Important Passages

The Important Passages guide section uses aggregated data from lexicons and commentaries to list, rank, and categorize cross references across the biblical text. While traditional cross reference tools provide a list of related verses and passages, Important Passages surfaces details about how those passages are related.
For more information on Important Passages, see the link below:
Please feel free to use this forum thread to post feedback and questions.
I really hope FL is considering adding an 'All' option besides just a 'More' option to see additional results in this tool. As it is , it is ridiculously hard to use. (I am unlikely to use this tool no matter how great it is because of the aggravation and time it takes to see many results.)
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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I would think that typically when you find a "more" button on a blog, app, or other piece of software, the general expectation would be that, as Mark suggested, it opens all remaining material and you would not have to keep hitting more as you scroll down.
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I understand how you feel about that, but consider exporting the full list into a passage list then you can peruse the entire list. I just did that myself. I guess the only downside is we lose that "ranked" order and the insights on where the cross reference came from (Lexicon, Commentary, shared sense or object, etc.).
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I have a question about "Important Passages":
Does this tool also include translation footnote cross references? E.g. ESV, LSB, NIV, etc. etc. all have wonderful cross references in the foot notes for many verses. Is this tool aggregating the translation cross references along with Lexicon and Commentary cross references?
Does it also include the Cross References in the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge or the New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge?
Thank you.
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I think my request/desire to have translation cross references included is a better fit in the cross references tool/guide no in the important passages guide.
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Jeffrey Benson said:
I think my request/desire to have translation cross references included is a better fit in the cross references tool/guide no in the important passages guide.
The lower section of the cross-references section of the Passage Guide is made up of cross-references included in (a subset of) Bibles in your library