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Products>Genesis Collection (2 vols.)

Genesis Collection (2 vols.)

, 1976–1998

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $92.98
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There is much discussion today on creationism vs. evolutionism, on a young earth vs. an old earth, the global vs. local complexity of the Noahic flood, the longevity of the patriarchs, and many other aspects and difficult passages found in the book of Genesis. A scientist and a professor provide sound biblical conclusions regarding these dichotomous subjects, offering clear explanations of the literary and theological motifs found in the book of beginnings.

Resource Experts
  • Biblical conclusions regarding science and religion
  • Authors include a scientist and a professor
  • Discusses literary and theological motifs found in the Bible
  • Title: Genesis Collection (2 vols.)
  • Authors: Henry M. Morris and Allen Ross
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Volumes: 2
  • Pages: 1,460

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The Genesis Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings

  • Author: Henry M. Morris
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 1976
  • Pages: 716

The Genesis Record offers a scientific, devotional commentary on the complete book of Genesis written by a creationist scientist. Written as narrative exposition rather than a critical verse-by-verse analysis, this book is equally useful to both the theologically trained and the layperson.

Morris writes from the conviction that the first eleven chapters of Genesis are as truly historical as the remaining thirty-nine. This conviction is not based simply on faith, but on many years of study of the scientific aspects of the Genesis record as well as the interchange of ideas with many other scientists and theologians (both creationists and evolutionists). His logic is compelling in its affirmation of a young earth and universe and his elucidation on the worldwide Noahic Flood reflects his expertise in hydrology and geology.

The reader is conducted by a capable guide through the important corridors of Earth’s early history, providing the necessary background for understanding all of Scripture. More than thirty years of teaching Bible classes are reflected in the author's insights into human character and his application of Biblical truths to life in the twenty-first century.

...an informative and thoroughly sound exposition of the Bible’s key book…can be read with genuine interest and profit…not only details the divine miracle of creation but also throws light on baffling passages...

—John D. Jess, Director, Chapel of the Air

...one of the very best commentaries...a narrative style that is most helpful to the reader…deals carefully with the exegetical problems…many 'extras' from the author’s fields of expertise...

—Charles C. Ryrie, Professor of Systematic Theology, Dallas Theological Seminary

Henry Morris is the founder and former president of the Institute of Creation Research. He served as professor of hydrology at the institute's division of graduate study and research. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and for twenty-eight years taught at major universities, including serving as chairman of the civil engineering department at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He is the author of Scientific Creationism and Men of Science Men of God: Great Scientists of the Past Who Believed the Bible.

Creation and Blessing: A Guide to the Study and Exposition of Genesis

  • Author: Allen P. Ross
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 1996
  • Pages: 744

According to the author, his purpose is to "help the reader appreciate the major literary and theological motifs that form the theological ideas in the narratives, and to demonstrate how these theological ideas can be developed into clear and accurate expository ideas." To accomplish this goal, Ross introduces four approaches to the study of Genesis—literary-analytical, form-critical, traditio-historical, and rhetorical-critical—which he utilizes to expound on the theological ideas manifest in this first book of the Bible.

Ross divides his exposition of Genesis into four basic narratives—The Primeval Events (chapters 1-11); The Patriarchal Narratives about Abraham (chapters 11-25); The Patriarchal Narratives about the Descendants of Abraham (chapters 25-36); and The Story of Joseph (chapters 37-50). Within these narratives are more than sixty chapters where Ross discusses different theological ideas, explaining their structure and synthesizes their message. Included in the text are exegetical and expository outlines, four appendices and a bibliography listing commentaries and monographs on Genesis.

Allen P. Ross has written an excellent study guide to Genesis. His prodigious book, which he refrains from calling a commentary, contains fine scholarship and an excellent survey of previous work on this first book of the Bible. His writing is so interesting that the book became for me more than a source; it became bedside reading material. Creation and Blessing is an essential reference work for those interested in the Pentateuch and biblical narrative. . . . Ross aims this detailed and lengthy study of Genesis at pastors, teachers and seminary students who seek to develop an understanding of Genesis and narrative literature in general. He succeeds admirably. . . . For those preaching and writing on Genesis, and for those who love the book as great theology and literature, Ross's work is essential.

—R. G. Branch, Old Testament Essays

...the quality of Creation and Blessing seems to require superlatives....It models the kind of writing that those who teach must give to those who preach to facilitate accurate and rich exposition. Indeed, reading the book is an excellent course in studying and expounding narrative literature.

—Van Campbell, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

Allen Ross (Ph.D., Cambridge University) taught biblical studies at Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry and is currently Professor of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School. He served as translator and editor of the New King James Version and commented on Genesis and Psalms in the Bible Knowledge Commentary. He is a contributor to John Feinberg’s Continuity and Discontinuity, and the author of Holiness to the Lord, a book on Leviticus.


19 ratings

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  1. David Nowlin

    David Nowlin


  2. Theodore Pruitt

    Theodore Pruitt


    Just reading a little in the collection leads me to believe this has been written from the catholic point of view? Help me out please!
  3. Mattillo



  4. Richard E. Davis
  5. Jeffrey E. Green
  6. Alfonso Alvizo
  7. Paul Richardson
    I have found Creation and Blessing to be the better of the two but both have their benefits.
  8. mike



    John MacArthur used Henry Morris' commentary for his Genesis sermon. I'll take that.
  9. Donovan Neufeldt
  10. Matthew John Buttner


Collection value: $92.98
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