TIP OF THE DAY 15: Name > Deity continued

link to next post TIP OF THE DAY 16: Name > Group -- First block of posts as .docx file - Logos Forums
QUESTION: How do I use the Angels, Demons, and Deities dataset?
SOFTWARE: Unlike the Names of God Interactive, this dataset covers all supernatural beings. The documentation Brannan, Rick. Angels, Demons, and Deities Dataset Documentation. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2017 provides four ways to access the information. A fifth is now available.
Method 1: Search
For label searches, it is common to start with the Context Menu:
- On the left side (tab side) of the Context Menu, select the Supernatural Being label. The labels expand/collapse under the first label.
- On the right side (action side) of the Context Menu, select Copy reference > Search
- Paste into the argument box of a search panel to serve as a template for the label and its parameters.
Complete instructions:
- Open Search panel for application tool bar (magnifying glass icon).
- Select Bible search
- Build a search in the form of supernaturalBeing:(location:place:Israel AND name:person:Jesus AND type:Deity)
- supernaturalBeing: - required label identifier. Add * to see all the supernaturalBeing labels in a pericope or chapter, for example.
- Add () although they are not always required, I find it best to always use them and add them now rather than discovering I forgot them latter.
- Location:place:BK-place-name where BK-place-name is a place name as found in the Bible Knowledgebase i.e. the standard name in Logos. Location does not apply to angels or other types of supernatural beings; it is optional on demons and deities. Don’t assume that entries have a location entry.
- The location attribute may be omitted. If you are including it and you wish to specify another criterion, add AND in capitals before the next criterion.
- Name:person:BK-person (supernatural being)-name - where BK-person-name is a person name as found in the Bible Knowledgebase i.e. the standard name in Logos.
- The person attribute may be omitted. If you are including it and you wish to specify another criterion, add AND in capitals before the next criterion.
- Type:Deity is an attribute specific to this label. Available values are Angel/Demon/Deity/Other.
- Documentation of the search is available in the dataset documentation.
- Run the Search.
Method 2: Context Menu
- Open a Bible for which you have a reverse interlinear.
- Navigate to a location of your choice. I went to Mark 1:1.
- Select the name of a supernatural being, in my case Jesus Christ.
- Right click to open the Context menu.
- On the tab (selection, left) side, expand the labels section. There is an icon specific icon for label. Look after the word information , events, and preaching themes. In the New Testament often the top label (in alphabetical order is Accent).
- Look down the labels list which is in alphabetical order for supernatural being. Select it.
- If you hover over the tab on the left, you get a popup with the attribute values for the label.
- When you have clicked on the tab, the right, action side of the context shows the label as a heading. If you hover over the heading, you get a popup with the attribute values for the label.
Method 3: Information Pane
- Open a Bible for which you own the reverse interlinear.
- In the Bible text, select any text, right click to open the Context Menu, go to the bottom of the tab (left, selection) side and click on Show more information
- OR open the Information Panel from the Tools menu Tools > Lookup > Information
- OR type “Show information” into the Command line (under the System icon at the top of the application toolbar. Then select Show information under Tools.
- In the resource panel menu you can control whether the information panel updates on a click or on a hover.
- Click/hover to focus on the supernatural being word of your choice in the Bible.
- The label and its attributes will show in the Other References section of the Information panel.
- If the Other References section does not appear, use the Add menu option on the panel menu to turn it on.
- If sections you don’t want to see appear, click the x at the right on the section heading record to remove the section.
Method 4: Bible Browser
- Type “Show Bible browser” into the Command line (under the System icon at the top of the application toolbar. Then select Bible Browser under Tools. It will open by default in a floating window.
- Expand the facet Supernatural Beings. Under it are three sub-facets: name, type, location.
- Select the sub-facets of interest to you. Note that the Bible passages shown are active, i.e. you may open context menus on them, apply visual filters, apply the Factbook filter, … and you may change the translation being used.
- If desired, use the panel menu (3 vertical dots or kebab) for a save to passage list function
Method 5: Concordance section of Passage guide
- Type “open concordance” into the Command line (under the System icon at the top of the application toolbar. Then select Concordance (Bible Reference) under Guides.
- OR open the Guides menu on the application tool bar. Guides > Bible Reference Guides > Concordance.
- Enter a passage in the navigation box. You must let it run before you can specify the label you want to see.
- Hover on the section heading.
- On the right of the header you will find a Settings menu. Select it.
- Choose the label of actual interest.
QUESTION: What information do I find in the Angels, Demons, and Deities dataset?
SOFTWARE: The documentation for the Angels, Demons, and Deities Dataset Documentation provides the following definitions for the data.
“The data is represented by the label Supernatural Being. Each Supernatural Being has a Type and further information associated with it. There are four supported Type attributes (Angel, Demon, Deity, and Other) as well as the Name attribute. The Deity and Demon types may specify an optional Location attribute.
- Angel The supernatural being is best defined as an Angel. Attributes include:
- Name The Bible Knowledgebase entity representing the angelic entity
- Demon The supernatural being is best defined as a Demon. Attributes include:
- Name The Bible Knowledgebase entity representing the demonic entity
- Location Optional, if a location is associated with a particular demon
- Deity The supernatural being is best defined as a Deity. Attributes include:
- Name The Bible Knowledgebase entity representing the deity
- Location Optional, if a location is associated with a particular deity
- Other Some supernatural entities are difficult to classify as either angels, demons, or deities. For example, the siren referenced in 4 Macc. 15:21 does not easily fit into the Angel/Demon/Deity schema.
- Name The Bible Knowledgebase entity representing the supernatural being[1]”
QUESTION: How does the Factbook organize the information on Supernatural Beings?
SOFTWARE: The Factbook classification scheme is becoming more integrated into Logos. It is important to be aware of it and to report issues with it.
- Open Factbook via the Factbook icon on the application toolbar.
- OR select the Factbook option on the right side of the Context Menu when it is available.
- If the left sidebar is not open, open it via the toggle (three horizontal lines) to the left of the navigation box.
- In the top selection box, select Person.
- Scroll down to Supernatural Being and expand the section.
- From here, you can explore the classes and individual entries for supernatural beings.
QUESTION: Why do I want to understand the Factbook organization scheme?
SOFTWARE: The Factbook classification is integrated into the library facets.
- Open the library panel.
- If the left sidebar is not open, open it via the toggle (three horizontal lines) to the left of the find box.
- Select Factbook > Other > Supernatural
Yes, I have posted the inconsistency as a bug in the forums.
[1] Rick Brannan, Angels, Demons, and Deities Dataset Documentation (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2017).
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."