Office 2016 and Logos 4 PB Macros

I have office 365 and was about to do the free update when I just realized that I'm not sure if my Logos PB Macros that I got from here will still work. Has anyone tested this? Also I've never done a Word update before, will I lose my template documents that I've made for PBs?
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
FWIW, I updated to Office 2016 about a week or so ago, and just today I tried a macro I wrote that generates page numbers in docx files for use with PBs - from I think the Office 2010 days (2 releases ago). It worked perfectly..
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Thanks Don, that at least makes me feel a little better about trying the update. I really love using my macros and if it breaks them, I'm not savvy enough to repair them. I'd have to wait til someone here figures it out. Hopefully it doesn't do anything buggy.
Grace and Peace!
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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Do any of the new features have any benefits for building PBs or can you notice any other improvements for Document creation in general?
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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Logosres links now work in word, but not yet in one note.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thanks for the reply Alabama24
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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Don Awalt said:
I tried a macro I wrote that generates page numbers in docx files for use with PBs - from I think the Office 2010 days (2 releases ago). It worked perfectly
My worst fears were realized. They aren't working now after the update :-(
Here's what happens...
1. I made sure Macros are enabled
2. I made sure the Logos Macro were added in to the template.
3. Then I attempt to use the Bible viewer tool or even just the Bible code insert button, and I get the error.
Can anyone who uses Macros see anything wrong? I've installed these Macros on two previous versions, so I think I double checked all my bases, but just to be sure...
Greatly appreciate your assistance.
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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I wonder if this would help:
Click the File tab.
In the Security Warning area, click Enable Content.
Under Enable All Content, click Always enable this document's active content.
The file becomes a trusted document.
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Don Awalt said:
Click the File tab.
In the Security Warning area, click Enable Content.
Under Enable All Content, click Always enable this document's active content.
The file becomes a trusted document.
I don't see an option by that name under the file's what my file menu looks like
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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Still trying to resolve this. How can I attempt to run the macro without using the buttons on the ribbon, to troubleshoot and determine whether something is broken with the buttons or if the actual macro isn't working?
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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HI James, sorry I don't have any more suggestions, but to answer your question you can run the macro or even debug it by going to View/Macros/View Macros inside Word 2016, then select the macro by name and either "Step into" or "run" it. Step into is how you debug them, going line by line or placing a breakpoint on a line and then Run the macro from there.
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James Taylor said:
Still trying to resolve this.
James, i am the author of the macros.
[contact was made]
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steve clark said:James Taylor said:
Still trying to resolve this.
James, i am the author of the macros.
[contact was made]
the problem was resolved. Seems to be working on Office (Word) 2016.
i have placed the most recent files for L4Macros on my host server (links are below). These were build in Oct 27, 2012.
- L4_PB Macros.dotm (the actual macro file to be used with Word)
- L4_PB_Macro_Tab.exportedUI (the UI [user interface] file which you use to add the ribbon tools to Word)
(right-click on this link and use SAVE LINK AS to download this file)
(Read the Adding the macros to Word PDF, if you already have Add-ins in Word, doing this could destroy those Add-ins!!!)
- Adding the macros to Word.pdf (older doc which shows you the steps to installing the macros into Word)
- L4 PB Macro Template Information.pdf (older doc which tells you how to use the macros [limited, it doesn't teach you how each PBB tools works, see the forum wiki page for this or ask questions on the forum)
To fix James' problem:
James had already installed the UI which adds the ribbon to Word's tool bar. So the below steps presume that you have already done this.
- Pasted the most current macro file (L4_PB Macros.dotm) to his Microsoft Template folder
Change [USER] to your user name on your windows installation.
- Then opened Word
- Went to the Developer tab on the ribbon and clicked on Add-ins (which brought up the Template/Add-in window as shown below)
- In the Template/Add-in window i selected the L4_PB Macros.dotm and clicked on Remove.
(you should not need to repeat this in the future)
- Then clicked on the Add button and navigated to the L4_PB Macros.dotm that i pasted in step #1 and selected it.
(this adds the specific file that i pasted in step #1, which is a known current version of the macros)
(you should not need to repeat this in the future)
- Then i clicked to check it (L4_PB Macros.dotm) in the Template/Add-in window and pressed the OK button
(Word will probably show you this popup box below after clicking OK; click on Yes)
- Now the macros in the ribbon work!
You will probably need to click on the Developer tab and Add-ins button and check the L4_PB Macros checkbox each time you open a document and want to use the macros. i haven't figured out how to make Word remember to keep this item checked.
Below is Word opened and the L4 Macros ribbon showing, i have clicked on the Bible Verse item
and we see the popup Bible Verse window appear which Bible Verse macro pops up
For those of you who might already have Add-ins in Word and cannot use the UI that i built (otherwise it destroys your current Add-ins), you can manually add the L4 Macros ribbon (using the Word ribbon editor) and tie into the macros once you have added the L4_PB Macros.dotm to Word. Below is an image which shows the ribbon editor. On the Right of the image i have written the names of the macros which are used. The order of macro names aligns with each macro shown in the ribbon editor (notice the gaps vertically in the macro name list).
(click on above image to have your browser open the image full size in another tab)
There is another macro which is not shown in the ribbon, but exists in the macro file that i built. It is for adding Calendar Devotional items to your Word docx. You will need to use Word's ribbon editor to add it to the ribbon (if you want it in the L4 Macros ribbon).
Steps to add Devotional macro to the L4 Macros ribbon
- Select the L4 Macros ribbon, then right-click in a white area to bring up a popup menu. Click on Customize the Ribbon
- In the ribbon editor, select Macros on the left as shown below
- Then find the DevotionalMacro macro and click to select it (shown above)
- Now on the right pane, click on Other (Custom) group to select it (where we will add the above macro)
- Then click on the Add >> button to add it to the group.
- Now click on Project.Module2.DevotionalMacro to select it
(right-click on this item to bring up the popup menu and select Rename [not shown in the below image].
This will open the Rename window as shown below.)
- Change the Display Name to Devotional.
- Scroll down and click the up arrow icon (this is the icon that will be shown in the ribbon)
- Click the OK button in the Rename window.
- Click the OK button in the ribbon editor. (we are done, the Devotional macro will now appear in the L4 Macros ribbon).
How the Devotional macro works
When you click on the Devotional item in the L4 Macros ribbon, it opens the Calendar Devotional Macros Options window (as shown above).
You will need to select how many devotional day that you want added to your docx file:
- Insert all days of the Year - will add January 1st thru December 31st to the docx
- To insert just a single month then select Insert all days of the Month and select which month that you want to use
(you should have placed your cursor in the docx file where you wanted the devotional info placed prior to using this macro)
- The following check boxes are available to customize the devotional entries:
Add Date to each line - adds a date string to each devotional day.
Make Date a TOC entry - if the above is checked, then the Date is styled to be a heading style which causes PB's to treat these as Table Of Contents entries.
Add dummy text to each - inserts 2 lines of text under each day entry. This helps you know where to replace them with what you want entered for each day's devotion.
Below is a Logos PB generated from a docx file after using the Devotional macro. Notice the TOC (Table of Contents) which was added because i used the Make Date a TOC entry checkbox.
0 - L4_PB Macros.dotm (the actual macro file to be used with Word)