BUG: L5 SR-4 Crashes when "holiness" is entered in Topic Guide

Anyone else see this? I can enter other topics (including "holy", holy spirit", "holy place"), and it works fine, but it crashes every time on "holiness", whether completely typed in the selection box or selected from the drop-down menu.
I also noticed after selecting "holy place", that "holy place" no longer appeared in the drop-down menu list when entering just the word "holy", but if I entered "holy p", then it did appear in the drop-down menu list.
Whilst this doesn't occur for me with 5.0a (coming soon) you should upload a crash log (or start L5 with CTRL/Command key held and upload logs after it crashes, including logos.log).
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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This is my first time attempting to upload log files. Hopefully it works and I have all the files needed.
Well, in preview mode (before submitting this post) all I see is the last of four log files that I went through the "Add" process for. If it still looks that way after doing the post, I guess I'll do it three more times--one for each of the other three files.
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My attempt at uploading the log files using the "Options" button in the editor didn't go so well, so I'm attempting it here again, simply using the "insert" function (paper clip) in the message area itself. Based on a quick peek into some of the log files, it appears to me that Logos is attempting to divide by zero when "holiness" is the topic requested.
1261.LogosCrash--Topic Guide.zip7610.LogosError--Topic Guide.zip1104.LogosIndexer--Topic Guide.zip6433.Logos--Topic Guide.zip
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RAusdahl said:
Based on a quick peek into some of the log files, it appears to me that Logos is attempting to divide by zero when "holiness" is the topic requested.
Indeed! Now we need Logos to figure it out.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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RAusdahl said:
Logos is attempting to divide by zero when "holiness" is the topic requested
I think someone's theology leaked into their code. Apart from Christ, we have zero holiness.
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RAusdahl said:
Based on a quick peek into some of the log files, it appears to me that Logos is attempting to divide by zero when "holiness" is the topic requested.
There is also an immediate reference to at LDLS4.Panels.GuidePanel.Sections.MediaResources.MediaPreviewPagingWrapPanel.ArrangeOverride(Size sizeFinal), and lots of references to Microsoft elements. My guess is something that we use to display whatever the Topic Guide is trying to display with regards to the MediaResources is not working correctly. I am unable to reproduce the crash that you are experiencing either, so I'm going to email you about this, Rick.
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The problem hasn't been resolved yet, but Logos Tech Support did get me to the point that the Topic Guide isn't causing Logos to crash. There seems to be a problem with the Topic Guide's use of the resource category "Media". By removing "Media Resources" from the list of resources used by the Topic Guide, Support was able to use "holiness" as a topic without an abend. I haven't tried any other topics yet, but at least holiness is back in vogue now.
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This issue should be fixed in 5.0a SR-3. Please let us know if you continue to experience this issue after updating.
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Thanks for the update. The new release has fixed the problem. No more abends!!!
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FWIW ( Because Jack made me laugh in another thread )
Inputting "Holiness" is known to cause all kinds of crashes, in lots of situations.
Ok, sorry, just could not resist-smile
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