The Audio LEB is ready for testing

If you are interested in helping test the Audio LEB please respond to this thread. We will need to enable the resource on your account before audio will work. After a restart of the app the resource will be available for customers running the latest Beta. Currently only the New Testament is audio-enabled.
This feature needs some polish and fixes.
Known issues:
- Split panel resizing occasionally causes audio to stop, in which case sometimes the audio controls won't work until the panel is resized or the resource is re-opened.
- Navigating to the Old Testament during audio playback should stop audio; currently audio continues and the display tries to catch up.
- At times the verse shown on the audio control (above the play/pause button) doesn't update properly.
- At times audio continues but the read-along text stops.
- Sometimes the audio panel freezes and a Wait/OK dialog appears.
- Occasionally the graphical location indicator stops appearing.
Hook me up Kevin.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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How much space will it take up?
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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It is already on my tablet and it is showing the speaker icon, how do I make it talk?
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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I'd like a chance to put it through its paces.
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Add me as well.
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I would like to join.
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Lynden Williams said:
It is already on my tablet and it is showing the speaker icon, how do I make it talk?
After restarting Logos you can open the LEB (Lexham English Bible) to the New Testament, and the swipe up; you'll see a Play Audio item in the pop-up menu.0 -
I started out with the stupid stuff: task switching, incoming phone call, opening two copies of LEB and playing both. All solid.
Playback sounds good. Good recording. Good speed.
Using the context menu during playback is troublesome and should preferably be disabled during playback.
Noticed a lot of cases where the read-along and displayed verse loose sync as mentioned in the Known issues.
Getting a lot of crashes during playback, specifically when transitioning between chapters. Complete crashes (Unfortunately, Bible has stopped. [OK]). I've tried James mostly, but also random places in I Tim and Matt. Both on Nexus 7 and Galaxy Nexus. Anyone else seeing this?
Also, I've seen a lot of problems when dropping wi-fi: either completely or turn off and right back on. Get different results from crash, to stop playing. Often unable to resume or resumes in the wrong place. I'll have to work more on nailing that one down, but the problem with crashes in the preceding paragraph caused some initial confusion.
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Please add me as well. Thanks
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I would like to help as well.
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Player ignores the verse selected in the reference menu.
- Swipe up to select a verse.
- Use the prev/next arrows on the overlay to select a different verse.
- Press play.
It plays the original selection.
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Put me on the list. I will test it, too.
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if available, please add me to test
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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sign me up
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I am interested in testing the Audio LEB. Keep up the good work!
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Include me for audio LEB testing.
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We were premature in announcing the audio LEB feature because there are too many bugs. We hope to release another beta on Monday - thanks for your responses and patience!
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Sign me up as well, please.
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I would like to try this new resource..
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Mine is working, but it seems to be timing out. It could be my tablet as it is having audio issues. Has anyone successfully tested this?
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Lynden Williams said:
Mine is working, but it seems to be timing out. It could be my tablet as it is having audio issues. Has anyone successfully tested this?
I've only just started with this beta. Twice I've started toward the end of James 1. It makes the transition to chapter 2 and plays through to the end of that chapter where playback stops. No crashes. It just stops. I'll have to do some more testing to see if that pattern or a similar pattern holds. Is that what you are seeing?
Also, are you playing over wifi or downloading? There is now an option to download the media files (one chapter at a time) locally. I have not tested that until I can finish some more remote playback. Results may be better there. Go to Library. Select LEB. Under the grayed out "Remove" button is an option for "Media Downloads".
[EDIT: In the on screen player you can also click the information icon to get to the download options.]
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Thanks Randy. I have downloaded the entire LEB. So it should be playing offline.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Randy W. Sims (Shayne) said:
Twice I've started toward the end of James 1. It makes the transition to chapter 2 and plays through to the end of that chapter where playback stops. No crashes. It just stops. I'll have to do some more testing to see if that pattern or a similar pattern holds.
There is no definite pattern I can find yet. The above happened twice in exactly the same way on my Galaxy Nexus. I was unable to reproduce on the Nexus 7. Played all the way through 1 Tim and into the first chapter of 2 Tim without problem. Then started in James and played through till it stopped right at the end of James 5. Tried a few more times on both devices. It will always eventually stop playback, but the length of playback varies considerably and does not always fall at the end of a chapter or book.
Too tired to work out much more tonight but a few notes:
Where the indicators lose track seems to definitely be related to a condition where the audio gets ahead of the verse count or vice versa and the code is not allowing for a catch-up scenario. I've observed multiple times something along these lines: I start playback in James 1:19, the on-screen indicators showing the current position stop at James 1:26, playback stops somewhere further down the line in chapter 2 or 3. I press the Play button. Playback resumes at James 1:1 (???). The interesting part is that the indicators pick back up when the audio catches up to the position where the indicators last stopped, in this case James 1:26. The exact locations change but the scenario has repeated several times - when the audio catches up to where the indicators lost sync everything re-syncs.
Using the swipe up overlay and pressing the prev/next buttons to select the exact point of playback still doesn't work. It always starts playback on the verse where I swipe up on.
Selecting a new location from the TOC while playing or paused doesn't advance the player to that location. It always resumes where it left off and the screen will update to follow the location of the audio.
Swiping to the next page/prev page works good, the audio follows the advancement. In the prev beta there were a couple of times where this caused a crash. I was never able to find a consistent way to reproduce and still can't, and I've tried hard. It may have been related to the other crash issues.
All of the above applies to non-local playback. I have not downloaded any tracks yet.
Both of the playback interfaces on the desktop seem to work very well from what I've observed.
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There was a bit of confusion when the Audio LEB launched...initial support was included in the 2.4.2 beta, but there were many fixes and improvements that were made for the 2.4.3 beta, most visibly the ability to download audio tracks, but also lots of bug fixes. In your testing, please focus only on the 2.4.3 beta, as many crashes from the 2.4.2 beta will no longer be reproducible.
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(all of my notes here and in my previous message refer to beta 2.4.3)
Randy W. Sims (Shayne) said:Where the indicators lose track seems to definitely be related to a condition where the audio gets ahead of the verse count or vice versa and the code is not allowing for a catch-up scenario...
I have found a way to repeat this most of the time.
- Wifi on.
- Start audio somewhere, I'm using 1 Tim 1:1. (not downloaded)
- Wait a few secs or so. Long enough to cache chapter 1.
- Wifi off.
- With luck, the onscreen indicators will lose sync during playback of that chapter. This is the only iffy part.
- Playback stops at end of chapter 1.
- Press the Play button which will "resume" playback at the beginning of chapter 1.
- When the position of the audio catches up to the position where the onscreen indicators got out of sync, it will re-sync and the indicators will start in time again with the audio.
Randy W. Sims (Shayne) said:Swiping to the next page/prev page works good, the audio follows the advancement. In the prev beta there were a couple of times where this caused a crash. I was never able to find a consistent way to reproduce and still can't, and I've tried hard. It may have been related to the other crash issues.
This problem still shows up although it does not crash now. The audio player simply closes. I cannot find a way to reproduce it reliably. Sometimes a few pages forward and few back and it closes other times it takes a lot of paging back and forth before it closes. Can't figure this one out.
Looks like other incoming notifications also cause audio playback to stop. My tablet stopped playback when receiving an email. I would prefer it only stop on incoming calls. Or stop to sound the notification and then resume playback automatically if possible.
I downloaded 1 Peter, chapters 1, 3, & 5. Started playback at chapter one and turned wifi off. On reaching chapter 2, the player closed and a notification message indicated unable to load media. Is that the expected behavior? I get the notification, but not sure about closing the player. And it's inconsistent with what happens if I start a chapter with wifi on, allow it to cache and turn wifi off. It will play to the end and stop without closing the player, and without displaying any error message.
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I'd like to try if it is not to late.
Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14
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I'll give it a go! Sign me up.
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I would like to help test if that's still a possibility
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The Audio LEB should now be unlocked for all beta testers that have requested it.
Sorry for the delay in doing so - there were quite a few bugs we wanted to fix before making it available to everyone here. The 2.4.4 beta release should have fixed quite a few bugs but there are still known issues we are working on.
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I've just begun testing. Using a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 T889 with Android 4.1.2 and Bible 2.4.4 beta.
Began listening/reading Acts and have noticed the following.
Audio and page scroll is in sync up to Acts 2:7. After that, audio continues without page scroll to the end of Acts 2.
No dropouts were experienced.
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Erwin Stull, Sr. said:
Audio and page scroll is in sync up to Acts 2:7. After that, audio continues without page scroll to the end of Acts 2.
Hi Erwin,
This is a known issue - thanks for the report.
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Kevin Byford said:Erwin Stull, Sr. said:
Audio and page scroll is in sync up to Acts 2:7. After that, audio continues without page scroll to the end of Acts 2.
Hi Erwin,
This is a known issue - thanks for the report.
Hi Kevin;
Good to hear. Doing my part. [:)]
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would love to help out too
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Kevin Byford said:
If you are interested in helping test the Audio LEB please respond to this thread.
Still time for me to get in on the test?
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Please sign me up to help test it if it is not too late.
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Yep I'd like to give it a go
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The beta test window for the Audio LEB has ended- we've gotten enough test input from our users and are preparing a stable release soon. Thanks for all of the help!
The Audio LEB has been unlocked for every customer that requested it before this post.
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Seems to repeatedly crash. Can't swipe up or down. Already sent error message from device.
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Swipe up and down works fine in ESV. Doesn't seem to work in LEB at all.
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Philip Larson said:
Swipe up and down works fine in ESV. Doesn't seem to work in LEB at all.
Can you please delete the app and reinstall it to see if the issue is resolved? After using a series of beta upgrades, the potential exists for problems to arise.
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I uninstalled the Bible app, then downloaded and installed the newest beta. After it downloaded needed resources, I went to the LEB media resources to download them, but the resources never appeared, and instead the app crashed. Twice.
What do you think?
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Philip Larson said:
I uninstalled the Bible app, then downloaded and installed the newest beta. After it downloaded needed resources, I went to the LEB media resources to download them, but the resources never appeared, and instead the app crashed. Twice.
What do you think?
How long did you wait before attempting to download the LEB media resources - was the library information updated yet?
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It looked like the library was updated. At first, the LEB was present without any apparent media resources (the speaker icon), and the app downloaded the resources I had earlier had on my phone.Later I looked at LEB, and now media resources existed, so I clicked to view them. That's when it crashed, then crashed a second time.I just tried to do the same, and it crashed a third time. So far as I can tell, all resources have been downloaded for some time.0
Philip Larson said:
I just tried to do the same, and it crashed a third time. So far as I can tell, all resources have been downloaded for some time.
I can't reproduce the issue but we do have some crash report on our end - I'll write up a case and send it to our dev department. At this point I'm not sure we can help solve the issue until sometime next week.
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OK. At this point, if I avoid downloading LEB media, it seems to be working well.
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It seems it only works when online.
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Is it too late to get in on this test?
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
Graham Criddle said:
This is a regression - a case has been written up for a development department.
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Kevin A. Purcell said:
Is it too late to get in on this test?
The Audio LEB has already been released and no new Audio LEB features are currently in beta. If we have another beta for updated features I'll announce it on this forum.