LibreOffice 4.0

Covenant Reformed Baptist Church
FYI - The new LibreOffice 4.0 looks very nice, but it does not
play well with L5.
In what way doesn't it "play nice?"
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
It crashes on Mac and PC when you "paste" from L5.
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Just tried in ML and had no problem. The one thing I know about Logos from version 4 is that it doesn't work if you simply Command + C on the Mac. You need to right click and select Copy for the text you want.
The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter
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Try pasting a quote with auto footnote.
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I just tried in Win 7 and got a crash for formatted text, but it worked with unformated text. Formatting seems to be the issue which seems to concur with your auto footnote issue. I've been using LibreOffice for awhile so I'm interested if this is something that occurs only with Logos or is a bug within LibreOffice that occurs with other programs pasting into LibreOffice. The latter sounds more likely so they will have to fix that
The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter
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I too have noticed this problem with LibreOffice4. The former version of LibreOffice does not have this issue and I have also tried with ApacheOpenOffice 3.4.0 and do not notice any issue.
חַפְּשׂוּ בַּתּוֹרָה הֵיטֵב וְאַל תִּסְתַּמְּכוּ עַל דְּבָרַי
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I'm wondering if might be best to return to 3.6.5. Not perfect, but at least a known quantity and stable.
The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter
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I can reproduce this crash and have filed a bug with the LibreOffice team:
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Thanks Bradley [:)]
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Confirmed. LibreOffice crashes easily with any 'paste' from Logos 5 under Windows 8.
Now downloading LibreOffice 4.0.2, maybe that'll fix it?
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Nope, LibreOffice 4.0.2 crashes when a paste from Logos 5 rears its head.
Edit: Posted a through bug-report. I Noticed that the bug seems to be connected to the footnote generation and that there might be some variance as to what resource is the source (hence which type of footnote is about to burst there).
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crashes ---- Same thing here. Yes, it appears to be the automatic footnote.
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It's been 44 days since I posted my initial bug report ( and it hasn't even moved out of the "UNCONFIRMED" status. (I.e., no one has even investigated to see if they can reproduce this and it's actually a valid crash.)
I'm not personally holding out hope that it will be fixed anytime soon if it's taken this long even to confirm that the crash actually happens.
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MS Word and Pages are the only reliable word processors.
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Good news,
as you all probably know already,
fdo#61193 fix crash on RTF paste of footnote
It will be available in LibreOffice 4.0.3.Dev versions already have the fix, but all trouble will be gone soon enough due to the update.
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Thanks for the good news of the coming update.
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With the new LibreOffice update the problem has been fixed.[Y]