Data BUG: systemic issue - why Jerusalem (city) rather than inhabitants of Jerusalem

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,763
edited November 2024 in English Forum

In the Killing label dataset "Jerusalem" as in city rather than "inhabitants of Jerusalem" as in group of people is listed as the victim. [Yes, I am aware of Jerusalem as an equivalent concept for the inhabitants.] The issue is that the "it" with an antecedent of Jerusalem has the sense of "inhabitants of Jerusalem" (figure of speech substituting the name of a place for it's inhabitants) while "the city" has an antecedent of "physical place/structures of Jerusalem". By not tagging the "it" as person:"inhabitants of Jerusalem" one is omitting the inhabitants from person searches and the inhabitants of Jerusalem Factbook page. I see no easy way for the user to know that there are missing results.

The problem is evidenced by the system built search argument copied through the Context Menu. The search argument has the victim is a place rather than a people - an inconsistency making the building of an accurate search argument for killing of the inhabitants of Jerusalem which may be either "place:Jerusalem" or "person:"inhabitants of Jerusalem"

killing:(event:event:"Judah and Simeon make several conquests" AND instruments:thing:Sword AND location:place:Jerusalem AND perpetrators:person:"Judeans (the Conquest)" AND title:topic:"The Men of Judah Strike Jerusalem With the Sword" AND type:"Battle Defeat" AND type:Conquest AND victims:place:Jerusalem)

It seems to me that both the "it" and the "victims" should be tagged as "inhabitants of Jerusalem". I have been unable to get the search to work to show me how many similiar cases there are.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    MJ. Smith said:

    n the Killing label dataset "Jerusalem" as in city rather than "inhabitants of Jerusalem" as in group of people is listed as the victim. [Yes, I am aware of Jerusalem as an equivalent concept for the inhabitants.]

    MJ. Smith said:

    killing:(event:event:"Judah and Simeon make several conquests" AND instruments:thing:Sword AND location:place:Jerusalem...

    The problem with the Killing label is that the Victims is  place:Jerusalem (as I noted in your other thread) instead of person:"Inhabitants of Jerusalem" (as I now realise that there is a Person). The Location is clearly a separate attribute and the Victims should always be a Person.

    MJ. Smith said:

    I have been unable to get the search to work to show me how many similiar cases there are.

    There is no simple way because a single attribute should not have multiple datatypes.


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