Workflow Editor Improvements

Reuben Helmuth
Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I've started a list of the features that I think should be added to the Workflow Editor. These are in the order of importance (as I see it) which may change based on the input of others. The purpose behind this post is to provide a "hub" for discussing workflow editor improvements. Each item will become a link to a thread dedicated to that item (as I get those started).

  1. Multiple Note Support
  • Any step should allow multiple notes to be added, especially in light of the fact that a reference workflow will generally be on multiple verses.
  • Option to specify Commentary Collection 
    • The commentary section should allow a collection of commentaries to be specified and display this within the workflow.
  • Allow Defining of Note Attributes
    • Allow us to define tags etc, to Notes created within a WF step.
  • Option to specify a resource for “Read” step
    • The Read step needs to allow us to specify a text other than the default Bible.
  • Project Name Field
    • This is especially important as it relates to Notes and Notebooks.
  • Pass the key to a link
    • We should be able to use the key value as part of an embedded link.
  • Pass the key to Search
    • The key value should be able to be passed as a search parameter
  • Deep-link WF notes
    • Clicking the Workflow anchor of a WF note in Notes should go to the exact location of the note in the WF.
  • Key type: Date
    • Provide a key type for Calendar dates (MJ, will this suffice for liturgical dates or no?).
  • Key Type: Multi-Passage
    • Studying interconnected passages would benefit from this
  • Guide Section: Collections
    • This would allow a collection of non-commentaries that mention the key reference.
  • Set Preferred Bible
    • A Workflow should be able to set its own default Bible.
  • Definable label for the Expandable Text section
    • Allow us to choose what is displayed (e.g. “Help”)
  • Additional sub-level
    • At least one additional level would help in organizing more complex/thorough workflows.
  • Indicate opened resources
    • By simply changing the font color on a link once clicked (as in a web browser), the user will be able to see which commentaries, for example, have already been opened/consulted.
  • Add an "Open Layout" option
    • This would open the specified layout with all applicable resources located at the WF key.
  • Option to make a Note mandatory
    • This would help ensure that research is being noted at critical junctures.
  • Display "Question" text in note
    • This would provide context for the note/observation
  • Embedded video player
        • The ability to play a LogosPro video within the workflow (preferably in an expandable text section) would allow a robust “help” system to be integrated into the workflow.
      • Reference filter per item
        • Each item (rather than just each step) should have the ability to show/hide based on a reference range.
      • Subsidiary Workflows
      • Preview/Update/Refresh button
        • This would provide the ability to view the results without closing the editor.
      • Convert Text object to Expandable Text object and vice-versa.
      • Implemented in 8.2 beta 1:

        1. Guide Section: Journals
        • This section would be a complement to the Commentaries section.
      • Define a resource set for Text Comparison
        • Allow us to set a list of Bibles to display in TC.
      • Guide Section: Textual Variants
        • Original language work isn’t complete without engaging with textual criticism.
      • Guide Section: Textual Variants
        • Original language work isn’t complete without engaging with textual criticism.

        Implemented in 8.2 beta 3:

        Please use this thread primarily to discuss a feature's Placement in the list (priority) or to suggest additions. Use the dedicated threads (once created) to discuss the details of a particular feature.



        • Justin Gatlin
          Justin Gatlin Member, MVP Posts: 2,193

          I would really like the ability to open a layout from the workflow editor, where the reference fields of the layout are set to the key under consideration (if defined for that resource, otherwise they should stay at their last place). So I could have an observation layout, an illustration layout, etc. 

        • Jeff Palen
          Jeff Palen Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

          This is great! Many of these changes will really take the tool to the next level for productivity. Number 7 is huge. If your preferred bible is set to an English translation, you may want to use a WF specific to the original languages. This seems to inspired by workflow tools used for project management, and as such i would expect be more flexibility to accommodate what a user wants to accomplish. 

          I think the 'product' of the tool should be an organized document of some kind. For instance this could be leveraged to export to detailed notes, or even a rough draft for a paper. I was drawn to this under the impression i could build a workflow based off a instructors guidelines (for exegesis) and streamline the process coherently. Maybe I just have not figured it out yet, but this does not seem to be the intention for the initial release. 

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          I would really like the ability to open a layout from the workflow editor, where the reference fields of the layout are set to the key

          Great suggestion, Justin. I've added this to the list (now #18). Please feel free start a new thread (linked back to this thread) detailing how this would be helpful and how it might work, then post back here with the link and I'll add the link to the initial post.

        • NB.Mick
          NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,174

          Thanks Reuben.

          You often write about the "key" and mean the bible verse reference one has to input before starting a workflow. I personally don't see this as a key - and not even as a suitable identifier. I'd ask Logos to let us add any name (just as with other Logos documents) to identify it. One good example comes from a Logos supplied Workflow for Sermon preparation: selecting the bible verse/passage to preach about (only one, currently) is actually a substep in the WF! 

          Then there could/should be several variables I can use in a Workflow, such as one to four bible verses, a calendar date and a liturgical date, maybe a preferred English and preferred OL bible, maybe any other things Logos has indexes for which could later be used when opening guides, resources or whatever from the WF.    

          IMHO, this would make the WFs much more suitable to the various use cases they can be employed for, and should be quite near the top of a list of proposed improvements.

          Have joy in the Lord! Smile

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          NB.Mick said:

          You often write about the "key" and mean the bible verse reference one has to input before starting a workflow.

          I'm simply using Faithlife's terminology and it's not a Bible reference when the workflow is one of the other "key" types (Person, Place, Event, Topic, etc).

          NB.Mick said:

          I personally don't see this as a key - and not even as a suitable identifier.

          I can see advantages and disadvantages to using this as an ID. Initially, I was shocked that each instance wouldn't get a UUID but then during the beta process when there was some corruption and I had to delete my Workflows DB, I was pleasantly surprised to have all my notes reassociated once I started a new instance on the same reference as before...

          NB.Mick said:

          I'd ask Logos to let us add any name (just as with other Logos documents) to identify it. ... Then there could/should be several variables I can use in a Workflow, such as one to four bible verses, a calendar date and a liturgical date, maybe a preferred English and preferred OL bible, maybe any other things Logos has indexes for which could later be used when opening guides, resources or whatever from the WF

          So you're asking for a more "free-form" workflow, right? Perhaps we need a "Key Type: Free-form". 😜By the way, I'm not at all opposed to your proposal, provided I can wrap my mind around the ins-n-outs of how it would work. Also, I'd be hesitant to do away with the more structured approach (if you're even proposing that).

          If you'd like to start a dedicated thread for your suggestion, with details of the how and why (and link back to this thread), I'll put it in the list and link to your thread! I'd love to see a lively discussion around this one!

        • Tim Taylor
          Tim Taylor Member Posts: 506 ✭✭

          I'm loving these suggestions! I'm especially hoping for #3 and/or #5 for what I'm needing to use it for. Without either of these, the functionalities are quite limited. With these additions, the Workflow Editor becomes much more powerful and useful! I am really hoping these suggestions get implemented. Thanks for taking the time to give this feedback.

        • Mark Barnes
          Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

          I'd like the ability to add hyperlinks to questions. I'm creating my own sermon prep workflow, and I'd like to link to some preaching text books for some of the questions, so I can periodically remind myself of the purpose and importance of the question.

          This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          I'd like the ability to add hyperlinks to questions

          I heartily agree. Other text formatting should be available as well. I've added it to the list.

        • Justin Gatlin
          Justin Gatlin Member, MVP Posts: 2,193

          I would really like the ability to open a layout from the workflow editor, where the reference fields of the layout are set to the key

          Great suggestion, Justin. I've added this to the list (now #18). Please feel free start a new thread (linked back to this thread) detailing how this would be helpful and how it might work, then post back here with the link and I'll add the link to the initial post.


        • Dirk Boersma
          Dirk Boersma Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

          Hi Reuben,

          This is a great initiative.

          I would like to suggest an addition to your list: exporting notes created in a workflow.

          After using a workflow I need to get an overview of my notes in one document, with all notes shown in the order followed in the workflow, including the headings and descriptions of the sections under which they were created.

          Currently, there is no easy way to export my notes in the right order. The only way to export notes from a workflow is by going to 'Notes' but it is cumbersome and it does not present the notes in the right order.

          I went to 'Notes' and filtered my workflow notes. This only shows notes sorted by 'date created' or 'date modified' and only in decreasing order. This is very limited: 1) it starts with the most recent note, so it is mostly in an order opposite to the steps I followed in the workflow. 2) If you edit any notes later on, the order is mixed up.

          Also, the notes created do not have any reference to their location in the workflow.

          It would be better if the workflow provided a direct export function, including ways to tweak the sort order.

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          Currently, there is no easy way to export my notes in the right order. The only way to export notes from a workflow is by going to 'Notes' but it is cumbersome and it does not present the notes in the right order.

          If you open the Notebook created by the workflow (from the Notebooks tab; not the filter facet), the default sort order should be "notebook" which will initially be identical to "date created" but you'll be able to re-order manually if desired. Were you aware of this?

        • Mark Barnes
          Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

          I have two further suggestions:

          1. Allow us to specify the note icon for each note in the Workflow editor.
          2. Allow us to specify the Notebook for each Workflow (including an option to have one Notebook for ALL instances of the workflow).

          When I fill in a workflow, some of the fields will be really useful to have accessible in my Bible. But if all the fields show note icons in my Bible, some parts of my Bible is going to have more note icons than text! So I'd like to be able to specify that the most important fields have note icons, while others remain invisible.

          On the second issue, I understand that having a separate notebook for each workflow may make sharing easier. But 99% of the time I don't want to share. In the meantime, my Visual Filter and Notes Filter menu are getting clogged up with useless information.

          This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

        • Richard Wardman
          Richard Wardman Member Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭

          1. Allow us to specify the note icon for each note in the Workflow editor.
          2. Allow us to specify the Notebook for each Workflow (including an option to have one Notebook for ALL instances of the workflow).

          I'd had the same thought about note icons, and it makes sense to have control over exactly where workflow notes end up going. 

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          Mark, I think both of your suggestions are already covered. Let me know if you disagree.

          Allow us to specify the note icon for each note in the Workflow editor.

          This one I think is covered by a couple existing suggestions. The 'WF Editor Suggestion: Auto-set Note Attributes' suggestion has:

          Please let us set the following note attributes at each step in the WF:

          • Tag(s)
          • Labels
          • Note Icon
          • Note Icon Color
          • Highlight Palette/Style
          • Notebook (as over-ride to default assignment)
          • Note Content Type

          The above would control the default per step. The 'WF Editor Suggestion: Support Multiple Notes per Step', on the other hand, allows for setting the icon/icon color within the WF step for each note as seen here:

          Allow us to specify the Notebook for each Workflow (including an option to have one Notebook for ALL instances of the workflow).

          I would say this is covered in 'WF Editor Suggestion: Add "Project Name" field (significant to Notebooks)'. Here's the main paragraph from that post:

          The project name field for a workflow instance would default to the project name last used by that workflow and would be editable at the same time as (or immediately after) entering the key. It would have auto-complete suggestions from previously entered names (much like the tags field in Notes). If this (optional) field contained a value, all notes from that WF instance would get assigned to a Notebook with the corresponding name. If the field were left empty, either 1) notes would be assigned to No Notebook or 2) notes would be assigned to a workflow type notebook (as Mark suggested).

           Are there nuances that you want that I'm missing?

        • Mark Barnes
          Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

          Yes, sorry, Reuben. I read through your list of suggestions before posting, but hadn't clicking through for the detail. That said, I think that Faithlife would think some of the "several things in one" suggestions overly complex, or may want to implement some parts of them and not others.

          This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

        • Mark Barnes
          Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

          One more suggestion from me.

          When I hover over a Workflow note in my Bible (or viewing it in the Notes tool), I'd like the Workflow question to be automatically added to the note. Without the question, lots of my notes don't make sense.

          It's a shame Faithlife deprecated the "Title" field for notes. It would have been ideal for this.

          This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

        • Mark Barnes
          Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

          And another.

          When I click on the Workflow anchor in the notes tool, I'd like to be taken to the correct step in the workflow, not just to the workflow.

          This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          I think that Faithlife would think some of the "several things in one" suggestions overly complex, or may want to implement some parts of them and not others.

          Would you care to elaborate? I'm aware that "Support Multiple Notes" has quite a bit of detail in the post. This is because it was part of a couple longer discussions during the beta period and I simply copied the result into this post. Are there others which you consider "several things in one"?

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          When I hover over a Workflow note in my Bible (or viewing it in the Notes tool), I'd like the Workflow question to be automatically added to the note. Without the question, lots of my notes don't make sense.

          Great idea! Perhaps this could be the "Full Anchor Text" of the Workflow anchor as well. I'll add this to the list.

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          When I click on the Workflow anchor in the notes tool, I'd like to be taken to the correct step in the workflow, not just to the workflow.

          You can add your voice to the existing "deep linking" suggestion.

          A bug related to clicking the WF anchor is that a new instance of the WF will open each time, regardless of whether an instance is open already.

        • Eleanor Emmott
          Eleanor Emmott Member Posts: 173 ✭✭

          The Workflow Editor allows us to collapse or expand all steps.  I'd like to be able to do that in the workflows themselves as well (when they are not being edited).

          Also, I'd like the option of being able to collapse major steps along with all of their minor steps.

          In a long workflow with a lot of minor steps there can be a lot of scrolling up and down.  I would like to be able to collapse all the major steps except for the one that I'm working on.

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          Any ideas on how it might look to allow certain steps to interchange (reorder) with certain others (and perhaps repeat), but still be restricted to following others?

          In other words how could an exegetical workflow be made "flexible" and yet give direction?

        • Eleanor Emmott
          Eleanor Emmott Member Posts: 173 ✭✭

          I like being able to add Guide sections like "Important Passages" and have them inline.  But once I have looked through the section and made my notes, some of the guide sections take up a lot of space and make it harder to scroll up and review my notes/answers.

          It would be nice to be able to collapse the guide section without collapsing the entire Step.

        • MJ. Smith
          MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,763

          16 is way too far down the list as it is essential for sermon preparation for more than half the pastors ... they've been limping along way to long.

          subsidiary workflow I don't see on the list although I know I've seen a request for them ...

          and I didn't see a request for the dataset sections that are in the Passage Exegesis Workflow when there is no Guide section covering the data at the moment e.g. Miracles

          Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          MJ. Smith said:

          16 is way too far down the list as it is essential for sermon preparation for more than half the pastors

          Thanks for the feedback, MJ! I'll move "Key Type: Multi-Passage" higher up the list.

          MJ. Smith said:

          subsidiary workflow I don't see on the list although I know I've seen a request for them ...

          I had seen this post and was planning to followup but simply didn't get it done yet. I'll add a simple line for now, so it doesn't get dropped.

          MJ. Smith said:

          I didn't see a request for the dataset sections that are in the Passage Exegesis Workflow when there is no Guide section covering the data at the moment e.g. Miracles

          Could you elaborate?

        • MJ. Smith
          MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,763

          The Passage Exegesis Workflow has sections that use datasets that don't have a Guide section e.g.

          Okay, I forgot about the Concordance Section which folds them into a Guide. My bad. [:$]

          Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          Just a quick thank you to Faithlife for knocking out four items on my list in a single beta release!

        • Cindy Colbert
          Cindy Colbert Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

          While creating or editing a custom workflow, I'd really like a toggle switch to preview a final workflow's appearance & functionality (before clicking done which commits the changes made). As it stands now, I edit awhile, find myself wanting to view the final appearance so I click done & must enter a bible reference to preview what the final workflows functionality will look like... which creates more confusion ... which workflow to edit (the custom or the started workflow in progress), and I've found the changes don't always carry on to the one another consistently... more confusion all easily solved with a preview toggle in the editor. 

        • Cindy Colbert
          Cindy Colbert Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

          Totally agreed, the ability to add open a layout from within the workflow (without the workflow closing) would be great. 

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          While creating or editing a custom workflow, I'd really like a toggle switch to preview a final workflow's appearance & functionality (before clicking done which commits the changes made).

          This was also brought up in beta testing. IIRC, Phil's idea was to have a refresh/update button in the editor. This would allow the WF and the editor to be opened side by side and instantly see the updates without closing the editor.

          Originally I was only thinking of things that affect the final WF, but I'll add this one to the list. Thanks for the reminder!

        • Eleanor Emmott
          Eleanor Emmott Member Posts: 173 ✭✭

          After starting an instance of a workflow, it would be helpful to be able to edit its title in the "Started Workflows" section of the guides menu.

          Right now the generated titles say things like "My Sermon Preparation | Matthew 3:1-17"

          I'd love to be able to edit that to include the date I'm planning to preach, or my sermon title, etc.

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          I'd love to be able to edit that to include the date I'm planning to preach, or my sermon title, etc.

          In my mind, this would be best served by the project name. What do you think?

        • Eleanor Emmott
          Eleanor Emmott Member Posts: 173 ✭✭

          The project name would work, but only if it was included in the guides menu.

          As you can see, I have several sermon workflows underway.  Currently, I'm preaching through Matthew so it isn't hard to remember which order they go in.  But if I were preaching from several different books over the next month, it would be very helpful to see a date or sermon title associated with the workflow to make it easier to identify them quickly.

        • SteveF
          SteveF Member Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭

          But if I were preaching from several different books over the next month, it would be very helpful to see a date or sermon title associated with the workflow to make it easier to identify them quickly.


          Regards, SteveF

        • Mark Barnes
          Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

          One simple addition I'd like to see, that I haven't seen suggested anywhere else, is the ability to switch "text" to "expandable text", or vice-versa. I've often started writing a text block, only to realise I want to say more than I expected.

          This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

        • Reuben Helmuth
          Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

          One simple addition I'd like to see, that I haven't seen suggested anywhere else, is the ability to switch "text" to "expandable text", or vice-versa.

          Added to the list. Thanks for the suggestion.

        • Andrew
          Andrew Member Posts: 359 ✭✭

          I sincerely believe this to be the most crucial missing feature.

          I also note that:

          MJ. Smith said:

          Bible Notes should behave like a Bible Commentary - Study Bibles are the prime example.


          such that Bible Notes show up as parallel resources for commentaries.  This would be helpful in various situations and would nicely complement allowing collections within Workflow Commentary sections.

        • Eleanor Emmott
          Eleanor Emmott Member Posts: 173 ✭✭

          The update in the newest Beta looks great!

          I'm still looking forward to being able to click on the anchor and be taken to that spot in the workflow, but I like the preview.

          (I'm not sure what they mean by "Added the ability to open the Notes Tool from a note icon within a workflow."  That feels like functionality we already had)

          The new compact view in the notes tool may also be helpful for scanning through a notebook with a lot of workflow notes.


          Logos 8.4 Beta 1

          Released: March 12, 2019

          New Features
          • Workflows
            • Added the ability to open the Notes Tool from a note icon within a workflow.
            • Added a preview of workflow questions to the note anchor.
          • Notes Tool
            • Added the ability to switch between two notes views.
            • Added a new “Compact List” view.

          • Reuben Helmuth
            Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

            I'm still looking forward to being able to click on the anchor and be taken to that spot in the workflow,

            Somehow it seems like I read somewhere that this is planned for this beta cycle (8.4), but I'm not positive.

            That feels like functionality we already had

            My thought exactly which is why I asked about it.

          • Reuben Helmuth
            Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

            When will Workflow development be continued? Without at least the top 3 (maybe top 6) of these suggestions addressed, there's simply no way I can use WFs.

          • Derrick Pemberton
            Derrick Pemberton Member Posts: 79 ✭✭

            I've just started creating my custom workflow. I have run into a significant problem (significant for me at least). When you are editing the workflow and choose to add a document, it reads "Create or open _____ document." Unfortunately, you run into a problem if you add a single type of document at several places in your workflow, intending to create separate documents each time. When you are actually using the workflow, you can create a new document (e.g., passage list or clippings) the first time, but you are forced to open the first document all of the other times. You don't have the option to create a new one. I need the option to create a new document for each of my steps.

          • Andrew
            Andrew Member Posts: 359 ✭✭

            When will Workflow development be continued? Without at least the top 3 (maybe top 6) of these suggestions addressed, there's simply no way I can use WFs.

            Number 2 is vital...We need more votes for this feature here:

          • MJ. Smith
            MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,763

            You may want to consider mentioning your support for this project in Logos 9 Wishlist. Note that the original post requests references.

            Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

          • Andrew
            Andrew Member Posts: 359 ✭✭

            Voting for features has moved.  Please make sure to vote for this important functionality here: