Collection rules for sorting commentaries (updated for Logos 9 Libraries)

Mark Barnes
Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

The collections will only work on Logos 7.15 and above. They don't work on mobile. If you need the compatible version, you can find it here.

I've been asked to suggest some collection rules for sorting commentaries. So, here are rules which will create collections that match what I use personally.

The rules cover all the commentary series in every base package between Logos 4 and Logos 8 as well as dozens of other add-on sets (around 4,750 volumes of commentaries from nearly 400 series and more than 2,000 authors). They're used by hundreds of Logos users, and are regularly updated.

If you are using Logos 8, you can easily add these collections to your own Logos installation. (1) Go to the Docs menu. (2) Click on Public. (3) Select "Resource Collections" under the type facet. (4) Click the spyglass and search for "barnes" in the filter. (5) When you see my name, click on it. (6) Click on the row of the first collection you're interested in (but don't click on it's name), then CTRL+click on the others (or CTRL+A to select them all). (7) Click on "Add to your docs".

An alternative method, which is simpler but a little slower, and might work for those not using Logos 8, is to click on each of the links provided below, and then click on "Get Copy".

When I update these collections in the future, Logos 8 users will see a notification in their docs menu which will allow you to easily update the collection to the new rules.

If you prefer to manually copy the rules, they're listed below. The rules only cover commentaries that are in a series, whereas the shared collections also include commentaries not in a series. If you want missing commentaries added, just tag them commentary-background, etc., and they'll then be automatically included your copy of the collections.

The power of these collections mostly lies in giving you the ability to create a custom passage guide like the one below, which I strongly recommend. That way you can consult different types of commentaries depending on the questions you're asking the text, and were you are in your study. Personally I use technical commentaries first to answer questions of grammar and basic exegesis, before moving to intermediate commentaries for ideas about what to communicate and basic application, and later to expository commentaries to help me think about illustrations and more specific application.

Background Commentaries — Get your copy

Background Commentaries don’t commentate on the overall meaning of a passage, but provide insights from the historical and cultural background wherever that’s appropriate.

type:bible-commentary ({Series "IVP Bible Background Commentary", "Lexham Geographic Commentary", "Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary","The Bible Knowledge Background Commentary"}, title:("Has God Not Chosen the Poor?", "Manners and Customs of the Bible", "Background Commentary", "The Political Paul"), {MyTag "commentary-background"})

Expository Commentaries — Get your copy

Typically, expository commentaries will discuss the meaning of the Bible text at a fairly simple level. They’ll be simple to read, with plenty of application and illustrations — a bit like a printed sermon. They’ll be hardly any footnotes, and hardly any Greek and Hebrew (which would be transliterated, if used at all).

type:bible-commentary ({Series "3:16 Bible Commentary Series", "A Messianic Commentary", "Africa Bible Commentary Series", "An Exposition of Ephesians", "An Exposition on Prayer in the Bible", "Analytical Bible Expositor", "Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars Study Series", "Barnes’ Notes on the Old and New Testaments", "Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible", "Biblical Preaching for the Contemporary Church", "Biblical Studies", "Boice’s Expositional Commentary", "Cecil Sherman Formations Commentary Series", "Clear Study Series", "Come and See: Catholic Bible Study", "Daily Study Bible Series", "David Guzik’s Commentaries on the Bible", "Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works", "Discovering Christ", "Essential Bible Companion Series", "ESV Expository Commentary", "Every Christian’s Library", "Exploring the Bible Commentary", "Expositions of Holy Scripture (MacLaren)", "Expositor’s Bible", "The Expositor’s Bible", "Feasting on the Word", "A Feasting on the Word Commentary", "Focus on the Bible Commentary", "Following God Workbooks", "For Everyone Bible Study Guides", "Gaebelein Selected Works", "Gaebelein’s Gospel of Matthew", "Gleanings (AW Pink)", "God’s Word for You", "Gromacki Expositions", "High Definition Commentary Series", "Holman New Testament Commentary", "Horae Homileticae", "J. C. Ryle Collection", "Jon Courson’s Application Commentary", "Kingdom Series", "Knowing the Bible", "Life Application Bible Commentary", "MacArthur New Testament Commentary", "Manna in the House: or, Daily Expositions of the Gospels", "Old Testament for Everyone", "Opening Up Commentary", "Poor Man’s New Testament Commentary", "Poor Man’s Old Testament Commentary", "Preaching the Word", "R. C. Sproul Exposition Collection", "Reading the Bible with John Stott", "Reformed Expository Commentary", "Romans: Donald Grey Barnhouse", "Roy Gingrich’s Commentaries in Outline Form", "Roy Gingrich’s Commentaries in Outline Form: Bible Themes", "Series Ministeria", "Spurgeon Commentary Series", "St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary", "Standard Bible Studies", "Studies in the Book of Acts", "Summarized Bible", "Swindoll’s New Testament Insights", "Teach the Bible", "Teacher’s Bible Commentary Series", "Teed Commentary", "The Books of Kings", "The Books of Samuel", "The Church Pulpit Commentary", "The Gospel according to the Old Testament", "The Lectionary Commentary", "The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament", "The Life and Times of Gideon", "The Navarre Bible", "The New Daily Study Bible", "The Open Your Bible Commentary", "The Orthodox Bible Study Companion", "The Sermon Outline Bible", "Theology of Work Bible Commentary", "Thru the Bible Commentary", "Transformative Word", "Treasury of David", "Truth for Today", "Walk! Messianic Jewish Devotional Commentary", "Walking with Jesus", "Welwyn Commentary Series", "Wiersbe’s “Be” Series", "Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines", "Wisdom Commentary Series", "Works of H.A. Ironside", "Works of John Bunyan"} OR {Author "Alsup, Wendy Horger","Blanchard, John","Chambers, Oswald","Comfort, Ray","Franzmann, Werner Herman","Paisley, Ian R. K.","Pink, Arthur Walkington"} OR ({Author "Barber, Cyril J."} AND {Series None}) OR {MyTag "commentary-expository"})

Intermediate Commentaries — Get your copy

Typically, intermediate commentaries will discuss the meaning of the Bible text, in a serious but not overly-academic way. If they discuss Greek and Hebrew words, those words will be transliterated, and there will be little grammatical analysis. They may acknowledge different interpretations of a passage, but probably only in footnotes. There may be some application for the contemporary church, but that won’t be a main emphasis.

type:bible-commentary ({Series "A Bible Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition", "An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews (Owen)", "A Mentor Expository Commentary","Ariel’s Bible Commentary", "Asia Bible Commentary Series", "Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament", "Baker Commentary on the Old Testament", "Baker New Testament Commentary", "Believers Church Bible Commentary", "Berit Olam Studies in Hebrew Narrative and Poetry", "Bible Lessons International", "Black’s New Testament Commentary", "Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible", "Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture", "Charles Hodge Commentary", "College Press NIV Commentary", "Cornerstone Biblical Commentary", "Encountering Biblical Studies", "EP Study Commentary", "Everyman’s Bible Commentary", "Exploring the Old and New Testament Collection", "Expositor’s Bible Commentary", "Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Abridged Edition", "Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Rev. Ed.", "Fortress Commentary on the Bible", "Founders Study Guide Commentary", "H. C. Leupold Commentary Collection", "Hearing the Message of Scripture Commentary", "The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible", "Illuminations Commentary Series", "International Theological Commentary", "The International Theological Commentary on the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments", "Interpretation Commentary", "IVP New Testament Commentary", "Lenski’s Commentary on the New Testament", "Lexham Research Commentaries", "Logion Press Commentary Series", "Matthew: A Commentary", "Myrtlefield Expositions", "New American Commentary", "New Covenant Commentary Series", "New Testament Commentary", "NIV Application Commentary", "Old Testament Survey Series", "An Open Your Bible Project", "Osborne New Testament Commentaries", "Orthodox Christian Reflections", "Pamphlet Bible Series", "Preacher’s Commentary", "Pulpit Commentary", "Reading the Old Testament Series", "Reading the New Testament", "Reading the New Testament, 2nd Series", "Sacra Pagina Series", "Seventh-day Adventist Commentary", "Social-Science Commentary", "Standard Reference Library Through-the-Bible Commentary", "Study Notes on the Holy Scriptures", "The Bible in Its World", "The Bible Speaks Today", "The Bible Speaks Today (US)", "The New Collegeville Bible Commentary", "The New Testament for English Readers", "The Passion Series", "The Randall House Bible Commentary", "Rhetorica Semitica", "Rushdoony Commentaries on the Pentateuch", "Rushdoony New Testament Commentaries", "Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary", "Teach the Text Commentary Series", "The New Testament Library", "The Old Testament Library", "The Story of God Bible Commentary", "The Two Horizons New Testament Commentary", "The Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary ", "The Two Horizons Commentary Series", "Tyndale Commentaries", "The Tyndale Commentary Series", "Understanding the Bible Commentary Series", "United Bible Societies’ Handbooks", "Wesleyan Bible Commentary", "Westminster Bible Companion"}, {MyTag "commentary-intermediate"})

Technical Commentaries — Get your copy

Typically, technical commentaries will be detailed, fairly academic, and emphasise aspects of language and grammar (often using untransliterated Greek and Hebrew). They’ll frequently discuss several possible interpretations of a passage, weighing the different views. They’ll concentrate almost exclusively on what the text would have meant to the original readers, and won’t be concerned about contemporary application.

type:bible-commentary ({Series "A Commentary on the Book of Genesis", "Acts: An Exegetical Commentary", "An Exegetical Commentary: Revelation by Robert L. Thomas", "Anchor Yale Bible", "Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library", "Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha Commentaries (Charles)", "Apollos Old Testament Commentary", "Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament", "Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament", "Baylor Handbook on the Hebrew Bible", "Concordia Commentary", "Continental Commentary", "Eerdmans Critical Commentary", "Evangelical Exegetical Commentary", "Exegetical Helps", "Exegetical Summaries", "Forms of the Old Testament Literature", "Hermeneia", "Illuminations", "International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament", "JPS Tanakh Commentary", "Kregel Exegetical Library", "Letters and Homilies", "Lexical Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles", "Mentor Commentaries", "Minor Prophets Exegetical Commentary", "New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament", "New International Greek Testament Commentary", "Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament", "Pillar New Testament Commentary", "Semantic and Structural Analysis", "Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Series", "Study Guide Commentary Series", "The Book of Isaiah (Young)", "The Hebrew Bible and Its Versions", "Translator’s Notes", "Word Biblical Commentary", "Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament", "Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament"} OR {MyTag "commentary-technical"} OR ({Series "International Critical Commentary"} AND pubdate:>1950))

Historical Commentaries

These are commentaries written before (roughly) WW2. Exegetical methods have changed significantly since then, but these older commentaries give valuable insights into how the Bible has been interpreted in Church History. There are four bands, that coincide roughly with the post-Enlightenment period (late modern), the period of the Reformation, the Middle Ages and the Early Church. The way the Bible was interpreted changed quite significantly at each of those points, so the split is fairly useful (at least to me).

Historical Commentaries (Antiquity) — Get your copy

Commentaries written prior to the medieval period (i.e. up to the fifth century). 

type:bible-commentary ({Series "A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church", "Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture",  "Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (Rev.)",  "Ancient Christian Texts", "Ancient Christian Writers", "Early Church Fathers (Catholic Edition)", "Early Church Fathers (Protestant Edition)", "The Church’s Bible", "The Fathers of the Church"}, {Author "Andrew of Caesarea","Asterius Urbanus","Augustine of Hippo","Cassiodorus","Cyril of Alexandria","Didymus the Blind","Dionysius of Rome","Gregory the Great","Jerome","John Chrysostom","Lactantius","Oecumenius","Origen","Theodore of Mopsuestia","Theodoret of Cyrus","Venantius Fortunatus","Victorinus of Pettau"}, title:("The Classic Midrash"), {MyTag "commentary-antiquity"})

Historical Commentaries (Medieval) — Get your copy

Commentaries written in the medieval period (i.e. from the fifth to the fifteenth centuries).

type:bible-commentary ({Series "A Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Hebraica", "A Commentary on the Psalms from Primitive and Mediæval Writers", "Catena Aurea", "Morals on the Book of Job", "The Bible in Medieval Tradition", "The Commentators’ Bible","The Fathers of the Church: Mediaeval Continuation"}, {Author "Thomas Aquinas", "Bede"}, {MyTag "commentary-medieval"})

Historical Commentaries (Reformation) — Get your copy

Commentaries written in the period of the Reformation period (i.e. from the sixteenth to the early eighteenth century). Commentaries from both Protestant and Catholic writers are included.

type:bible-commentary ({Series "Calvin’s Commentaries", "Luther’s Works", "Reformation Commentary on Scripture", "The Complete Works of Saint Alphonsus de Liguori", "The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide", "The Works of Rev. John Lightfoot"} OR {Author "Adams, Thomas","Ames, William","Benefield, Sebastian","Burroughs, Jeremiah","Calvin, John","Colet, John","Cotton, John","Daubuz, Charles","Downame, John","Durham, James","Dyke, Daniel","Gill, John","Guyon, Jeanne","Henry, Matthew","Holland, Hezekiah","Knollys, Hanserd","Leighton, Robert","Manton, Thomas","Luther, Martin","Owen, John","Newton, George","Patrick, Simon","Perkins, William","Poole, Matthew","Simon, Patrick","Symson, A.","Thomas, Griffin","Turnbull, Richard","Waple, Edward"} OR {MyTag "commentary-reformation"})

Historical Commentaries (1750-1950) — Get your copy

Commentaries written during the late modern period (post-enlightenment).

type:bible-commentary ({Series "A Brief Explication of the Psalms","A Commentary, Critical, Experimental, and Practical, on the Old and New Testaments: Commentary","A Commentary on the Apocalypse","A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews","A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans with a Revised Translation","A Commentary on the Vision of Zechariah the Prophet","A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles","A Devotional Commentary","A Historical and Critical Commentary on the Old Testament","A Historical and Critical Commentary on the Old Testament: Exodus","A New Catena on St. Paul’s Epistles","A New Translation of the Proverbs of Solomon from the Original Hebrew","A Commentary, Grammatical and Exegetical, on the Book of Job; With a Translation","A Paraphrase and Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews","A People’s Commentary","A Popular Commentary on the New Testament","A Practical Commentary upon the First Epistle General of Peter","A Suggestive Commentary on the New Testament","American Commentary on the New Testament","American Commentary on the Old Testament","Amos: An Essay in Exegesis","An Attempt Towards an Improved Translation of the Proverbs of Solomon","An Attempt Towards an Improved Version, a Metrical Arrangement, and an Explanation of the Twelve Minor Prophets","An Exposition of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians","An Exposition of the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Hebrews","An Exposition of the First Epistle General of John, Comprised in Ninety-Three Sermons","An Interpretation of the English Bible","Beet Commentaries","Biblical Manuals","Billroth’s Commentary on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians","Brief Book Studies","Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges","Catholic Standard Library","Charles Ellicott Commentary","Clark’s Foreign Theological Library","Clark’s Foreign Theological Library, Fourth Series","Clark’s Foreign Theological Library, New Series","Clark’s Foreign Theological Library, Third Series","Clark’s Peoples Commentary","Classic Commentaries on the Greek New Testament","Commentary on the Gospels","Commentary on the Old Testament","Commentary on the Prophets of the Old Testament","Commentary on the Psalms by E. W. Hengstenberg","Constructive Bible Studies Secondary Series","Contributions to Oriental History and Philology","Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament","Curæ Romanæ: Notes on the Epistle to the Romans","Das Wort des Heils: Eine volkstümliche Auslegung der Bücher des Neuen Testaments","Denton’s Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles","E. Y. Mullins Commentaries","Eadie’s Commentaries","Ecclesiastes; A Contribution to Its Interpretation","Études Bibliques","Exegetisches Handbuch zum Neuen Testament","Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament","Exposition of the Book of Proverbs","Exposition of the Gospel of St. John","Expository Discourses on the First Epistle of the Apostle Peter","Gnomon of the New Testament","Godet Commentary Collection","Guild Text-Books","Handbooks for Bible Classes","Handbooks for Bible Classes and Private Students","Harvard Theological Studies I","Horæ Apocalypticæ","Hosea: Translated from the Hebrew with Notes Explanatory and Critical","International Handbooks to the New Testament","Joel: A Translation, in Metrical Parallelisms, according to the Hebrew Method of Punctuation","John Owen’s Commentaries","Joshua: An Annotated Hebrew Text","Kommentar zum Neuen Testament","Kurzgefasstes Exegetisches Handbuch zum Neuen Testament","Lange’s Commentary","L’Apocalypse avec une Explication","Lectures on the Book of Ecclesiastes","Lectures on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians","Lectures on the Gospel according to Luke","Lewis Sperry Chafer Collection","Life and Service Series","Light and Truth","Literary Illustrations of the Bible","Local Examination Manual","MacEvilly New Testament Commentaries","New Century Bible","New Commentary on Acts of Apostles","Nichol’s Series of Commentaries","Notes, Critical and Practical, on the Book of Exodus","Philips’ Series of Scripture Manuals","Plain Commentaries","Posthumous Works of the Rev. Ralph Wardlaw, D. D.","Psalms of the Pharisees, Commonly Called the Psalms of Solomon","Publications of the Society of Hebrew Literature","Scripture Primers","St. Edmund’s College Series of Scripture Handbooks","St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians","St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans: A Practical Exposition","Studies in the Gospel of John","Synopsis of the Books of the Bible","Text-Books of Religious Instruction","The Acts of the Apostles Explained","The Annotated Bible (Gaebelein)","The Apocalypse","The Bible for Home and School","The Biblical Cabinet","The Biblical Cabinet; or Hermeneutical, Exegetical, and Philological Library","The Biblical Illustrator","The Book of Job: Literally Translated from the Original Hebrew, and Restored to Its Natural Arrangement","The Book of Psalms (Cheyne)","The Book of Psalms (Horsley)","The Book of Psalms (Perowne)","The Book of Ruth in Hebrew","The Book of the Prophet Hosea","The Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets","The Book of Wisdom","The Books of Samuel (Matthews)","The Books of the Bible","The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges","The Century Bible","The Church of the First Days","The Churchman’s Bible","The Complete Commentary on the New Testament","The Convention Series","The Convention Series of Commentaries","The Earliest Gospel: A Historical Study of the Gospel according to Mark","The Epic of the Inner Life: Being the Book of Job","The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans","The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Romans","The Epistle to the Hebrews in Greek and English with Critical and Explanatory Notes","The Epistles of St Paul to the Corinthians","The Expositor’s Commentary","The Expositor’s Greek Testament Commentary","The Gospel according to Saint Matthew with an Explanatory and Critical Commentary","The Hebrew Text, and a Latin Version of the Book of Solomon, Called Ecclesiastes","The Holy Scriptures with Commentary","The Indian Church Commentaries","The Lutheran Commentary","The Messages of the Bible","The Modern Commentary","The Moffatt New Testament Commentary","The New Testament in Modern Speech","The New-Century Bible","The Oxford Church Biblical Commentary","The People’s Bible: Discourses upon Holy Scripture","The Practical Commentary on the New Testament","The Preacher’s Complete Homiletic Commentary","The Prophets of the Restoration","The Proverbs of Solomon","The Psalms, with Introductions and Critical Notes","The Psalms: A Study of the Vulgate Psalter in the Light of the Hebrew Text","The Revelation of St. John","The Sacred Books of the Old and New Testaments","The Sacred Books of the Old Testament","The Short Course Series","The Spiritual Interpretation of the Scriptures","The Standard Series","The Student’s Commentary","The Temple Bible","The Twelve Minor Prophets","The Westminster New Testament","The Wisdom of Ben Sira","The Wisdom of James the Just","The Works of Mr. Archibald M’Lean","Theological Translation Fund Library","Through the Bible Book by Book","Translation of the Psalms and Canticles with Commentary","Translations of Early Documents: Series II: Hellenistic-Jewish Texts","Westminster Commentaries"} OR {Author "Abbott, Lyman","Adam, John","Adam, Thomas","Adamson, H. T.","Ainger, Thomas","Airay, Henry","Alexander, Joseph Addison","Alexander, William Henry","Alford, Henry","Allnutt, Richard Lea","Anderson, Robert","Arnold, Albert N.","Arnot, William","Arthur, Alexander","Babb, James","Bacon, Benjamin Wisner","Bagot, Daniel","Ball, C. J.","Barnes, William Emery","Barth, Karl","Barton, George Aaron","Bassett, Francis Tilney","Bayley, Emilius","Bayne, Paul","Beckwith, Isbon T.","Bellarmine, Robert","Bellett, J. G.","Bensly, Robert L.","Bernard, Richard","Bickersteth, E.","Birks, Thomas Rawson","Blackwood, Stevenson A.","Bliss, George R.","Blunt, Henry","Boise, James Robinson","Bonar, Andrew A.","Bosanquet, S. R.","Boström, Otto H.","Bowman, John Wick","Box, G. H.","Bradley, George Granville","Bridges, Charles","Broadus, John Albert","Broughton, Len G.","Brown, John","Bruce, Alexander Balmain","Buchanan, Robert","Burney, C. F.","Burrell, David James","Burrell, Joseph Dunn","Burrowes, George","Bush, George","Butler, George William","Buttenwieser, Moses","Byfield, Nicholas","Calkins, Raymond","Cameron, D. B.","Cameron, Robert","Candlish, James S.","Candlish, Robert S.","Cannon, William Walter","Carey, Carteret Priaulx","Carr, Arthur","Cassel, Paulus","Challis, James","Chalmers, Thomas","Cheyne, Thomas Kelly","Clay, Edmund","Coates, C. A.","Cocke, A. R.","Coleman, John Noble","Cowles, Henry","Cox, F. A.","Cox, Samuel","Crosby, Howard","Cullen, John","Cumming, John","Daillé, Jean","Dale R. W.","Dale, R. W.","Dana, H. E.","Davidson, Alexander D.","Davidson, William","Davies, J. Llewelyn","Davies, James","de Burgh, William","de Valdés, Juán","Deems, Charles F.","Delitzsch, Franz","Demarest, John T.","Dennett, Edward","Devine, Minos","Dillmann, August","Dimock, H.","Dix, Morgan","Dods, Marcus","Downing, Henry","Drake, William","Driver, Samuel Rolles","Drummond, James","Dryander, Ernst","Dunlop, R. V.","Eastburn, Manton","Ebrard, John Henry Augustus","Edalji, S.","Edmunds, John","Edwards, Thomas Charles","Elsley, Heneage","Emmet, Cyril W.","Erdman, Charles R.","Evans, James Harington","Fairbairn, Patrick","Fausset, A. R.","Fearnley, F. M.","Ferme, Charles","Field, Frederick","Findlay, George G.","Finlayson, T. Campbell","Fitzwater, P. B.","Folsom, Nathaniel S.","Forbes, John","Ford, David B.","Ford, James","Fort, John","Fosdick, David, Jr.","Fraser, James","Fry, John","Gaebelein, Arno","Garrod, G. W.","Geddes, Alexander","Genung, George F.","Gibbon, J. Morgan","Gillies, J. R.","Ginsburg, Christian D.","Glasgow, James","Godwin, John H.","Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson","Gore, Charles","Govett, Robert","Goyder, David Geo.","Graham, W.","Graham, William","Gray, James Comper","Green, Samuel G.","Greenhill, William","Groves, Henry Charles","Hackett, Horatio B.","Haldane, James A.","Haldane, Robert","Harpur, George","Harris, J. L.","Harrison, McVeigh","Harrison, P. N.","Haynes, W. A.","Henderson, E.","Hengstenberg, E. W.","Henry, Philip","Hershon, Paul Isaac","Hinkley, Willard H.","Hinton, John Howard","Hitchcock, George S.","Hobart, Alvah Sabin","Hodge, Charles","Holcomb, James F.","Holden, George","Holme, C.","Holmes, Samuel","Horine, M. C.","Horne, George","Hort, Arthur Fenton","Hort, Fenton John Anthony","Horton, Robert F.","Hoskier, H. C.","Houghton, W.","Hoste, William","H. S. L.","Hughes, Lewis","Humphry, William Gilson","Hunt, Alfred Leedes","Hutchison, John","Isaacs, Wilfrid H.","Jacobi, Bernard","Jacobus, Melancthon W.","Jastrow, Morris, Jr.","Jelf, William Edward","Jenkyn, William","Jennings, F. C.","Jewel, John","Johnson, Barton Warren","Johnson, Franklin","Johnstone, Robert","Johnstone, T. Boston","Joule, Francis","Jowett, Benjamin","Jukes, Andrew","Keil, Carl Friedrich","Kelly, William","Kendrick, A. C.","Kennedy, A. R. S.","Kennedy, James F.","Kimchi, David","Lanchester, H. C. O.","Latch, Edward B.","Lathrop, Joseph","Law, Henry","Law, Robert","Lawson, George","Lee, Robert","Lee, Samuel","Leslie, Elmer A.","Lias, J. J.","Liddon, Henry Parry","Lightfoot, Joseph Barber","Lillie, John","Litch, Josiah","Littledale, Richard Frederick","Livermore, Abiel Abbot","Lloyd, John","Lord, David Nevins","Lothian, William","Lowth, Robert","M’Caul, A.","M’Crie, Thomas","M’Ghee, Robert J.","Maas, A. J.","Macdonald, James M.","MacGregor, James","Mackintosh, C. H.","Macknight, James","Macpherson, John","Major, J. R.","Marbury, Edward","Margoliouth, Moses","Martin, Hugh","Mason, W. T.","Maurice, Frederick Denison","Mayor, Joseph B.","McFadyen, John Edgar","McGarvey, John William","Melville, Andrew","Menzies, Allan","Meyer, Frederick Brotherton","Meyer, Heinrich August Wilhelm","Miller, Herbert G.","Milligan, William","Moffatt, James","Morgan, James","Morison, James","Moule, H. C. G.","Murphy, James G.","Murray, Andrew","Mylne, G. W.","Nash, C. H.","Neander, Augustus","Neill, William","Nelson, Robert","Nevin, Alfred","Newcome, William","Newell, William R.","Newton, A. L.","Newton, B. W.","Newton, Benjamin Wills","Nicholls, Benjamin Elliott","Niven, William","Noble, Frederick A.","Noble, Robert","Noyes, George R.","O’Conor, W. A.","O’Sullivan, John","Oesterley, W. O. E.","Olshausen, Hermann","Orme, William","Ottley, Richard R.","Owen, John J.","Parker, Joseph","Parry, R. St. John","Paterson, J. A.","Pattison, R. E.","Payne, A.","Peile, Thomas Williamson","Peirce, Bradford K.","Peloubet, F. N.","Pettingill, William L.","Pidge, J. B. Gough","Pierce, Samuel Eyles","Plumer, William S.","Plummer, Alfred A.","Pridham, Arthur","Prince, J. Dyneley","Pulsford, John","R. B. Seeley and W. Burnside","Ramage, Craufurd Tait","Ramsay, William Mitchell","Ramsey, James B.","Reed, Harry Lathrop","Reid, William J.","Reynolds, Edward","Rice, Edwin W.","Riggs, James Stevenson","Riley, William B.","Ripley, Henry J.","Robertson, Archibald T.","Robertson, J. S. S.","Robinson, J. Armitage","Rodwell, W. M.","Round, D.","Rowland, Alfred","Rowlandson, W. H.","Rule, William Harris","Rutherford, W. G.","Ryan, Vincent William","Ryle, J. C.","S. W. Partridge & Co.","Sadler, M. F.","Sampson, Francis S.","Saphir, Adolph","Schaff, Philip","Schleiermacher, Friedrich","Scofield, C. I.","Scott, Melville","Scratton, George","Seiss, Joseph A.","Selwyn, Edward Gordon","Sharpe, John","Shedd, William G. T.","Shirres, D. L.","Shrewsbury, W. J.","Smith, H. Maynard","Smith, J. Hamblin","Smith, John","Smith, R. Payne","Smith, Thornley","Smith, Uriah","Spence, James","Spurgeon, Charles H.","Spurrell, G. J.","Steele, Daniel","Stevens, George Barker","Stevenson, John","Stier, Rudolf","Stifler, James M.","Stock, John","Stock, Joseph","Stonehouse, George G. V.","Ströter, E. F.","Streane, A. W.","Strong, Leonard","Stuart, A. Moody","Stuart, Moses","Sumner, John Bird","Taylor, J. Hudson","Terrot, C. H.","Terry, Milton S.","Tholuck, August","Thom, John Hamilton","Thomas, W. H. Griffith","Thrupp, Joseph Francis","Todd, James Frederick","Toller, Thomas","Trench, Richard Chenevix","Trollope, W.","Turner, Samuel H.","Vaughan, Charles John","Venn, John","von Ewald, Georg Heinrich August","Von Orelli, C.","Walker, T.","Wardlaw, Ralph","Watson, Charles","Weiss, Benjamin","Welton, Daniel M.","Wemyss, Thomas","Wesley, John","Westcott, Brooke Foss","Whitelaw, Thomas","Wiesinger, Augustus","Wilberforce, A. Bertrand","Williams, Henry W.","Williams, John","Williams, Thomas","Wilson, Daniel","Wintle, Thomas","Withington, Leonard","Wood, William Spicer","Workman, George Coulson","Wright, Charles Henry Hamilton","Wright, Maria","Yorke, H. Lefroy","Young, Loyal"} OR {MyTag "commentary-historical-modern"} OR ({Series "International Critical Commentary"} AND pubdate:<=1950))

One Volume Commentaries — Get your copy

Commentaries that cover the whole Bible, or at least one Testament, in a single volume. 

type:commentary AND ({SubjectGroup "Bible--Commentaries", "Bible O.T.--Commentaries", "Bible N.T.--Commentaries", "Bible--Handbooks, manuals, etc", "Bible--Introductions"} AND {Series None} ANDNOT (title:(vols, volumes, "The Expositor’s Dictionary of Poetical Quotations", "The New Manners and Customs of the Bible","The Lexham Textual Notes on the Bible")) OR {Series "Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Abridged Edition","Fortress Commentary on the Bible","Summarized Bible","Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines"} OR title:("The Bible Exposition Commentary") OR {MyTag "commentary-one-volume"})

Study Guide Commentaries — Get your copy

Typically, study guide commentaries will provide short introductions to each passage, and ask several questions of the reader.

type:bible-commentary AND (title:("Bible Study Guide"), {Series "A LifeGuide Bible Study", "Bryan Williams Bible Study Collection", "John Stott Bible Studies","Life Lessons", "Not Your Average Bible Study"}, {MyTag "commentary-study-guide"})

Textual Commentaries — Get your copy

Textual commentaries focus on issues of textual criticism.

type:(bible-commentary, bible-notes) AND ({Series "Biblia Hebraica Quinta"}, title:("New Testament Text and Translation Commentary", "The Lexham Textual Notes on the Bible", "A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament", "A Textual Guide to the Greek New Testament","The NET Bible First Edition Notes"), {MyTag "commentary-textual"})

Special Commentaries — Get your copy

'Special' commentaries are those that don't fit into any other category. Typically, they won't look at the text as a whole, but focus on a very narrow aspect of the text.

type:bible-commentary ({Series "A Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Hebraica, Matthew–1 Corinthians", "Biblical and Judaic Studies from the University of California, San Diego", "Biblical Theology of the New Testament", "The Christian Counselor’s Commentary", "Intertextual Bible Commentary", "JPS Study Bible Series", "Lexham Context Commentary", "Lexham Discourse Commentaries", "Mekhilta de-Rabbi Ishmael", "Mekhilta de-Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai", "The Mellen Biblical Commentary", "New Studies in Biblical Theology", "Pastorum Series", "Philo & Holy Scripture", "SkyLight Illuminations Series", "Studies in Biblical Theology", "T&T Clark Study Guides to the New Testament", "What the Bible is All About: Bible Study Series"} OR {MyTag "commentary-special"} OR title:("Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament"))

This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

