Digital Logos Edition
The Arminian Theological Studies Collection (5 vols.) introduces a compilation of works on the theology of Arminianism from two of today's top professors on the subject matter. Robert E. Picirilli and F. Leroy Forlines bring you a solid perspective on Reformed or Classical Arminianism. They find the basis of their theology not from Wesleyan Arminianism, but from biblical exposition and the teachings of Jacob Arminius himself. These five books cover the fundamental themes of salvation, justification, sanctification, perseverance, and election from a Free Will Baptist perspective. The Arminian Theological Studies Collection (5 vols.) is not only a great read for scholars, pastors, and students, but is aimed towards the modern reader who wants a deeper understanding of Arminius' ideas and doctrines that created the Free Will Baptist church.
Logos Bible Software significantly improves the value of any resource by enabling you to find what you are looking for instantly and with efficiently. As you read through the Arminian Theological Studies Collection (5 vols.), you can easily search and access topics or Scripture references you come across, for example, "justification" or "sanctification." All scripture references are linked directly to the Bibles in your library, allowing you to immediately read the verse being cited by your resource.
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In recent times humanity has embraced natural truth rather than spiritual truth. Biblical Systematics takes a journey through the Bible and shows that God's truth is the most logical answer in the universe. Forlines presents one of the strongest defenses for spiritual truth against natural truth.
F. Leroy Forlines is a prolific author having published Romans Commentary, Biblical Systematics, The Quest for Truth, and Biblical Ethics. His monthly column, “Christian Doctrine” was published in Contact magazine for 15 years. Forlines taught at Free Will Baptist Bible College for 50 years and continues to serve as Adjunct Professor. He has also served on the Commission for Theological Integrity since its inception in 1962 for the National Association of Free Will Baptists. He is Adjunct Professor of Theology at Russian Baptist Theological Institute at the Chelyabinsk Affiliate of the Moscow Theological Institute, under the auspices of Free Will Baptist International Missions. Forlines earned his B.A. from Free Will Baptist Bible College, M.A. from Winona Lake School of Theology, B.D. from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Th.M. from Chicago Graduate School of Theology.
This is an excellent resource for study of the Arminian view for those seeking to defend their theological position. In this current environment of growth among Traditional Calvinism, Arminians of all denominations are looking for a good resource from an Arminian interpretation. Once again, Forlines and Pinson have worked together to provide such a resource. This book is a valuable contribution to the Arminian-Calvinist debate.
Professor Forlines here develops at greater length the approach already taken in his commentary on Romans. The result is a careful defense of a model in which God works to achieve salvation in human beings by 'influence and response' rather than by 'cause and effect,' a view which commends itself as doing better justice to the concept of a personal God entering into relationships with human beings as persons.
—I. Howard Marshall, Emeritus Professor of New Testament Exegesis and Honorary Research Professor, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Leroy Forlines is an accomplished and seasoned scholar who is the face of Reformed or Classical Arminianism, which is closer to the actual teachings of Jacob Arminius than the more widely known Wesleyan Arminianism. Forlines is, above all, faithful to careful biblical exposition as the foundation of his theology. The perspective offered by Forlines, along with like-minded theologians such as Robert Picirilli, deserves to be heard on these crucial issues. Although our own perspective differs at points, we have used their books profitably at our seminary.
—Steve W. Lemke, Provost, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Forlines has presented to the Christian community an excellent practical presentation and defense of the classical non-Wesleyan Arminianism that is rarely represented in the systematic theology sections of academic and church libraries, a challenge for Calvinistic writers to answer, and an example of the necessary and fruitful wedding of doctrine and life directed toward the zealous ministry of the gospel.
—L. Igou Hodges, Professor of Systematic Theology, Columbia International University
F. Leroy Forlines is a prolific author having published Romans Commentary, Biblical Systematics, The Quest for Truth, and Biblical Ethics. His monthly column, “Christian Doctrine” was published in Contact magazine for 15 years. Forlines taught at Free Will Baptist Bible College for 50 years and continues to serve as Adjunct Professor. He has also served on the Commission for Theological Integrity since its inception in 1962 for the National Association of Free Will Baptists. He is Adjunct Professor of Theology at Russian Baptist Theological Institute at the Chelyabinsk Affiliate of the Moscow Theological Institute, under the auspices of Free Will Baptist International Missions. Forlines earned his B.A. from Free Will Baptist Bible College, M.A. from Winona Lake School of Theology, B.D. from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Th.M. from Chicago Graduate School of Theology.
J. Matthew Pinson is president of Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, Tennessee. Before his current position, he labored as a pastor, teacher, and writer in Alabama, Connecticut, and Georgia. A native of Pensacola, Florida, Mr. Pinson holds degrees from Yale University and the University of West Florida and completed his doctorate at Vanderbilt University. He is author of other Randall House books such as A Free Will Baptist Handbook, and The Washing of the Saint’s Feet. He lives with his wife, Melinda, and their children, Anna and Matthew, in Nashville.
Robert E. Picirilli, in Grace, Faith, Free Will, renews the discussion of issues that have divided Calvinism and Arminianism since the Reformation. Jacobus Arminius, a Dutch Theologian of the 16th century, contested the dominant theological ideas advanced by the well-known Protestant reformer John Calvin and his disciples. Historically, Arminius has been frequently misunderstood and often reinterpreted by friend and foe alike. Even today, one who calls himself "Arminian" does so with considerable risk, as the name means different things to different people and comes in various flavors. Many automatically think of Arminians as liberal, differing little from Universalists at least holding to salvation by works, and possibly espousing heretical views of the Trinity or the goodness of man. IN truth, some "Arminians" have held and even now hold such beliefs. Not so of Arminius himself, his original followers, or able contemporary theologians such as Picirilli.
Though he presents both classic Calvinism and Arminianism in order to help readers intelligently decide for themselves, Dr. Picirilli unashamedly advocates a very specific form of Arminianism as the best resolution of the tensions between the two doctrinal positions. In what he calls "Reformation Arminianism," Picirilli reclaims the original views of Arminius and his defenders. This is an Arminianism that defends:
I commend Bob Picirilli for such an erudite, comprehensive, and persuasive presentation of the classical Arminian position as contrasted with classical Calvinism and sub-Calvinism. The final chapter which analyzes Hebrews and Petrine writings with respect to the finality of apostasy is one of the strongest arguments on the same that I have read.
—Dr. Arthur M. Climenhaga, former dean, Western Evangelical Seminary, Portland, Oregon
Dr. Robert E. Picirilli, former academic dean and professor of Greek and New Testament studies at Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, Tennessee, has been teaching, preaching, and writing Arminian theology for more than 45 years. Since 1983, he has served as the General Editor of The Randall House Bible Commentary and, in that series, contributed the volumes on 1, 2 Corinthians; Ephesians; Philippians; and 1, 2 Thessalonians. His other published works include the books Paul the Apostle, Book of Galatians, Romans, and A Survey of the Pauline Epistles, as well as numerous booklets and articles in denominational publications and theological journals.
The "inescapable questions of life" are answered from the standard of God's authoritative Word. This invaluable tool seriously discusses profound truths that apply to every facet of life. Biblical truth should be made applicable to the total personality.
Professor Forlines has written at a level suitable for college students what must probably be the major contemporary exposition of Classical Arminianism. Writing against the background of the shift to post-modernism in today's world, he covers several of the fundamental themes of theology. However, his primary focus is on salvation, justification, sanctification, perseverance and election, and he develops at greater length the approach already taken in his commentary on Romans. The result is a careful defense of a model in which God works to achieve salvation in human beings by 'influence and response' rather than by 'cause and effect,' a view which commends itself as doing better justice to the concept of a personal God entering into relationships with human beings as persons.
—I. Howard Marshall, Emeritus Professor of New Testament Exegesis and Honorary Research Professor, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
In this book Leroy Forlines presents a lively, relevant, biblical restatement of classical Arminian theology. In a time when the choice seems to be Calvinism or 'free will theism,' his classical Arminianism is most welcome. Believing that theology is for life, Forlines writes for every Christian, not just for other theologians. His work appeals to the whole person, sets before us a powerful vision of God's holiness, and calls us to holy living. Every Christian who seeks to be biblically faithful will grow by reading and digesting this nourishing work.
—Jonathan R. Wilson, Pioneer McDonald Chair of Theology, Carey Theological College
Because the appearance of well-written, up-to-date, evangelical systematic theologies representing distinct traditions is relatively rare, the publication of Forline's volume is highly significant. The work is a well-studied and well-argued defense of a non-Wesleyan Arminianism by the leading theologians of the Free Will Baptist Church. Forlines has presented to the Christian community an excellent practical presentation and defense of the classical non-Wesleyan Arminianism that is rarely represented in the systematic theology sections of academic and church libraries, a challenge for Calvinistic writers to answer, and an example of the necessary and fruitful wedding of doctrine and life directed toward the zealous ministry of the gospel.
—L. Igou Hodges, Professor of Systematic Theology, Columbia International University
F. Leroy Forlines has taught Biblical studies, theology and ethics for over 35 years. His work as Dean of Students has given him a unique perspective in to the human psyche. He holds graduate degrees from Free Will Baptist Bible College, BA; Winona Lake School of Theology, MA; Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, BD; and the Chicago Graduate School of Theology, ThM. His other writings include: Biblical Ethics, Biblical Systematics, Morals and Orthodoxy, The Doctrine of Perseverance, Christian Standards and Convictions without Legalism, Randall House Commentary on Romans and numerous articles and papers.
Through a basic overview of the teachings of Joseph Arminius, Dr. Robert Picirilli discusses the biblical explanation of the possibility of apostasy. This concise book presents the Reformed Arminian position of assurance and salvation in easy-to-understand terms that are beneficial to both scholar and layperson.
Dr. Robert E. Picirilli, former academic dean and professor of Greek and New Testament studies at Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, Tennessee, has been teaching, preaching, and writing Arminian theology for more than 45 years. Since 1983, he has served as the General Editor of The Randall House Bible Commentary and, in that series, contributed the volumes on 1, 2 Corinthians; Ephesians; Philippians; and 1, 2 Thessalonians. His other published works include the books Paul the Apostle, Book of Galatians, Romans, and A Survey of the Pauline Epistles, as well as numerous booklets and articles in denominational publications and theological journals.
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Matthew Saunders
Rev. Dr. Larry T. Crudup
David Potete
Richard Summitt
Mirial Gainer
Scott Ross
Bill Shewmaker