Floating Tool Windows
Floating Tool Windows Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, General See also: Layouts Favorites See The power of Favorites for a more practical example of using Favorites.
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Drawing Mode
Drawing Mode Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, General Drawing Mode allows for temporary highlight/draw/write on screen using the mouse, such as in a teaching situation. It is invoked by function key F8, and Logos’ usual UI input will be disabled until drawing mode is exited with the ESC key. Four colors are provided:…
Handouts Wiki: TOC, VTOC, HomeForum: Home, General Handouts are deprecated i.e. their development has been discontinued. From Logos 8.5, it is no longer possible to create Handouts, but existing ones can still be edited.
Biblical Things
Biblical Things Wiki: TOC, VTOC, HomeForum: Home, GeneralVideos Biblical Things Bible Facts (Mark Barnes) Please view the mentioned videos. Note: Logos 4 and Logos 5 only See Factbook
Creating your own Custom Go Box
Creating your own Custom Go Box Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, General This page is obsolete Idea replaced by Home Page Layouts
Logos 4 Keyboard Shortcuts For Mac
Logos 4 Keyboard Shortcuts For Windows