Tool: L4-Bibliography2

steve clark
steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

i have built a program which i use to help me generate PBs with L4 book images/hyperlinks. Thought that i would share this program with any of you Windows user out there.

The program requires:

  • Windows Vista/Win7 (not test on XP)
  • Logos4 version 4.3 or higher (not tested with 4.5)
  • Microsoft Office (or Word) installed (tested with Office 2010)


I will give a brief description of what the program does here:

It allows you to select a group of L4 book cover images, then after selecting the group you will be able to open the Build window

From the Build window you select how you want the images sent to a Word docx file. Once that you have setup your configuration, you would hit the Build Docx button and it generates a Word docx file with your images/info/hyperlink in it

I usually copy the table of images/links to a different docx that i am working on to make a PB with. Below is an image of my PB. In the PB i have a Table of Contents tied to each group. So i can quickly open this PB and navigate to any book that i normally use. (in the Help pdf there is a section at the end detailing how i use the program)

The program will also allow you to read and build a list of all (or some) of your L4 document (e.g. Notes, Clippings, Passage List, etc). Each document title is also hyperlinked to that document. So in your PB you can locate a Note or other document and click on it to have L4 open your Note. When the program creates your document list in a docx it sorts your titles alphabetically.

You can find info about the program along with installation file at the webpage below:



QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,074

    Another significant contribution, Steve.

    Many thanks for all your efforts.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Dave,

    Congrats on your many contributions !!!


    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Philana Crouch
    Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151 ✭✭✭

    This looks great, I could create the docx file on my PC, then copy and compile on Mac too, until Personal Books sync. Thanks for sharing this!

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Bumping for those who might not have seen this, since it was posted late yesterday afternoon.

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Bumping for those who might not have seen this, since it was posted late yesterday afternoon.

    Cool, thanks! I had missed it.

    Don't we have an index somewhere of cool tools that people have written? This should be added to it. Yeah, here it is and I see you created it!

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Made a few changes


    BTW: if you didn't know, after making your PB you can click on a footnote (when using Tight Table method) and L4 puts up a static pop-up. The static pop-up will show you a vertical slider if the text in the window is larger than the pop-up.

    Made headings in Footnotes bold

    Added more formatting to the description.

    Put the program's version number in it's Title bar.


    i also made the Individual Table method have the ability to determine how the borders on the table are shown


    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

    EDUARDO JIMENEZ Member Posts: 435 ✭✭


    You have filled a felt need in Logos4. Many others can be filled by following the philosophy of this tool. Thanks! But...

    An error occurred trying to install, any help?



  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Hi Roger,

    Could you use Windows Explorer to see if the Folder 'L4-Bibliography' is found in your Documents folder, please. Then post back if you found it.


    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    No sir, the folder isn't there.

    Hi Roger,

    i found the problem, the program was trying to access the program's folder before it was created (always works on my system because the folder already exists).

    You should be able to re-install the program per instructions below:

    We need to uninstall the current L4-Bibliography2 program First

    1. Go to windows Control Panel and in the Control Panel start:
      a. if you are running windows XP open Add/Remove Programs.
      b. if you are running windows Vista or Window7 open Programs and Features
    2. Once the program opens locate the program L4-Bibliography2 and uninstall it

      Now we need to Re-install the program
    3. Now go to my website: L4-Bibliography2
    4. Scroll down to Installing L4-Bibliograph2 and download and follow the instructions again as you did before.

    The program should install with no problems. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

    Sorry for the inconvenience,


    P.S.  Please let me know if it installs and runs properly on your computer

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

    EDUARDO JIMENEZ Member Posts: 435 ✭✭

    Done! Thanks a lot Steve!

    I feel closer to my library. I can almost smell the books!

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is so awesome, Steve! I've been using tagging to put my virtual books in "shelves" like I might put them away if I had the physical books, but have not had a way to visualize these different shelves. You've now given me one. I love it!


    This will also enable me to clean up some of my tagging problems (e.g., I just noticed I've got one book tagged "Shelf: Commentary" by mistake instead of "Shelf: Commentaries").

    Speaking of which, I really hope Logos hurries up and provides us a better way of managing our tags. If anyone hasn't voted for this feature yet, please do:

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Rosie, i'm glad that you like it. It is always good for a programmer's heart when they hear someone finds their program useful! P.S. You've spent a lot of time tagging your books. Nice method for tagging!

    Roger, glad that you liked it!

    Thank you both for letting me know!!!

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    Blessings in Christ.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • LimJK
    LimJK Member Posts: 1,068 ✭✭


    Thanks for the Tool.

    Can you consider to the following:

    • Some way of sorting of the Build List: automatically (Genesis to Revelation for commentaries and Alphabetical order for others) or manually, to allow items in build list to be re-ordered via drag and drop.
    • Include "Collections" in you Categories.
    • Increase the 300 limit for build list to something higher like 1000

    Thanks once again.


    MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1

  • Douglas Stolberg
    Douglas Stolberg Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    LimJK said:

    Can you consider to the following:


    • Some way of sorting of the Build List: automatically (Genesis to Revelation for commentaries and Alphabetical order for others) or manually, to allow items in build list to be re-ordered via drag and drop.
    • Include "Collections" in you Categories.
    • Increase the 300 limit for build list to something higher like 1000

    Hee, hee, hee the perpetual cycle of programming.

  • Rob Hattingh
    Rob Hattingh Member Posts: 35 ✭✭


    Truly a beautiful piece of work!! 

    It would be wonderful though if it could work in WinXP (SP3) with Word 2003 + Word 2007 [Docx] capability. I saved the Word doc it opened as a docx file, as I have done with the other PB's I created and which work, but the book covers aren't copied into the PB. Where the book cover should appear, the book hyperlink itself is inserted e.g. logosres:6.40.2. The Titles and Tags etc. are there and clicking on the hyperlink opens the book, but there just is'nt a cover in sight..

    Is there any way around this or is my software just too outdated to cope with the graphics? 

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Steve, I just found it. Great tool. Thank you man for your excellent work. [Y]


  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Hi Rob,

    It would be wonderful though if it could work in WinXP (SP3) with Word 2003 + Word 2007 [Docx] capability.

    This is not the problem of L4-Bibl2, i believe this is Logos4's problem. i ran into it early on in ver 4.3. But according to the release notes for ver 4.5, images to PB's is supposed to work with Word 2003 docx files with pictures:

    From 4.5 release notes:
    Fixed bug that prevented images from displaying in the compiled resource when the .docx file was created in Word 2003. (See this thread.)

    So are you using Logos4 ver 4.5?

    I have not upgraded to 4.5 so i cannot verify this.


    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Steve, I just found it. Great tool.

    Thanks Bohuslav, glad you like it!

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Hi LimJK,

    Thanks for the suggestions.


    1. This may be doable, i will have to give it some thought.

    2. This is not doable. There are no markers in the database relating to collections and the books. (thus why Logos hasn't added collections to the Library window).

    3. This is doable. But i don't have 1000 books to test it with. i am concerned about: memory issues, how Word will handle this volume, some user's machines that are slow may seem to take forever, etc. This is why i capped the list at 300. It seemed silly to just copy all the books without the user selecting a method for easily locating relevant books; otherwise why not just use the Library?

    Thanks, i will think about these suggestions

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Ben
    Ben Member Posts: 278 ✭✭


    Thanks for your cool tools.

    I have installed my logos 4 on local disk D(not Disk C), when I used the tool, but this error...


    help! thanks!


    2 Peter 3:18  But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭


    Ben said:

    I have installed my logos 4 on local disk D(not Disk C), when I used the tool, but this error...

    Here is a temp version to help me see what path the program thinks L4 is using. You should get a similar error, but it will show more info in the pop-up box. Below is the temp version (you may need to use Control Panel to remove the current version first before installing the temp version).

    <remove temp version>

    After you install it, please post another picture of the error box.


    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Ben
    Ben Member Posts: 278 ✭✭


    I have installed the version,but this program does't point to correct folder .


    mz4voikv.x4v not my folder, mine xglsbnje.z4x is.



    2 Peter 3:18  But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for doing this. Could you please open Windows explorer as shown below. i need to see the folder(s) which are immediately inside of the Data folder. Obviously my algorithm for discovering the special folder isn't working, so i really need to see how many folders and their names are inside of  D:\Logos Bible Software 4.0\Data



    Thanks in advance

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Ben
    Ben Member Posts: 278 ✭✭

    2 Peter 3:18  But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Ben you need to go up one level so i can see the special folder(s)

    The pic below shows how to move up one level of folders <removed old image>

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Ben
    Ben Member Posts: 278 ✭✭

    2 Peter 3:18  But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭


    Seems that you probably have different Special folders for Documents verses Data. i haven't seen this before on my L4 system. So i have adjusted the program to look for unique folders for both. This may not be the problem, but this is my best guess for now. So let's try to install the new temp version below. Hopefully this will work for you.

    <removed temp version>

    Please install this version (you may need to use Control Panel to uninstall the older version first).

    Please let me know if this works or post an image of the error window.

    Thanks for your help!

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Ben
    Ben Member Posts: 278 ✭✭


    Thanks very much! and your useful tools. now ok!

    pretty tools!

    God blessings.


    2 Peter 3:18  But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Ben said:

    hanks very much! and your useful tools. now ok!

    pretty tools!


    Thank you for your patience and help!

    EDIT: updated webpage and download file with new version with the fix

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • LimJK
    LimJK Member Posts: 1,068 ✭✭

    1. This may be doable, i will have to give it some thought.

    2. This is not doable. There are no markers in the database relating to collections and the books. (thus why Logos hasn't added collections to the Library window).

    3. This is doable. But i don't have 1000 books to test it with. i am concerned about: memory issues, how Word will handle this volume, some user's machines that are slow may seem to take forever, etc. This is why i capped the list at 300. It seemed silly to just copy all the books without the user selecting a method for easily locating relevant books; otherwise why not just use the Library?

    Steve, thanks for your reply and considerations ...

    (1) Further suggestion, May be you might consider listing the order by filename instead of the title .... at least is should work for many of the Series. for the others we can manually adjust them :-)

    (3) I found the limit of 300 by accident ... as I was working on a subgroup of commentaries with 340 Resources and I have just under 8000 resources. Therefore, the reason I am suggesting a 1000 limit. I Understand the memory issue for slower machines ... maybe if you can consider just to increase the limit by a little :-)

    Thanks once again


    MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Made a change to locate the L4 special folder to use the Registry for L4. This should fix problems where users had more than one special folder in their L4 installation. In previous versions of Bibl2, there was logic which read the directory and used some logic to determine which special folder was in use, recently after i reinstalled L4, i found that the logic was insufficient. So i've gone to this new method which should be more reliable.

    Website for Bibl2:

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Scott D.
    Scott D. Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    This is just exceptional... thank you for sharing your hard work and expertise.

    I am having a problem when importing my docx into my L4 PB: the hyperlinks aren't working. They work fine in the word document but every link only opens one of two books in L4. Furthermore, CTRL+CLICK of book image does nothing.

    Any advice?

  • Scott D.
    Scott D. Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    LimJK said:

    3. This is doable. But i don't have 1000 books to test it with. i am concerned about: memory issues, how Word will handle this volume, some user's machines that are slow may seem to take forever, etc. This is why i capped the list at 300. It seemed silly to just copy all the books without the user selecting a method for easily locating relevant books; otherwise why not just use the Library?

    Steve, thanks for your reply and considerations ...

    (3) I found the limit of 300 by accident ... as I was working on a subgroup of commentaries with 340 Resources and I have just under 8000 resources. Therefore, the reason I am suggesting a 1000 limit. I Understand the memory issue for slower machines ... maybe if you can consider just to increase the limit by a little :-)

    Thanks once again

    I ran into the same problem... when I got to the "Monograph" I have 518, and it seems that I can't even split it into two 300 sized chunks -- it seems to allow me only to select 24 at a time. Is there any sort of practical work around for this?

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Hi Lusayalumino, welcome to the Forum!

    I ran into the same problem... when I got to the "Monograph" I have 518, and it seems that I can't even split it into two 300 sized chunks -- it seems to allow me only to select 24 at a time. Is there any sort of practical work around for this?

    If you select 24 at a time (books showing in each screen) they will be added to the list. When you get to 288 (24 times 12 screens) or less, then you could use the Build button to add these to a Word docx. Then you could repeat this where you left off and add it to another Word docx. Then copy or cut from one of the Word docx files and paste into the other below where its table of images is located. (A very useful thing to learn is how to copy a table of images in Word and paste them into another Word docx.)

    In case you haven't figured out how to add sequential groups of book to the list, see below:

    1. First make sure that your list is empty.
      a. Position the book list where you want to start using the vertical scrollbar. Also make sure that the upper left book is selected (yellow border).


    2. Now hold the Shift key down on your keyboard and with your mouse click on the book cover in the lower right corner of the screen.
      a. Notice that the book cover now has a yellow border and that your list count has had 24 items added to it. (this is all the books shown on the current screen).
    Note: selecting books from the top left to the bottom right adds them to the list in the order that they are shown. The program follows your lead when selecting books and places them in the order you selected them. (e.g. if you had select the lower right cover first and then selected the upper left cover, the program would have added the books in reverse order to your list). Thus why in steps 1a & 2 are having you select the upper left first and the lower right second.



    3. Now make sure that you have released the Shift key. Move your mouse over a hollow area of the vertical scrollbar (above the scrollbar's lower arrow) below the slider. On your keyboard hold the Ctrl key down and with your mouse click in the hollow area of the scrollbar. This will instruct the program to show the next 24 book covers and select the upper left book.
      a. Notice that on the next screen that the upper left book is indeed selected


    4. Now we are going to repeat step 2, on your keyboard hold the Shift key down and click on the lower right book cover.
      a. Notice that your list count has been incremented by 24 books. It is important to keep track of your list count. 


    5. Now repeat steps 2 & 3 until you see the list count get to 288 (this should be a dozen screens of covers).
      a. We don't want it to get too close to 300 (as you know the program
    caps the count to 300 for reason mentioned earlier in this forum
    thread), So when you see that adding 24 more books would cross over the
    300 value, then stop here so we know where we are and the capping hasn't
    lost our position on which books are in the list relative to the screen


    6. Now hold the Ctrl key down and click in the hollow area of the scrollbar (as you've been doing in step 3)
      a.  Here we want to make a note (possible on a sheet of paper) where we will start with our next list, just in case the book cover position on the screen changes.
      b. Now you would click the Build button and send your list of covers to a Word docx file (you already know how to do this, if not click on the Help button and in the PDF document find The Build Window topic on pg 12). This will create the first 288 books into a Word docx file.



    7. Once you've added the first 288 books to a Word docx, now we want to get the next group of books into our list. So click on the Clear button to erase the list. Make sure the book in step 6a is in the upper left corner and it is selected.
      a. Now repeat steps 2 & 3 to add the next 288 books to your list. Then follow step 6 to have the program create another Word docx with the book covers in it.


    As mentioned at the top of this post you will need to Copy & Paste your table of book covers from other docx windows into the one that you are using for your personal book. This is covered in the help PDF in the section Steps that I use to build a PB using this tool.


    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Hi again Lusayalumino,

    This problem took me a while to figure out. Logos4 is having problems recognizing something in the Word docx format when you save the docx that Bibl2 created.

    To get around Logos4's problem, i found that copying and pasting from the docx that Bibl2 created into an existing/working PB docx works. Then Logos4 recognizes the links. Also further pasting from other Bibl2 docx files into this same working PB docx continues to work fine. Below are steps to get this to work.


    Logos4's problem

    When saving the Word docx that Bibl2 created to a new filename (Test3) and then having Personal Book (PB) tool create the book, when we hold the mouse over a link in the PB we see that Logos4 did not recognize the link (no pop-up description of the book).



    Steps to create a new docx, then import via Copy/Paste into this new docx

    First open Word and create a new document and save it with a filename. (i even went so far as to have Logos4 build this blank PB).



    • Next i used Bibl2 to create a new docx via the Build command
    • Then in the Word docx, i pressed Ctrl  A to have Word select everything in the docx.
    • Then i Right Clicked on the selected items and in the pop-up menu clicked on Copy to add it to the clipboard



    • Then i went to the other Word docx that i created earlier
    • and right clicked in it and in the pop-up menu clicked on Paste
    • Then i Saved the changes in this Word docx.




    • Then i went into Logos4 and used Build to create the PB
    • Notice now the links are working (when hovering over the link Logos4 shows a pop-up for the book)
    • So adding more Bibl2 tables to our existing PB will continue to work. This is not as complicated as it might seem.
      Just use a working docx for your PB and copy/paste from the Bibl2 docx's into it.



    Sorry for the inconvenience, i have no control over how Logos4 handles Word docx files. Obviously Word doesn't have a problem with the docx files generated by the Bibl2 program. But Logos4 is having difficulty in reading them properly.


    Also i have found that Logos4 doesn't handle Tables from a docx without warnings. Logos4 shows warning after building the docx. These warnings can be resolved if you:


    • right click on the Table in Word and select Table Properties



    • And then in the Table tab, click on Preferred width and set it to a value (i generally us 7.5 inches).
    • For some reason Logos4 PB tool doesn't know how to scale the table (although Word always remembers)
    • Then click OK
    • Then save your Word docx and go to Logos4 and Build the PB.




    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Scott D.
    Scott D. Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    This is really great; thanks so much - what a blessing!

    My final Word document ended up being 9.25MB and 564 pages... I think it's the largest Word Doc I've ever created.

    I'm amazed that it sucked right into Logos without incident, and works flawlessly. I feel like I have a brand new Logos.

    God's richest to you my friend.


  • Scott D.
    Scott D. Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    Hi Steve,

    A couple quick Q's for you:

    • I didn't see a way to give donations to you????
    • Do you have other tools you've created that are available?

    Thanks again!

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Hi Lusayalumino,

    I didn't see a way to give donations to you????

    None needed. Freely i have received, freely i give.

    Do you have other tools you've created that are available?

    There is one more app: Quick Links

    Also here are a couple of links to other things which might be of use:

    L4 Wiki PB

    L4 Navigation Wiki


    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Thomas Jackson
    Thomas Jackson Member Posts: 61 ✭✭

    GREAT TOOL!!!!!  EASY  TO USE!!! 

    Question:  can a feature be added to catolog the 'Hidden Resources"?


  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012


    Steve, I have word 2007, when I click on them the books do not open in L4.

    Thanks for such a wonderful tool.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Hi Lynden,

    Steve, I have word 2007, when I click on them the books do not open in L4.

    Sounds like the problem that i show a work-around in the first part of this post. You need to create a blank docx and then compile it with L4. Next you need to use the Bibl2 tool to create your images with links. Then Copy/Paste into the blank docx file that you created. Now L4 should remember the and compile that docx properly. i'm not sure why L4 is ignoring the links when compiling the docx built by Bibl2.

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Thanks Steve. If you have the time, please see if you can help me with the problem that I posted in the general forum about viewing Logos videos on youtube.

    Will try the work around.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Hi Thomas,

    Question:  can a feature be added to catolog the 'Hidden Resources"?

    i don't know if the hidden resources are present in the DB. And if they are how much trouble it would be to incorporate those. i will look into it sometime in the future when i have time.

    EDIT: the info for hidden resources doesn't seem to be present in the DB.

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Beloved Amodeo
    Beloved Amodeo Member Posts: 4,200 ✭✭✭

    GREAT TOOL!!!!! 

    Thanks for bringing this post back into the active forums, Thomas.

    Steve, you are a marvel. Thanks for this wonderful tool. I have close to 5,000 resources, so I have much work ahead. I second the wish of a poster for extending the capacity to 1000 books.

    Rosie, I haven't been to the wiki or thread that you mentioned where useful programs are collected yet, but I will make it a top priority once I've put in some library work.

    Wow!!! this is the best thing since collections. Thanks again Steve! 

    Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.

    International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.

    MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3 1TB SSD