Highlighting bug on Windows 7 x64

Don Awalt
Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,525 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

If I am reading a resource as part of a Reading plan, highlighting does not work if you want to highlight a section that goes across a start or finish Reading bar - for example, the "Start Reading" bar that you see in the resource.

Try creating a section to highlight that starts before a Start/Finish bar, and ends after it. Then select to highlight it. What I see is that only the text selected that is before the bar is highlighted, the part after is not - you have to then go and highlight the part after the bar in a second attempt.

The bug actually goes further - if you have highlighted a section before/after Start/Reading, and attempted to highlight it - only the first section (before the bar) is highlighted. Now highlight JUST THE PART that now shows highlighted, i.e. before the Reading bar - and use the Highlighting pane to "Erase" the highlighting. The highlighting AFTER the bar will suddenly appear as the highlighting before the reading bar is erased! That part has to be erased in a separate action.
