
Kyle Biersdorff (Faithlife)
Kyle Biersdorff (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 12
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Notes got a major overhaul In Logos 8.

They are now managed in a separate tool that allows you to better record, organize, and share your thoughts on any biblical text or resource. You can create multiple Notebooks to organize your notes however you like, and advanced filters let you find a specific note more easily. 

You can learn all about about the new Notes tool through the links below. 

Feel free to use this forum thread to post questions and feedback.




  • Benjamin Hefner
    Benjamin Hefner Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Hi, is there a way to see multiple notes at once? It seems like it is a view notes one at a time kind of system now, but maybe I'm missing something? Just curious because if I was studying a particular passage it was nice to break it up with multiple notes but see them all at the same time. 


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,127

    Hi, is there a way to see multiple notes at once? It seems like it is a view notes one at a time kind of system now, but maybe I'm missing something?

    Currently we can see extracts of notes in the browse panel but only the full content of one note at a time.

  • Benjamin Hefner
    Benjamin Hefner Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Thanks Graham. The changes to Notes look really good by the way. The organization features are great! One more question - can you put images or media into a note? 

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,127

    One more question - can you put images or media into a note? 

    Not at the moment.

    I think I have seen someone from Faithlife mention they would like to add this but I don't know when / if that might happen.

  • Fred Chapman
    Fred Chapman Member Posts: 5,899 ✭✭✭

    I think I have seen someone from Faithlife mention they would like to add this but I don't know when / if that might happen.

    You're right Graham. This is something that has been suggested, and may be seen in some future release.

  • James C.
    James C. Member Posts: 453 ✭✭

    How do I get all of my notes to show up in my Bible. In L7 There were visible. Now with 8 they are all hidden and I have to go and lick each one to make it visible. Very time consuming.

  • DominicM
    DominicM Member Posts: 2,995 ✭✭✭

    can you chain link documents... ie: link from a note to a note or to a canvas? 

    Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have

  • Adam Borries (Logos)
    Adam Borries (Logos) Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 928

    James C. said:

    How do I get all of my notes to show up in my Bible. In L7 There were visible. Now with 8 they are all hidden and I have to go and lick each one to make it visible. Very time consuming.


    I'm sorry about that. Those visual filters should be defaulted to "on" (visible) for all your notebooks. We're looking into it. 

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 879 ✭✭

    Hi, is there a way to see multiple notes at once? It seems like it is a view notes one at a time kind of system now, but maybe I'm missing something? Just curious because if I was studying a particular passage it was nice to break it up with multiple notes but see them all at the same time. 


    You should be able to open multiple instances of the notes panel by right clicking on the icon in the tools menu and choosing "open in a new tab". You can also duplicate the notes tool with ctrl+shift+n.

  • Jacob Carpenter (Faithlife)
    Jacob Carpenter (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 336

    James C. said:

    Now with 8 they are all hidden and I have to go and lick each one to make it visible.

    James, I'm sorry to hear your notes defaulted to off. I think they're supposed to be visible by default; I'll look into whether we have a bug there.

    Meanwhile, there are some somewhat hidden options that should help you manage the visibility much more quickly. If you hover over the "Notes and Highlights" entry in the Visual Filters menu, you'll see a little circle with an arrow:

    The "Select all" option will turn on all of the filters for this resource.

    Additionally, on an individual filter's row (like "Another palette", in the above screenshot), there's another menu that will let you turn the filter off (or on) in all your resources (instead of just the current one):

    Hope this helps!

  • William Walker
    William Walker Member Posts: 95 ✭✭

    Most of my highlights are missing in my bibles.  Is this due to the notes upgrade?

    How can I get them back?

  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭

    Most of my highlights are missing in my bibles.  Is this due to the notes upgrade?

    How can I get them back?

    Hey William, are your notes and highlights turned on in the visual filter menu?

  • Jacob Carpenter (Faithlife)
    Jacob Carpenter (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 336

    William, is your app still syncing (indicated by the rotating arrows in the upper right)? When moving to L8, we do have to re-sync your notes content down because of various significant internal format changes. This operation can take a while if you have a lot of existing notes.

  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭

    William, is your app still syncing (indicated by the rotating arrows in the upper right)? When moving to L8, we do have to re-sync your notes content down because of various significant internal format changes. This operation can take a while if you have a lot of existing notes.

    That's good to know!

  • Alan Palmer (Logos)
    Alan Palmer (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,089

    James C. said:

    James, thank you, your video was very helpful. We will take a look.

  • Jacob Carpenter (Faithlife)
    Jacob Carpenter (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 336

    James C. said:

    Here is a video of my problem 

    James your video was helpful for understanding the issue you're reporting. Your ESV Text Changes notebook is certainly supposed to be appearing in the visual filter's list of notebooks.

    Could you please also post a log file from an application session where you opened the visual filter menu and added or removed a note from the ESV Text Changes notebook?

  • Philana R. Crouch
    Philana R. Crouch Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,597
  • James C.
    James C. Member Posts: 453 ✭✭

    Ok, I'm not sure what happened, but I can see all of my notebooks and the notes show up in the ESV. All I did was to close the program (again. I've done this a few times today). Then I tried to create a note in the ESV with the right click, but the "ESV Text Changes" notebook was not visible from the drop down menu. So, I used the "add a note" from the Notes menu and once I did that I looked and all my notes where there and visible. 

  • William Walker
    William Walker Member Posts: 95 ✭✭

    William, is your app still syncing (indicated by the rotating arrows in the upper right)? When moving to L8, we do have to re-sync your notes content down because of various significant internal format changes. This operation can take a while if you have a lot of existing notes.

    Thank you Jacob.  That's probably what it is since I just upgraded my mobile app.  Not sure how to check if it's syncing on the mobile app though.  I will update here later to let you know if everything is back to normal.

    Thank you for your quick response.

    FYI: I was trying to upgrade the desktop app but the download link appears to be broken.

  • Jack Hairston
    Jack Hairston Member Posts: 1,089 ✭✭✭

    Notes got a major overhaul In Logos 8.


    System: PC, Windows 10, Logos Connect, desktop

    After reading the documentation and watching videos for Logos 8 (Thank you, Logos!) I am still unclear on the relationship of notes and anchors.

    • Is one a subset of the other?
    • How is an anchor different from linking a note to more than one text ("Edit Attachment Points")?
    • What does it mean that some anchors have already been created for some of my notes but not others?

    The Notes function was what originally drove me to Logos, so I am highly motivated to understand this, my favorite function.

  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭

    Notes got a major overhaul In Logos 8.


    System: PC, Windows 10, Logos Connect, desktop

    After reading the documentation and watching videos for Logos 8 (Thank you, Logos!) I am still unclear on the relationship of notes and anchors.

    • Is one a subset of the other?
    • How is an anchor different from linking a note to more than one text ("Edit Attachment Points")?
    • What does it mean that some anchors have already been created for some of my notes but not others?

    The Notes function was what originally drove me to Logos, so I am highly motivated to understand this, my favorite function.

    Think of an anchor as something you are attaching the note to. The note is the content you are creating, the anchor is what you are attaching that content to such as a reference, headword, lemma, etc.

  • Alan Palmer (Logos)
    Alan Palmer (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,089

    How is an anchor different from linking a note to more than one text ("Edit Attachment Points")?

    Jack, they are not different. What L7 called "attachment points" is what is now called "anchor".

  • Jack Hairston
    Jack Hairston Member Posts: 1,089 ✭✭✭

    How is an anchor different from linking a note to more than one text ("Edit Attachment Points")?

    Jack, they are not different. What L7 called "attachment points" is what is now called "anchor".

    Now THAT was helpful. Thanks, Alan.

  • William Walker
    William Walker Member Posts: 95 ✭✭

    William, is your app still syncing (indicated by the rotating arrows in the upper right)? When moving to L8, we do have to re-sync your notes content down because of various significant internal format changes. This operation can take a while if you have a lot of existing notes.

    Thank you Jacob.  That's probably what it is since I just upgraded my mobile app.  Not sure how to check if it's syncing on the mobile app though.  I will update here later to let you know if everything is back to normal.

    Thank you for your quick response.

    FYI: I was trying to upgrade the desktop app but the download link appears to be broken.

    I was finally able to download the Logos 8 desktop installer and when I started it up all of my highlights were present.  However, they were still missing from the mobile app.  I uninstalled the mobile app and re-installed it and then got a message that my notes were rebuilding and after that the highlights all showed up.  Will now work on getting my head around how the new notes work. [:)]

  • jonB
    jonB Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    How can we set the default note style? That's kinda an important time saving feature that looks like it's gone. Am I just missing it somehow?

  • Fred Chapman
    Fred Chapman Member Posts: 5,899 ✭✭✭

    Currently there is no way to do this. However, this is on a list of upcoming features shown on this page 

  • jonB
    jonB Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    That's a bummer. I feel like we do this at every upgrade with little things like this. We pay for upgrades that should be beta but aren't quit ready for the public yet.

  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭

    jonB said:

    That's a bummer. I feel like we do this at every upgrade with little things like this. We pay for upgrades that should be beta but aren't quit ready for the public yet.

    In fairness, this is the way it is when you early adopt a software. This was also documented in the FAQ's.

  • jonB
    jonB Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    Yeah. That's true. And there's a lot here that I like in this update (workflows, really like the new ui and even the ways the notes are organized). But a few of these issues aren't new features that are buggy. They are existing features that disappeared or don't work anymore. It's just weird, that's all. No other software has features go away after an update and then come back. Imagine photoshop removing the crop tool for a few months. It just wouldn't happen. They'd get it working before the public release.

    I have a workflow for sermon prep that now has to change because a few of these features in the notes stuff don't work anymore. I can no longer sort notes by reference. I can't have a. default note color and style. I can't export my notes. All three of those were features I used constantly.

  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭

    jonB said:

    Yeah. That's true. And there's a lot here that I like in this update (workflows, really like the new ui and even the ways the notes are organized). But a few of these issues aren't new features that are buggy. They are existing features that disappeared or don't work anymore. It's just weird, that's all. No other software has features go away after an update and then come back. Imagine photoshop removing the crop tool for a few months. It just wouldn't happen. They'd get it working before the public release.

    I have a workflow for sermon prep that now has to change because a few of these features in the notes stuff don't work anymore. I can no longer sort notes by reference. I can't have a. default note color and style. I can't export my notes. All three of those were features I used constantly.

    That's understandable. And yes, some of this probably could have been communicated better on the front end.

    I do have a question, what do you mean you can't export your notes?

  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭

    jonB said:

    Yeah. That's true. And there's a lot here that I like in this update (workflows, really like the new ui and even the ways the notes are organized). But a few of these issues aren't new features that are buggy. They are existing features that disappeared or don't work anymore. It's just weird, that's all. No other software has features go away after an update and then come back. Imagine photoshop removing the crop tool for a few months. It just wouldn't happen. They'd get it working before the public release.

    I have a workflow for sermon prep that now has to change because a few of these features in the notes stuff don't work anymore. I can no longer sort notes by reference. I can't have a. default note color and style. I can't export my notes. All three of those were features I used constantly.

    That's understandable. And yes, some of this probably could have been communicated better on the front end.

    I do have a question, what do you mean you can't export your notes?

  • jonB
    jonB Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    Oh - I was wrong about that one. That's good. I saw, "Export to / save as word list / passage list" on the list of coming features and read it as the export to pdf. But I just looked and the export to pdf still works.

  • Jack Hairston
    Jack Hairston Member Posts: 1,089 ✭✭✭

    jonB said:

    They are existing features that disappeared or don't work anymore. No other software has features go away after an update and then come back. 

    • I can no longer sort notes by reference.
    • I can't have a. default note color and style.
    • I can't export my notes.

    All three of those were features I used constantly.

    What JonB said.

  • RyanB
    RyanB Member Posts: 686 ✭✭✭

    I don't have Logos 8 yet because like others in this thread Notes is extremely important to me and in following this and other Notes threads, I'm still confused about some of the basic workings of it. I've tried to read up everything I can, but there are still a few concepts I'm a bit fuzzy on. If anyone could help clarify this for me, I'd be very grateful.

    My main question is what is the purpose of notebooks now. In L7 I had created notebooks (note files) to keep everything neatly organized. (e.g. a note file on all my thoughts on 1 Chronicles, a note file on all my thoughts on sermon prep, a note file on all my highlights from a specific commentary, etc.) However, now, it seems like everything gets placed into one big mega-notebook (called "no notebook") and you find what you need via searching and filters. Am I understanding this the right way? 

    If so, what implications does this have for visual filters? If I make a highlight (or note) in a resource, which “default notebook” does that fall under so that I can select/deselect it from appearing in a resource via the visual filters?

    If I should keep my practice of specific notebooks in order to be able to turn them on/off in the visual filter menu, then how do I select a that specific notebook during the note making process from the right click menu. The videos I saw only show “Add a note” and I assume it becomes a "no notebook" note. Am I required to then take the additional steps after each highlight/note of opening up the note took, finding the note, selecting a notebook, etc.?

    I realize some of this may be intuitive if I already had L8, but I'm just a bit hesitant of taking the plunge until I really understand it.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,127

    Ryan said:

    My main question is what is the purpose of notebooks now

    There is an article on using notebooks at 

    Ryan said:

    However, now, it seems like everything gets placed into one big mega-notebook (called "no notebook") and you find what you need via searching and filters. Am I understanding this the right way? 

    That is certainly one way of working - but it is also possible to create notebooks and assign notes to them, just as we put notes in Notes Documents in Logos 7. 

    Ryan said:

    If so, what implications does this have for visual filters? If I make a highlight (or note) in a resource, which “default notebook” does that fall under so that I can select/deselect it from appearing in a resource via the visual filters?

    As mentioned in the article I linked to above one of the reasons for using Notebooks is to enable this support. As you can see from the screenshot below it works in the same way - with the addition of "No notebook" being an option

    Ryan said:

    If I should keep my practice of specific notebooks in order to be able to turn them on/off in the visual filter menu, then how do I select a that specific notebook during the note making process from the right click menu. The videos I saw only show “Add a note” and I assume it becomes a "no notebook" note. Am I required to then take the additional steps after each highlight/note of opening up the note took, finding the note, selecting a notebook, etc.?

    If you have the notebook selected in the Notes Tool, then creating a note from the right-click menu will put the note in that notebook.

    For highlighting you need to ensure that the palette-specific settings are set appropriately 

    Ryan said:

    I realize some of this may be intuitive if I already had L8, but I'm just a bit hesitant of taking the plunge until I really understand it.

    Totally understand - please post back with any further questions / concerns.

  • RyanB
    RyanB Member Posts: 686 ✭✭✭

    Hi Graham,

    Thank you for your reply. The fog is slowly starting to clear <smile>. If I'm understanding you correctly, it sounds like I would still want to keep using notebooks (as opposed to the "no notebook mega file") so I can turn them on/off individually in visual filters (as opposed to all or nothing). It also sounds like, just like in L7, the right click context menu only has an "add a note" option, and if I want to assign the note to a specific notebook, just like in L7, I have to first open that notebook up so that it is an option to select.

    Am I understanding everything correctly thus far?

    If so, my next question is in your photo above with the highlighter palette, I only see the options "no notebook" or "most recent notebook." However, in L7 I have it set to "Resource specific note file." This ensures that all my highlights go into that notebook. But I don't see a "Resource specific notebook" on your screenshot. Has it been removed? If so, does this mean we must select "most recent notebook" and then before every highlight, we have to first open the notebook we want before highlighting? That seems like a lot of work if you are highlighting multiple resources at the same time.

    Am I understanding this correctly too?

    I appreciate your help.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,127

    Ryan said:

    It also sounds like, just like in L7, the right click context menu only has an "add a note" option, and if I want to assign the note to a specific notebook, just like in L7, I have to first open that notebook up so that it is an option to select.

    It's not that the notebook becomes an option to select - you still just get the Add Note option - but the note gets put into the currently selected notebook.

    So with my "beta test" notebook selected in the Notes tool

    clicking the "add note" option causes the resulting note to be placed in that notebook

    Ryan said:

    Am I understanding everything correctly thus far?

    With the above slight modification I believe so!

    Ryan said:

    If so, my next question is in your photo above with the highlighter palette, I only see the options "no notebook" or "most recent notebook." However, in L7 I have it set to "Resource specific note file." This ensures that all my highlights go into that notebook. But I don't see a "Resource specific notebook" on your screenshot. Has it been removed? If so, does this mean we must select "most recent notebook" and then before every highlight, we have to first open the notebook we want before highlighting? That seems like a lot of work if you are highlighting multiple resources at the same time.

    You are right - and I think the general recommendation is to not put highlights into notebooks but to use the Notes filtering capability to identify them.

    So if I add a highlight to a couple of commentaries on John 1:14 - here I've just applied a blue highlight to the first sentence of each

    Now using the filters for the book of John and just restricting the display to highlights I can see both of them are there and the resources they are associated with

    Selecting one of those allows just looking at those specific highlights

    This works well for finding notes / highlights in the Notes Tool but what it doesn't provide is a good mechanism for turning on / off those highlights when looking at them in resources.

    You can do this in the "resource browser"

    But I think it does leave a question about how we can most effectively display highlights in a specific resource and toggle them as required.

  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    Was there ever any discussion on possibly putting the notes facets in to the visual filter menu or another menu? Some of those facets would be automatic, resource would apply to the current resource, resource type, etc. Bible book wouldn't matter, but tags, author, date, etc. To selectively show/hide notes without needing a notebook?

  • RyanB
    RyanB Member Posts: 686 ✭✭✭

    Thank you Graham, 

    That is very helpful and I appreciate you taking the time to make/post all those screenshots for me. While I think the visual filters on/off is an important element, it has me wondering if, in addition to the visual filters issue, if there is a reason I would want or need highlights in a specific notebook as opposed to the "mega no-notebook" default. I'm trying to think through what other uses might be.

    That of course gets me wondering, if the "mega no-notebook" default is the go-to option, would I only need the formal notebooks for specific user created content? In other words, right now I have a notefile/notebook on each specific resource. All of my highlights as well as my notes with my comments/thoughts are located in that specific resource. However, it sounds like resource specific notebooks are no longer needed. Rather you would only need notebooks for things that aren't resource specific. (For example, a notebook on the topic of Forgiveness, a notebook on the Person of Paul, etc.) Am I understanding this correctly? Sorry for being so "obsessed" it's just that the new notes tool is an entirely different way of organizing than what I've done before and so I want to make sure I'm understanding everything before I take the plunge.

  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,461

    Was there ever any discussion on possibly putting the notes facets in to the visual filter menu or another menu? Some of those facets would be automatic, resource would apply to the current resource, resource type, etc. Bible book wouldn't matter, but tags, author, date, etc. To selectively show/hide notes without needing a notebook?

    This isn't exactly what you are asking for, but might be useful in showing a subset of your notes:

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,127

    Ryan said:

    in addition to the visual filters issue, if there is a reason I would want or need highlights in a specific notebook as opposed to the "mega no-notebook" default. I'm trying to think through what other uses might be.

    I can't think of any other particular reasons for having highlights in a specific notebook now we have the opportunity to filter highlights by resource.

    Ryan said:

    That of course gets me wondering, if the "mega no-notebook" default is the go-to option, would I only need the formal notebooks for specific user created content? In other words, right now I have a notefile/notebook on each specific resource. All of my highlights as well as my notes with my comments/thoughts are located in that specific resource. However, it sounds like resource specific notebooks are no longer needed

    I think this is correct - at the moment I am tending to use notebooks for "wider" things such as notes I am creating for a sermon series I am working on.

    Ryan said:

    Rather you would only need notebooks for things that aren't resource specific. (For example, a notebook on the topic of Forgiveness, a notebook on the Person of Paul, etc.) Am I understanding this correctly?

    Notebooks could be used for these - and is probably the best way of handling them.

    Another option is using tags - and tagging notes with particular topics. Then you can filter on these tags. For example you might note that in 2 Cor 2:10 Paul is speaking about forgiveness and tag the note with "Paul" and "Forgiveness". Then you could simply filter on the tag to see all the notes on that topic

    One benefit of this approach is that notes can have multiple tags but can only be in one notebook

    Ryan said:

    Sorry for being so "obsessed" it's just that the new notes tool is an entirely different way of organizing than what I've done before and so I want to make sure I'm understanding everything before I take the plunge.

    No need to apologise - it is good to work these things through.

  • Mike Tourangeau
    Mike Tourangeau Member Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭

    I am not sure if this has been discussed anywhere since release...Does Logos eventually plan on making highlights and notes searchable?

    This is very important to me.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,127

    Does Logos eventually plan on making highlights and notes searchable?

    What specifically are you looking for?

    We can search for strings within the Notes Tool as below

    but I guess this isn't what you are looking for.

  • Mike Tourangeau
    Mike Tourangeau Member Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭

    but I guess this isn't what you are looking for.

    I don't think so. My technique with this new note tool has been to highlight (see screenshot far right) according to interests and tag so that I can find info later. In this instance it is "Second Temple" and "Jewish Patriotism" While I can find these in the note tool (Awesome)  I would like to search (for sake of an example) "Spartans" (they are within the highlight).

    In Logos 7 I could search within a highlight.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,127

    In Logos 7 I could search within a highlight.

    Thanks Mike

    This is on the list of things to be added in - see Missing Functionality at (number 5 on the list)

  • RyanB
    RyanB Member Posts: 686 ✭✭✭

    Thank you for the clarification above Graham. Most of my notebooks/notefiles are resource specific and it sounds like from the previous posts there isn't a need for this outside of the specific instances (i.e. sermon prep, topic of forgiveness, etc.) If there isn’t a need for notebooks, I should probably get rid of them (but keep the note), but that is going to take a LOT of work. Because of the organization of 1 notebook per book of bible, I often have duplicate notes. Is there an easy way to find them all? Is there an easy way to extract notes that are in a notebook and remove the notebook but do it in bulk?

    Thank you for being so generous with your time and helping us. I greatly appreciate all you've done.

  • RyanB
    RyanB Member Posts: 686 ✭✭✭

    Oops, nevermind. I found this:

    If you have lots of unnecessary notebooks that you want to get rid of (especially if you used per-resource note documents for your highlights), don’t delete the notebook. Currently, deleting a notebook also deletes all of its notes. In the future, we plan to have an option that deletes a notebook without deleting its notes.

    For now, the best way to get rid of unneeded notebooks is by selecting multiple notes at a time (by holding down Ctrl/Cmd or Shift), which will bring up the bulk actions area. Select “No Notebook,” and then scroll down and select “Apply changes.” You can only select up to 100 notes at a time, so this method will probably be tedious for really large notebooks. In the future we hope to have a much easier option for getting rid of a notebook you no longer need.

    Thanks again for all your help. I'm learning quite a bit.