Word Numbers
Description Logos "same word" filters (as well as Factbook entries in context menu) work by having each word annotated with a WordNumber: datatype link. These Word Numbers can also be added to Personal Book bibles (by hyperlinking to WordNumber:gnt/1996, for example). To do so, you need to know which words in the Greek or…
PB – Warnings & Errors
Bible Datatypes
Bible Datatypes Wiki: TOC, VTOC, HomeForum: Home, GeneralSee also Bible Verse Maps This page provides a full list of Bible Datatypes, as they stand in Logos 8.0 (partly updated to Logos 9.0). Knowing the datatypes can be useful when producing bibles as Personal Books. A complete list of which verses are supported by which…
User Contributed Personal Books
Lectionary and Harmony Support
Building a Dictionary PB
Building a Dictionary PB Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, Gen See also Forum thread Dictionary, Encyclopedia or Lexicon? Page Contents * What is a dictionary? * Creating Entries with a Table of Contents * Creating Entries without a Table of Contents * Getting Logos to recognize the Dictionary * Prioritizing the PB with…
List of Resource Types
Author Datatypes
Author Datatypes This page provides a complete list of author Datatypes supported by Logos 10.0, and the works supported by that datatype. You can then search for these references like this: <au+hippolytus ~ Antichr.>. There are often multiple variations of the name of the works (e.g. <au+hippolytus ~ De antichristo>), but…
Bible Verse Maps
Bible Verse MapsWiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, Gen, L4, Mac4 See also Bible Datatypes Different bibles use slightly different verse numbering. For example, the Greek (LXX) versions of the Psalms have the Psalm’s title as verse 1, and the verse normally labelled verse 1 in English translations is called verse 2. If you…