Smile, but I'd like to have it not only for my purposes, but for my Czech wife as well.  I also have a brother in Christ in the Czech Republic who would love to be able to add it to his Logos library.

    I am sorry Steven I am not able to say anything new in the matter. May be Vaclav would know more. Last time I spoke with the publisher he was not sure of the time needed by Logos to finish the product. I would also be very happy to know, since there are many pastors asking me about that and considering getting Logos after we have that Bible (and other Czech translations) in Logos. Will it be before Christmas Logos?


  • Vaclav Janca
    Vaclav Janca Member Posts: 33 ✭✭

    Here is a quote from a project manager in Logos: "We’re now looking at next week to ship."

    Tadaa! :-D That should get some of us in the Christmas mood alright!

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Here is a quote from a project manager in Logos: "We’re now looking at next week to ship."

    Tadaa! :-D That should get some of us in the Christmas mood alright!


    Wow, I'm very happy for all of you who have been waiting for this! To je skvělá zpráva! (No, I don't speak a word of Czech -- that's Google Translate.)

  • Steven Baxley
    Steven Baxley Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    Wonderful news!  I'll be ready to buy mine as soon as it is available! 

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Here is a quote from a project manager in Logos: "We’re now looking at next week to ship."

    Tadaa! :-D That should get some of us in the Christmas mood alright!

    Wow, that sounds wonderful! Thank you Vaclav for that information. Can't wait to see it...


  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    anxiously waiting ....

    Hello Steven, you might be interested in the information I got from Logos when I asked about the other Czech translation, namely "The Bible, 21 Century Translation". Here it is:

    "The Study Bible has
    taken priority, but we’ll be starting on the Czech Bible 21 Century just as
    soon as that is done. We hope to wrap it up in the next few weeks."

    The Study Bible means obviously The Czech Study Translation. That would really be great. Czech Study Translation is great for the purpose of Bible exegetical studies and all the work with the biblical text.

    Bible 21 is excellent for the daily devotional reading and even preaching. I use those 2 translations all the time. We will see what it means "next few weeks" [:)]



  • Steven Baxley
    Steven Baxley Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    Hello Bohuslav,

    Thank you for the info.  I think it will be great to have the major Czech translations in Logos.  I hope in the quote that the "it" in "wrap it up" is the 21st Century Translation, and not the Czech Study Translation, as I'm really looking forward to having it sooner rather than later.  I'll be in the Czech Rep. later this year on a mission trip and look forward to having the CST electronically.

    My wife and I used to financially support the translation work on the 21st Century Translation, but stopped when it moved from its original strict translation philosophy to a more loose philosophy.  Having said that, though, I'm definitely in favor of students using multiple translations, and finally there will be some good ones to choose from.  I'd love to have both to complement the Kralicka, and maybe someday we'll even see the Ecumenical translation in Logos.  :-)



  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    ...I'd love to have both to complement the Kralicka, and maybe someday we'll even see the Ecumenical translation in Logos.  :-)


    Yes, you are right and it looks you know a lot about the process of translation of the former New Kralitz Bible, now Bible 21 Century [:)]

    I contacted a few times Czech Bible Society who owns the rights for the Ecumenical Bible and the president of the Board is a good friend of mine. He said they are very interested in having CEB in Logos. Well, we have to be patient. Eventually it would be great to have also the Czech Jerusalem Bible in Logos. Only than we can be satisfied and celebrate [^]


  • Steven Baxley
    Steven Baxley Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    That would be great to have the CEP as well.  Hopefully your friend can help move that along.  If he can't, then I don't know who could?  Of course, it would be really nice to see a Czech package like the SESB from the German Bible Society.

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    That would be great to have the CEP as well.  Hopefully your friend can help move that along.  If he can't, then I don't know who could?  Of course, it would be really nice to see a Czech package like the SESB from the German Bible Society.

    That would be great. The Bible Society people said they are preparing the database of the text to make it easier to implement into the programs. It was one year ago. The problem is not on the side of the publishers IMHO. All 3 of them (I don't know how it is with the Jerusalem Bible) assured me they communicated with Logos and expressed their readiness to cooperate in getting their Bible translations into the Logos. At the beginning of this year I got a message from Logos about the situation of the Czech Bibles and the message was:

    "For most books we publish, we have a
    first in, first out policy, so even though a license is signed, we may not be
    able to actually work on the development of the book for some months. (...)

    We would be willing to produce the
    Bible, 21st Century Translation, although our production calendar is
    already quite full for 2010."

    So we have to be patient. I hope it will not be another year to see all those Bibles in Logos. [:)]


  • Steven Baxley
    Steven Baxley Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    I also hope it won't be another year ... I had hoped to see the Czech Study Translation out before Christmas, but I guess not.

    Tesim se na kazatelska cesta do Cech pristi rok.  Preji Vam i Vaclav Janca vsechno nejlepsi do roku 2011.