Suggestion: Discourse Greek NT more customizable

I would like to suggest that users should have the possibility to switch off the large information pop-up in the Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament.
These pop-ups are covering so much else (that I would love to see!), and the same information gets boring after a couple of weeks. Logos: would this be possible?
Personal Book option: customize pop-up text by including LDGNT headwords:
Apologies: not know how to end a Milestone for pop-up; example document includes 3 milestones using second one to end first one:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Wow. Popover heaven!
I'd not seen where the system produces dual popovers. Now that's REAL power.
And who knows; maybe greek discourse users often have amnesia, and need to read the full definition one more time.
Logos has all the bases covered.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Learning LDGNT glossary pop-up can be customized smaller:
Tried using field-on and field-off to delimit glossary entries, but does not work. Screen capture shows click on Word in Word-Order Analysis is considered part of Counterpoint (Paragraph), which appears in pop-up for Counterpoint (Paragraph Level) in LDGNT.
Wonder what formatting change(s) are needed so Word-Order Analysis heading is not considered part of Counterpoint (Paragraph Level), whose CntrPntPara is displayed for location.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I found a way to get rid of these pop-ups! I just dragged the Glossary-resource to the Hidden Resources Tab under Program Settings. After a restart of Logos, the huge pop-ups won't bother again!
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Thankful for Personal Book option to customize LDGNT Glossary pop-up tagging with one line question(s) to ponder:
Attached "My LDGNT Glossary" with one line pop-up question(s) for all LDGNT Glossary items:
Wonder about improving discourse analysis questions ?
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks a lot for posting this Keep Smiling. I didn't know we could customize pop-ups. That is very powerful, and your file is very useful. [Y]
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Hi Keep Smiling,
I really appreciate your glossary PB. I have installed it into my library but how do I assign it to LDGNT so that it is what pops up instead of the original glossary?
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David Dewberry said:
I really appreciate your glossary PB. I have installed it into my library but how do I assign it to LDGNT so that it is what pops up instead of the original glossary?
Suggest prioritizing Personal Book (PB) glossary before LDGNT Glossary:
Screen shot shows LDGNT in front of Library with Prioritize. "My LDGNT Glossary" is prioritized before "LDGNT Glossary" so pop-up text for LDGNT finds first resource with LDGNT index.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I should have realized that was how to do it. Appreciate your response.
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Thankful for Personal Book option to customize LDGNT Glossary pop-up tagging with one line question(s) to ponder
Hi KS4J,
Thank you so much for this great use of PBs. I played with this when it was first posted and have been using it since. Now I want to do the same thing with the Lexham Propositional Outlines Glossary, but am having trouble with the Milestone syntax. Based on what I learned in this thread and related wiki resources, I think the milestone syntax should be [[@lxhmsmntcglssry:Action]], but it doesn't work (I also tried [[@lxhmsmntcglssry:hw=Action]] and it fails too). Here's the build log fie text:
[Info] Starting build for PBB:8c8faa44c962421a88789d9db5c8729f
[Info] Converting
[Info] Converting\PB Projects\Active PBs\My Study Aids.docx
[Warning] Unrecognized milestone lxhmsmntcglssry:Action
[Info] Compiling
[Warning] Unknown data type in use: topic+topics
[Info] Discovering
[Info] CompleteAny help would be appreciated. With new resources in L6 and the new HDOT/LDHB set, I think there are some opportunities to expand this PB.
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I would like to suggest all popups customizable.
Sometimes they are useful, most of time just annoy[:(]ance
Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11
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[Y] WOW! I had no idea. Thanks!! [Y]
Thankful for Personal Book option to customize LDGNT Glossary pop-up tagging with one line question(s) to ponder:
Attached "My LDGNT Glossary" with one line pop-up question(s) for all LDGNT Glossary items:
Wonder about improving discourse analysis questions ?
Keep Smiling
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I think I have figured out that this will not work with the Lexham Propositional Outlines Glossary [:'(] because it is a visual filter, not a data type like that used in the LDGNT.
I'd appreciate it if FaithLife or an MVP can confirm (or better yet, show how this can be done).
Moving on to add questions to KS4J's "My LDGNT Glossary" PB for the HDOT/LDHB (and HDNT while I'm at it).
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thanks for bumping this original post up guys! What a great resource for getting the most out of LDGNT. I assumed this would also work for Runge's Hebrew Bible as well but not so. Anyone up for making a PB for the Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible Glossary. I believe most of the tags are similar so it wouldn't be too crazy, except for the addition of Hebrew grammatical annotations in place of the Greek.
I would attempt it but it's a little too intense for me at this stage of my Personal Book building skills [:S]
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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I missed this the first time around so delighted to see it.
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Tim Hensler said:
Moving on to add questions to KS4J's "My LDGNT Glossary" PB for the HDOT/LDHB (and HDNT while I'm at it).
Tim's post =>
includes 76202.My Discourse Grammar Study Questions.docx
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Follow-up to thread => Suggestion: Key for Runge's LDGNT added key plus added URL links to Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament Introduction with Thanks to Tim Hensler for including Introduction resource links in his Discourse Study questions.
Edit: working on "My Lexham Discourse Glossary" to add LDHB, HDNT, and HDOT milestones plus links to Introduction resource sections.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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... working on "My Lexham Discourse Glossary" to add LDHB, HDNT, and HDOT milestones plus links to Introduction resource sections.
Completed "My Lexham Discourse Glossary" (My LDG), which has newer URL resource links to Bibles and Introduction resources:
2744.My Lexham Discourse Glossary.docx
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Completed "My Lexham Discourse Glossary" (My LDG), which has newer URL resource links to Bibles and Introduction resources:
Customized Book Cover for My LDG
Keep Smiling [:)]